
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The reason behind humanity decline state?!

August who has acquired a human body is walking toward the nearest city while thinking about his next course of action.

Which is to enter the city.

"Hmm, now that I have a human body things are actually going smoother, but then how could I get an entry pass for a city." August thought to himself.

While he was walking in the wilderness , many  ceaseos  crossed his path, the mindless beast who would kill anyone just on instinct remained silent after seeing August.

It was Because of August title "The owner of the world" the other ceaseos were seeing him as their own kind even if he is a human, it was also possible  because the ceaseoses present around are rather low level.

August steadily walked in the wilderness among various ceaseos around him, it was as if he was watching in a park, if other humans were to see such a sight they would be shocked to their shell.

"Did I really have to steal another identity to enter the city?" August asked himself.

The  world Argon is basically ruled by ceaseos from east to west and north to south, while the demon resides in the northeast part of the world also called as the dark territory, by the humans.

With these two  species at the top only a small amount of area is left for the humans to survive, in the southwest near to the water.

Water is an essential source of life for humans especially, that can't even hope to live without water , even the cultivator and immortal needed water  to quench their thirst in a year, five years or a decade.

So the southeast area is the best location for humanity to thrive and cultivate, But southeast area is also the most chaotic area in the world due to ceaseoses yearly migration.

Ceaseos like blood and human flesh but that doesn't mean they can survive without water, humanity cities were mostly build near to the water source.

Because of this humanity has to face  ceaseoses waves every five years, from the moment humans first arrived at this planet they have tried several places to find a perfect location,  from where they could not face the mindless beast.

But no matter where they move or relocate, nowhere is safe, but not all the cities were faced with the ceaseos waves some of the cities even remained untouched for  almost 20 years.

It was like they moved in some pattern or something.

Eventually humanity refused to run anymore  and decided to defend their home on cost of their life and for this they  build huge and sturdy wall to protect themselves from ceaseoses attacks because of the wall humanity chances to survive the period of migration increase a lot but it doesn't mean they didn't face any casualties, more than hundred even thousands of humans died every time ceaseoses waves hit their city.

They were also the main reason behind humanity's decline state.

Faced by  war , many humans die while some of them lose their way, eventually eaten by other beasts or driven to another city by the flow.

So that the lost human could take shelter in other cities and proof of identification is needed for that, The proof of identification is a mark that is crafted on the left shoulders of every human in the city.

The crafted mark doesn't just display the name of the human or the city he belongs to, it also designed the profession of the human As a warrior cultivator, soldier , magician or a slave.

Ceaseoses  are mindless beasts, they destroy anything that comes to their path and kill anyone who dares to refuse, their basic Instinct is to killlllll.

Any  human without an identification mark, won't be able enter any city, but they after being an slave of an powerful figure  for the lifetime


August shook his head and smiled, he just got a human body  but now he is faced with an  identification crisis.

"Ah, wait a minute isn't someone at this time period was able to tame an ceaseos, what was his name hmm, yeah old xi head of the xi family?". Alen thought to thought as he suddenly stumbled upon once of the event that is going to happen soon.

"So, it will be ok if enter the city as an Tamer? it might actually be for the best as well.With that not only my entry in the city would be confirmed, but  would also be able to help old xi in a way I would be helping myself." August said as he planned everything in his mind.

Alen wasn't planning on taking anyone sides neither human nor demon, he wanted to do everything without helping anyone in the slightest.

As an unknown master, it's not like he was restrained by something and can't side with  anyone as he wished, but he didn't want to.

In this  both demons and humans are the same creatures, they have the same strength, the same cruelty as well as the same thoughts.

They both killed him , destroying the world itself ,  in their purse to gain everything.

So he wasn't going to give anyone a free ride to conquer the world by providing them valuable information about the future scenario, nor the precious technique that he himself corrected to a much simpler version.

But it could give them a small push to their future path, and that thing is totally normal in his eyes.

With these thoughts in his mind he fastened his step toward the nearest city.

After an intermediate amount of time August arrived at the city 23 with his tamed ceaseos behind him, that he found on his way to the city but the real reason why he chose him is because of his outer appearance  of an tiger, to August it was kind of cute Instead of those mixed breeds.

Arriving at the city gate, he saw several Guard standing there while chatting, he then walked closer toward the city Gates when one of the Guard noticed him and halted his track with a shout while pointing a spear in his direction.

August who could easily kill the Guard even without dirtying his hand , halted his step and stood there silently.

The other guards were also alerted and now all of them are looking at August with anger in their eyes while holding weapons in their hands ready to finish August any second.

But he knew that they weren't actually looking at him but the ceaseos behind him.

So he didn't mind their Expression and look.

It was then one of the guards who seemed to be most aged in the Group step forward.

"Who are you?, and what are you doing with a n ceaseos on your side". Asked the Guard in threatening tone maintaining a proper distance to fall, sorry to attack. 

It was sure for his tone that if he didn't get a satisfactory answer from the other party he would instantly kill him.

"I am a tamer , and this is my tamed beast" said August pointing toward ceaseos behind him.

The Guard who questioned August was left speechless and shocked by August's words, while the other Guard behind him were having a confused look on their faces. It was as if they heard the word tamer for the first time.

August who was watching wasn't shocked by their rather he was surprised by the Guard that enquired him, cause unlike other guard who were confused the one in his front is surprised by his answer


"Interesting, does that actually know about a Tamer"  August thought to himself.

You, what's your name"  asked August from the Guard.

Henef , My name is Henef." Answer the Guard.

After this other thing went quite smoothly the way August expected, the Guard named Henef ordered August to stay at his position, he then called out one  the  Guard and mumbled something in his ears, the Guard reluctantly ran toward the city after some time of bickering.

August, who was able to hear everything, despite the distance, just smiled and remained silently still in his position.

Moments later he saw a figure flying toward his direction, as an old man in Grey suit then appeared ahead of him.

"He is here, well that was easy." Though August to himself.

The old man approached him.

"If you are a tame beast then, prove it by recalling your tamed beast into your spiritual space." Said the old man with looking at him with an incredulous look in eyes.

August who was all calm suddenly frowned at the old question, he wasn't expecting him to test him in such a way.

Recalling a tamed beast into their spiritual sea can only be done with a contracted beast, but August didn't form a contract with the beast, he just ordered the beast to follow him.

Which was possible due to his title and the owner of the world.

But what now?

[ Host, if you want I could help you with this matter but I would only be able to keep him for an period of 3 seconds is it enough]

August who was looking for an alternative method to solve his problem thanked the system in his mind and also confirmed to carry out the task.

He then nodded his head in confirmation to old man's words.

"Come back" 

 August said normally.

It wasn't a spell nor a command, even the ceaseos is looking at him with confused look unable to comprehend his word properly.

It was then suddenly the huge ceaseos transformed into a light and disappeared within August body, after three seconds the ceaseos was back at his position once again.

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