
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Meeting Grandmaster Xi?!

[T|N : The concept of strongholds is changed to city and province from now on, so don't be confused by it]

"So, you are a tamer, and this is your contracted ceaseos, right?" Asked  the Guard  with much difficulty while looking at the young boy and his contracted ceaseos along with him.

The young boy nodded in agreement.

The Guard became shell shocked and almost fell.

The Guard name  is Henef, he has been doing this job for almost five years as of now, as he is the only one with such an  experience of five years among all the Guard , the other treated him as the leader figure.

 Like normal days he was performing his duty diligently, which is to Guard the entrance  of the city and to keep an eye on any possible threat, while chatting with the Groups.

Until, his Gaze fall on young boy who was approaching toward city, seeing an young boy outside the city was itself shocking enough but they were dumbfounded when he saw  an ceaseos along with boy , he instantly prepared for battle signalling   his fellow peer to do the same.

Not for a single second does this thought surfaced in his mind that the ceaseos may be a contracted beast, and the young boy possibly a tamer.

For him, Beast Tamer is an Ancient profession as well a powerful one, that he only heard from one of his seniors.

They didn't tell him , he was just easy to catch things.

According to them, a living tamer is as rare to find as finding a needle in a haystack, almost impossible.

So the first thought that crossed  Henef's mind after seeing the boy  was " the ceaseos could be using an mind ability to control the young boy as a puppet".

And he was sure about it, because the ceaseos is doubled the size of the young boy, with his deadly  claws and long and sharp teeth it was likely possible that the boy was being controlled by the beast.

But even though the beast was powerful enough to kill all of the people present here with him, for some reason , the beast  was just staying still behind the boy. 

And now , when he heard that the ceaseos is actually a contracted beast he even doubted his hearing ability.

His fellow peers who were watching all this from behind were all the same, they all have an shocking expression on their including some who's jaw dropped after hearing the young boy words.

Henef who was still in disbelief thought of something when suddenly his eyes started to shine as an wild idea came to his mind, then he  called one of the Guard and mumbled something in his ears, the Guard who was hearing Henef words almost fell on the ground.

Adjusting himself, he asked in a very low voice " Are you sure about this captain?" Asked the guard while trembling.

Henef nodded and said " don't worry I will take full responsibility for this you just have to give him my message." he said.

The Guard then reluctantly turned around to make a run toward the city.

30 minutes later.

Henef who  has been keeping an eye on the young boy with several thoughts in his mind for almost half an hour now,   turned his head  toward the city gates suddenly, when he felt a powerful presence approaching in his direction.

Moments later an old man with a Grey suit on his body appeared in his view out of nowhere, he looked at the sky with horror in his eyes stood up and kneeled down on the Ground, the other guard who were present there also followed his actions and kneeled down. 

"This lowly servant Greet the Grandmaster xi."

Said Henef while the other guard just remained silent.

The old man descended to the ground in front of Henef.

"Forget the pleasantries, where is he?" He asked directly.

Henef immediately understood that Grandmaster Xi is mentioned.

"He is there, sir." said Henef pointing toward the boy behind him still kneeling on the Ground.

 Grandmaster xi,  hummed and shifted his gaze toward the direction Henef pointed.

But what he showed even surprised him, An young boy almost 15 year old with some old and tattered clothes on his body stood alongside an ceaseos doubled the size of the young boy.

The mindless beast that even he feared despite being the most powerful cultivator  in city  now the same ceaseos is standing side by side with the young boy without attacking him at the slightest.

It was a shocking sight for him.

Grandmaster xi approached the young boy.

"Hmm, so you really are a child." said Grandmaster xi with surprise.

He then moved his right hand in the air  and said purify.

Instantly  green light started to appear all around the young boy's body in front of him and then disappeared later on.

"Interesting!" said Grandmaster xi, looking at the boy and the ceaseos with an incredulous expression on his face still doubting the sight in front of him.


15 minutes Ago.

Inside Martial Academy, City 23.

Research department.

Inside a large hall several books and research paper are scattered here and there near to the wall, in the middle everywhere, in one of the corners  several small cages are placed next to each other with different ceaseos inside the cages.

But unlike the normal huge and deadly   Ceaseos the ceaseos present inside the cage are much smaller in size , calmer and quite behaved like a new born baby.

At the end of the hall, an old man with a Grey suit on his body , could be seen with an load of research stuff in front of him.

The black circle below his eyes and his helpless and confused expression described his current condition as a devoteddevote researcher.

"Huh? This text clearly says that  an baby ceaseos is easy to tame compared to an adult one, but then why I am unable to tamed anyone of them, despite treating them like my child for almost two years by now." The old man  thought to himself in irritation and annoyance.

The old man is called Grandmaster xi, one of the powerful figures of the city 23, also the head of the Martial academy.

For the last  five  years he has been researching a way to tame a ceaseos, after he stumbled upon  an ancient technique in the ruins.

To become a tamer, an ancient  long lost profession in order to increase humanity's strengths by an huge margin.

Because of his prowess and authority he was able to acquire three ceaseos  eggs and have been nurturing them from the moment they  hatched, like his own son.

But for unknown reasons,  every time he tried to approach anyone of the baby ceaseos they rejected him with growls and roar.

Until now he has tried many ways to please the ceaseos and have paid quite a good amount of fortune because of this.

To only fail again and again and again.

If not for the rarity of the ceasos egg he might have  already killed all of them.

"What am I doing wrong?" Grandmaster xi asked himself in confusion.

Suddenly he heard a pair of footsteps approaching toward him , moments later a middle aged man in a green suit appeared in front of him.

The middle aged man lowered his head immediately after his arrival.

"Why are you here, Master Ron?" He asked with a frown.

As he required total silence  while researching, he has already made himself clear to never  disturb him in the middle of  his  research and if anyone dares to ignore his warning, then they  will die without exception.

Because of this no one in the past five years dare to disturb him, until now.

The middle man Ron said with a shivering voice.

"Grandmaster xi, henef has requested your presence at the city gates."

Insolent!!!, dare to disturb me because of an insignificant region, wanna die" Grandmaster zi roared in an thundering voice.

He was angry at first because of his continued failures and his anger increased again when he saw someone approaching toward him in the middle of his research, but he still managed his cool.

Because he knows if someone dares to do something ,  at the cost of their life then they must have a Good reason for that, but now Master Ron disturbs him just because an Lowly guard requested his presence.

It was like a slap to his pride and so he decided to set an example for this misbehave.

Of Course he will also kill the so-called Guard Henef.

The Middle aged man named Ron fell  on the floor unable to bear any Grandmaster pressure.

"List.. en Gran ….  dmaster xi listened to me ,  Henef said that someone is addressing himself as a Tamer , so he requested your presence on this matter." Ron shouted with much difficulty.

In an instant the mighty pressure disappeared Ron sighed and looked at the Grandmaster xi, who was also looking at him with an indescribable expression on his face.


After that Grandmaster xi hurriedly left the academy to his next destination.

But he was still having doubts , even when  he was actually seeing the young boy and his ceaseos along his side.

" So you said that you are tamar and this is your tamed beast right?" Asked the grandmaster Xi.

The young boy just nodded without saying anything.

"If so then prove it and recall your tamed beast to your spiritual space, you do know what I am talking about." Said Grandmaster Xi.

The young boy who has been acting emotionless all till  this time, showed a slight change of  expression on his face but it was  just  for a second, but that was enough time for a Grandmaster like Xi to notice it.

The young boy then nodded his head.

Thank you for your support till now reader, believe me i am also trying to publish new chapter as fast as possible.

so keep supporting and maybe there will be mass release soon.

Unknown_scholarcreators' thoughts