
Amalgamation of universes dc and marvel

A human that die becomes a god and creates the amalgam multiverse a mix of dc and marvel comics. (All characters are owned by marvel and dc comics) this comic will have some occ in it but also some of my original amalgamations. But also original characters owned by me so epic some characters or character not from marvel or dc

Tae_Jennings_7356 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Something myth

I was done now Making the omiverse and I just sat my creations do as they please now who should I watch first just cause I'm kind of a fan boy about dark claw so let's see what he doing.

POV. (Flashback)

It was 2 years after he joined the army we see Logan Wayne fighting in the war killing and shooting on a require mission of a famous science "Hey hurry up were almost at the safe point" Said Creed H. Quinn aka future hyena he was screaming at Logan as he was trying to stay back to help him "alright I'm going you better make it back" Said Logan "you got it never gonna leave who would watch your back when you get reckless" Said creed alright was all Logan responded with As they made it to the safe point why escaped and the mission was a success flash forward we see when Logan and creed are approached by there general if they wanted to be in an experimental super soldier program. As we were experimented on in the program I had my bones fused with adtamiale and It was painful as I could feel my body get heavier and that my body was on fire after about a couple of hours it was done being one of the most painful days of my life I was I.

The tank of flooded as I opened my eyes to see creed with a weird shaped boy of a hyena and his face was bleach white and his limps was destorted into a smile as he put his finger to his neck making a swiping Motion as the Alarms started blaring as he escaped his tube and started to kill scientist and passioneds and all it was horrifying I broke out to as soldiers came to attack me but I attack them first killing the swiftly not really like killing as it didn't feel right I was now following creed out side the base in their the shot me the bullets pierced me but the wound healed I even discovered so claws I had in my hand I used to cut threw people like butter and the steel walls to as I had made it out side it was snowy not seeing anything but a few foot prints and a broken tree branch I didn't see him.

Eventually I started to wonder around stealing clothes and food to survive as I had thought about what I would do after this not knowing yet but first I made it to the bank making a new account after I used a library computer to hake into to government database to make a face history going back to the bank I transferred all my legal names money to this account as I had decided to travel the world and learn using this money I would first start off with education learning everything I could need to fight crime after seeing so many while wondering making me think back to the death of my mother and father by a criminal mugger this filled me up with anger but I would start my one man war on crime I learn science math history Physics chemistry biology psychology criminology and more at 22 getting a PhD in all of them as I had a photographic memory and instant memory recall.

I finally started my martial arts training finding many different techniques and master I even trained with criminals and escape artists to become more than a man to become dark claw as I return to Gotham to start my life as a superhero and vigilante I used the rest of my money left over to make my company witch took about 3 years and I used that time to catch criminals with my prototype dark claw suit and about 2 years after my company was done I used it's new found money to create my cave a work place and testing ground for my crusade at this time I found creed in new Gotham I figured out he was planning to blow up a city block of Gotham as I had to stop him following everything he had did and started to get my work started as I started to findable with his detonation controller

After creed was done he turn around only to see dark claw there waiting for him as dark claw said Creed been a long time punching him creed started laughing as he was stumbling back regaining his balance and pulling out am arm fella and attacking dark claw with it as dark claw countered with his adamitaom claws and ripping it to shred as he was about to grab creed the villain let out some of his new toxin that would make people laugh to death as he called it joker gas and this put dark claw down not exspet this as he saw creed get away with the controller as he was going to blow up a city block of new Gotham as with all his strength trying to resist the effects of the toxin he rushed and tackled creed making him drop the controller and he started to punch him in the face over and over as creed laughing but dark claw had to get away as shields agents came as they came to pick up him and dark claw but creed sprayed the agents with the laughing gas aka joker toxin as dark claw was watching this from afar wanting to go after him but was to weak to go as he was only able to stop creed because of an adrenaline rush and his unbreakable willpower making him look back on his actions today and make him see he had to be better and plan how to get so also to take down Creed.