
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

An fair deal?!

It was then suddenly the huge ceaseos transformed into a light and disappeared within August's body, after three seconds the ceaseos were back at his position once again.

It was only for seconds, in the Guard's eyes it won't be anything more than a sudden flash, but August was still able to achieve his target.

"Hahahahaha!!!!!!"As expected, old Xi started laughing heartily the moment he saw the huge beast disappear into the boy in front of him.

Though, it was only for 3 second and the ceaseos weren't even recalled back to spiritual space at all, but for old xi who himself has never witnessed such a thing, it was a feast to his eyes.

"Finally, I would be able to complete my research and would, haha." Old xi laughed frantically, August on other was  questioning system.

"What was that, how did you do it?" Asked August with interest.

[It was one of your skill hosts, but because you're too weak in your current state you couldn't remember it.] Answer system.

August lost his interest and didn't enquired it any further, he posses too many skills and techniques , while some were useless and has no attack power at all, some could even annihilate the whole world,  so it wasn't a strange thing that he didn't remembered such an trick who could only be used for 3 seconds.

"Boy, what is your name?" asked Old xi excitedly.

 "August." He Answered  nonchalantly


"Then what about being my disciple." Old xi asked, cutting the chase, quite normally.

August on the other hand was surprised by the old man's straightforward character but he didn't answer his question immediately, instead he silently stood at his position as if he didn't even hear anything.

Grandmaster Xi was surprised by the August behaviour and so were the Guards behind him. They were looking at August with envy, hatred and jealousy in their eyes but they were shocked and looking at him with  surprised expressions on their faces.

In city 23, Grandmaster xi is like an Godly figure all the native of the city treated him with utter respect while criminals shudders in fear just by his name, being in contact for 5 minutes  with such entity could bring someone  a lot of fortune , while someone as his disciple would receive unimaginable riches, benefits and precious resources.

And they all know that, if anyone were to go to the boy's place they wouldn't even be able to surpass their joy, but the boy in front of them is as calm as distilled water, which was too shocking for such a young age.

Unlike the Lowly Guard who could only think of benefits and riches, Grandmaster Xi could vaguely deduce the reason behind August's silence even after such an offer.

"So, you don't want to be my disciple right." Grandmaster Xi said, raising his shoulder in annoyance.

August who has been waiting for this nodded his head.

"Your reason is that you have a master already, right?" Grandmaster master.

August thought for some moments and then again nodded his head .

Sigh~ Grandmaster xi sighed, it was visible that he was disappointed at not able to take August as his disciple.

August could also see that,  but he can't become anyone disciple, as he already learned everything that old xi could teach him  and  with system help he can also demonstrate them.

"So, why are you here?" asked Grandmaster Xi without wasting any more time but unlike when he was talking in a domineering manner , his voice just now was  normal.

The reason was simple , August was able to tame an ceaseos despite being an young seedling unlike him who was still finding a way to communicate with them without rejection.

Of course, August was only able to do it due to the master behind him, but this reason still was enough for Grandmaster xi to treat August in a normal way.

August, who was quite pleased by the sudden change of attitude, smiled and answered.

"I lost my way home, when fighting against ceaseoses waves and eventually arrived here after wandering in the wild for some days." He then paused before continuing.

"I would like to take an shelter in this city, until or unless I came up with a way to return to my home." August concluded.

He had already expected such a scenario, though In truth he was  planning to meet up with old Xi after entering the city , he didn't expect that he would be able to meet him this fast.

But now what is done is done, he didn't need to came up with lame excuses against a Grandmaster who could also  forcefully extract all the information from his mind.

"Hmm, I can let you enter the city without a mark or something."Said Grandmaster xi and paused. He crossed his arms around and then asked promptly.

"But what do I  gain by all this?". Asked Grandmaster xi.

He believed August words, as it relates way too much  to the current time periods.

It's already the time for ceaseoses migration, who knows how many peaceful  cities would face total destruction this time around, forget other cities he wasn't even sure about the survival of his own homeland.

The main reason why the human  cities couldn't freeload anyone, is  because they can't afford to feed free hands, especially in  the times when they would be facing  waves of beasts and would    most likely  need 10times more  the food they consume on a regular basis.

So Grandmaster is looking for a deal.

A deal where both parties could bring benefits to each other.

August also understands that he was also here to make a deal Instead of being a burden.

" Hmm, how about this? keep my identity secret and   introduce me as your Friend son if you want to, in exchange I would teach you  the art of taming". August stretched his right hand in front of the old man , who was looking at him with an delighted expression.

They both shake their hands mutually   agreeing to each other's terms.

And that's how the deal is made, finally.

   "Your age is too deceiving to people's eyes." said Grandmaster xi, August smiled on his words.

"Henef." Old xi called.

Henef who was still dumbfounded after witnessing such a sight, came out of his shocked state and made a run toward Grandmaster xi , he Bowed his head and waited for the next instructions.

"Take this boy, and make him familiarise with the city and then report back to me tomorrow at the academy with him."Grandmaster xi ordered henef and then he waved  farewell to August and fled back to his place.

Henef who was still processing Grandmaster xi words in his head, was now brimming with joy inside.

If he heard Grandmaster zi correctly, then he was sure that his days as an lowly Guard are just but about to over, which means that he would most likely be promoted to another position then a Guard.

His Gaze then turned toward August to him the boy looked quite ordinary from the outside, no actually he looked like a slave  from his tattered and old clothes but the beast behind him gives a different personality to the slave boy.

Henef was jealous , even though he looked a lot better than him in his current state but despite knowing  all that he could help but  lower his head in front of August.

"Young master , this way." Said henef is a respectful tone.

Today he could say that he understood the phrase his father told  him long ago.

'Don't judge a book by it's cover'.

August, who was also quite tired by standing a lot, sat down on his pet, that he picked in the wilderness, because of his resemblance to a tiger.

Then the trio entered the city.




lost of people are asking for mass realease, and i am also doing by best to do that.

so let's do this as, i would release five more chapter if he reached 100 plus stone.

5 chapter= 100 power stones.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts