
Amalgam Darth Vader/Snape (Wednesday/The Addams Family, HP, Star Wars)

(World: Harry Potter - Marauders Era) What if 16 year old Severus Snape had been influenced by more than the dark arts and the loss of Lily. If Severus had been reached by a being from a galaxy far, far away. What if Anakin Skywalker or rather, Darth Vader had died when he was left burning by Obi-Wan? What would happen if only his physical body dies but he remains stranded between the Force and the world of the living because he is the son of the midi-chlorians. What would happen if he feels that a living being is being attacked by the dark side of the Force and decides to intervene. And seeing the opportunity to return to the world of the living, he decides to take this opportunity. And if he were to unite his being with the other person, that would trigger the resurrection of Darth Vader and a new Severus. Time plays a trick on his life .The future, the past and the present get mixed up. (Time-Travel) What does Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy have to do with all this? A FF in which you will have romance, action, drama, magic. And two people who do not belong to the magical world of Britain in 1976, but still go ahead and seek to live their lives and improve the lives of others in their way to end the Dark Lord who threatens the lives of all. This is a Fanfic that only focuses on the canonical world of Harry Potter and Star Wars, with same things of Wednesday/ The Addams Family(1964). All the previous past of Severus and the other characters of HP in the story is canonical, it will only vary and change once Severus starts to change and use his new knowledge. Snape/Vader, will have a great intellect, talent and creativity for magic and de Force as described in the canon, all this added to his new knowledge, he will be powerful, but it will take quite some time to be as powerful as Voldemort, Dumbledor, Darth Sidious, Yoda or other wizards, Jedis and Sith of that caliber. There is not much canonical information about the 1970s in HP, so to make Severus have a past as canonical as possible I used all the canonical information about the 1970s and only added information to the blanks left by the canon, so the plot of Severus' past would be as canonical as possible, it may change a little bit due to my intervention in the blanks, but in short, the general trend of Severus' past does not change and the small trend may change. You can read this Fanfic also in: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14133981/1/Darth-Vader-as-Severus-Snape Disclaimer: The original content of the Star Wars, The Addams Family, Wednesday or Harry Potter characters, books or movies do not belong to me. All belong to their respective creators and owners. I stated that I do not own the rights to anything other than the FF idea.

Shadow7Blue · Movies
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88 Chs

Chapter 65: Bad premonition

- Hogwarts, 13th December

The next day, Severus woke up feeling full of energy, the night he had spent with Amelia was really amazing and he enjoyed it a lot... he wasn't going to lie, he really hoped it would happen again, but it wasn't up to him alone to make it happen.

She had made it very clear that it was a one-time thing and that it would only happen again if they both wanted it and agreed to it... but no strings attached.

As for what happened with Lily..., well it was still something he had to process, but for now, he would continue to stay away from her, what happened didn't change everything that had happened and his plans remained the same.

Severus pressed that memory behind the walls of his mind, where his emotions for Lily lay asleep.

He was actually surprised how being near her made his memories and emotions flow despite being locked away in the deepest part of his mind.

But considering that Snape was not well emotionally, Severus believed he had done a good job in keeping all these emotions and memories away most of the time.

Anyway, right now he had to get his things ready to catch the train back to Prince Manor along with Hermione.

While Draco had decided to stay at Hogwarts this Christmas break, he didn't know the reason, but it wasn't something he cared about either.

'Looks like I'll be a little late for breakfast today' Severus said to himself seeing that he had already wasted enough time thinking about some things and now he still had to get everything ready to leave after breakfast.


When Amelia Bones woke up this morning, she found herself lying in her dressing gown a little pained.

Instantly she remembered everything that had happened last night and her cheeks turned red, but her whole body felt liberated, all the pressure she had felt during the year was gone with the help of just one night with Severus...

It was both breathtaking and intoxicating.

She felt beyond good, she was filled with energy.

Amelia would really consider repeating that night if it had such effects, it was very convenient and beneficial...

"Yes, it's definitely for convenience and benefits..." she murmured with a slight smile on her face.

'The fact that it was incredibly pleasant is just an addition, nothing more' she thought with a serious face but still red from just thinking about that night.


Hermione was in the library early today, she had already prepared everything to go back to Prince Manor.

At first, the idea was that both she and Draco would return, but Draco seemed to have other plans...

She was a little annoyed by this as they both had several things to do, but as she could also do them alone, she decided to let Draco enjoy this holiday, Hermione wasn't an idiot and she knew that he was staying because the young witch he was dating was staying too.

'Right, nothing serious' Hermione scoffed as she remembered Draco saying he had nothing serious with this woman.

Although she couldn't deny that she rather envied how he was starting to make a life and relationships at this time, Draco was slowly getting used to it and enjoying himself as best he could...

Then she remembered Slughorn's feast, specifically the time she spent dancing with Severus, she really enjoyed that, in fact, it was quite embarrassing to dance with him, but she had a great time and she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit that she wanted it to happen again.


Taking a deep breath, Lily went into the Great Hall for breakfast and shook off as many unpleasant thoughts as she could.

She had been with a lot of headache and worry since this morning, after remembering her embarrassing state from last night, even though there are many fuzzy things in her mind that she doesn't remember well and after she left Slughorn's feast with Alice she hardly remembers anything.

But what bothered her the most was that strange dream she had about her and Severus walking together... clinging really close to each other..., while she was telling him some things that she preferred not to remember, Lily couldn't understand why she dreamt all those weird things...

And to make everything worse at the end of her dream she had even kissed Severus..., well a half-kiss, but it was like a kiss for her...

The weird thing was that for some reason that whole dream felt so real, almost as if she could perfectly remember the warm feel of Severus' body next to hers, the strong muscles in his arms, his hair now soft and clean between her fingers, and that kiss...

Lily touched her lips with one of her delicate fingers and almost thought she could still feel when their lips met in the dream, it had felt so wonderful, so perfect, so good, so unique... so special.

But she shook her head repeatedly at the thought, she knew that since it was just a dream, one could come to think and feel that everything was unique, special, and beautiful, after all, it wasn't real.

Everything that happened wasn't real and it was better to stop thinking about it all.

'I'm not supposed to care anymore' Lily groaned internally, she couldn't believe that things like that would cross her mind and especially dreamed about Severus.

Lily couldn't help but think that since they finished 5th year in Hogwarts, Severus had changed a lot compared to his usual disposition...

The change was so abrupt that everyone saw it and no, it wasn't just his appearance, it was him, something in him changed.

This disturbed her, but Lily could be sure that this change was actually for the better, even though he still seemed to be extremely annoyed with her, but she saw no hatred or anger in his eyes, only annoyance as if she was just a problem he couldn't solve or get rid of.

But she saw in more than one of his glances that glow that he showed when he saw her, but it quickly turned to annoyance.

From the moment she told him they could no longer be friends, he had gone through several emotional stages, she always noticed it even though she pretended to ignore him at all times.

Severus was at first depressed and regretful, he tried by many means to regain her friendship, but this only lasted for a while until he was filled with anger, and then he blamed the marauders with all sorts of horrible words, and sometimes he even blamed her in his attacks of rage.

Severus spent the whole 5th year constantly alternating between these emotions, first despair, regret, and despondency, when this happened he would always try to get her to forgive him.

But then at times, he would be filled with anger.

Lily still remembers how his deep, black, hate-filled eyes had followed her for the entire 5th year, blaming her for her decision.

As if it had been an easy decision for her.

As if she wanted to end their friendship.

Their angry glares of betrayal pierced her every time she spoke to Potter or his group.

At least they tried to help her feel better, plus they never practised the Dark Arts or said horrible things about Muggleborns.

They may have made jokes that were way out of line and immature, but they knew when to stop.

Severus, on the other hand, used to lose control unpredictably, he was cold, controlling, violent and angry, and he grew darker and deeper into that horrible Slytherin philosophy every day until Lily could barely see her friend when she looked at him.

And yes, the marauders used to say horrible things about Slytherins and Severus too, but a lot of it had been right and deserved.

He was toxic to her and Lily knew it, but she told herself countless times that they could pull through... until he did the one thing she couldn't forgive after all the things the two of them had been through together, that had been the straw that broke the camel's back.

Lily had to end it.

And now they had no place in each other's lives.

Yeah..., after that, she never got in his way or decisions again, she told herself that it was none of her business anymore.

Anyway, Severus never wanted her to interfere in his private life.

He was so full of hate and anger that he would even rage at her every time she tried to help him.

It was the right decision but it never felt right to Lily, but she had no other options when he wouldn't let her do anything.

Today as always, breakfast was somewhat quiet, it used to be pretty quiet even at the Gryffindor table where it was always a noisy affair.

This morning, after taking a potion for her headache and clearing her mind a bit from her dream along with those thoughts and entering the Great Hall, Lily sat down to have a quiet breakfast along with Alice, Marlene and Hermione, while Draco this time was with Sirius Black, it seemed that they both had plans for this holiday, Lily could tell by the look and the way Sirius was talking to him.

However, as she sat down Lily heard Alice's voice sounding a little nervous while the rest greeted her as usual.

"Lily..." said Alice softly.

"Is something wrong?" Lily asked curiously and Alice gestured for her to do the Muffliato charm that she used to use whenever they talked about private things.

Lily quickly waved her wand and cast Muffliato.

Then she, Marlene, and Hermione all looked at Alice curiously, they all wanted to know what she had to say that made her so nervous.

Alice just sighed and stared at Lily.

"Tell me, what do you remember happening after Slughorn's feast?"

Her words fanned the fear inside Lily.

'Did she get into a bad situation?' she wondered.

"Hmm, not much..., just that I went out with you and then I think we went to Ravenclaw tower..., then not much else" Lily replied trying to remember everything with difficulty, it was such a fuzzy memory.

"This..., and you don't remember once we found out that Professor McGonagall was around we left quickly?"

"Now that you mention it yes..., I think we went to the bathroom, hmm yes, I remember we went to the bathroom to hide or something..." nodded Lily a little confused.

"Wait!, please don't tell me we were found out by Professor McGonagall," she added quickly with clear concern in her tone of voice.

"No, we managed to avoid being found out by staying in the bathroom for a while," replied Alice.

Lily sighed in relief that this had not happened until she remembered to ask something else...

"So..., maybe some other teacher caught us?"

"Neither... Lily, we made it to our dormitories without any teachers seeing us" Alice said making Lily nod again relieved, but Marlene and Hermione were confused.

"Bloody hell Alice, if none of that happened, then why do you seem so nervous asking her if she remembers what happened last night?" snorted Marlene in complaint.

"Maybe something happened that has nothing to do with the professors..., in the Ravenclaw tower, in the bathroom, or on the way back to the dorms" commented Hermione also curious to hear what Alice had to say, she doubted Alice would be so nervous for no reason.

And Lily thought the same as Hermione, only that knowing that she hadn't gotten in trouble with any of the teachers was enough to make her feel very relieved, she didn't think anything worse than that could have happened with Alice by her side.

"Well..., Hermione's right..." nodded Alice looking at Hermione and knowing that this news might also cause her a considerable shock, after all this was about her cousin and she deserved to know too.

"So... tell me, Lily... Do you remember anything at all about what happened after we went to the bathroom?" asked Alice now looking at her red-haired friend.

"No..., I just know that I felt really weak I could hardly move my body and..." started to say, Lily.

"Wow, you two really had a good night!" laughed Marlene amused not letting Lily finish thinking everything straight.

"Too bad I missed it, if I had known there was alcohol included I would have found a way to get into the party" she added.

" Just let her finish, this is important" Alice reprimanded Marlene.

"Oh come on, she doesn't remember anything else, leave her in peace, tells us what happened, it's easier... curiosity is killing me" Marlene complained.

Alice just sighed tiredly and shook her head, then looked at Lily as if asking for permission.

Lily noticed this and nodded at her confirming to do as Marlene said, after all, she really couldn't remember anything that had happened in the bathroom or after that.

"Well..., Lily, when we came out of the bathroom we ran into someone..."

"Huh, who?" asked Lily a little nervously, but knowing it wasn't a teacher gave her some relief.

"This..., well..., Merlin..., it was Hermione's cousin," said Alice finally.

"What?!" both Marlene and Hermione exclaimed in unison shocked.

"Severus..." muttered Lily with her bright green eyes wide open, instantly she remembered the dream she had and had a bad premonition.


Well my dear readers you reached 1907 PS(power stone), so this week will be 6 chapters again,

I hope you enjoy the chapter, greetings to all.