
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

I want to be an Human!?

[A total of 1000 techniques, 500 skills have been retrieved from host memories, but due to host weakened state most of  the techniques and skills are  unavailable and can only be unlocked later on.]

"Wohh!!!"August exclaimed.

The moment he agreed to let the system read his memory several notifications started to ring in his mind later on when the search was complete.

Several virtual windows appeared in his consciousness with different data on each of them.

"1.    Watcher. Lvl Max."

"Allows users to change his shape and structure to any living entity in the world."

[T/N : this is an rare skill that only be acquired after observing every living organisms for years]

Will remain unavailable for 1 day, after every use.

"2.Owner of the world".[title]


An special and unique title  that increases user favourability and his charm toward the world and the living creatures within it."

[T/N : This is a title, and it's features are only available for the true owner of the world.]

"3.Elemental mastery. Max."

'Increase Element powers by 100%"


"Increase understanding of elemental skill by 100%."

"Increase favourability toward elementals spirits."

Unique skill:  

"The way of the Gods."

"Can build a living vessel with the help of five elements in nature.'

"Cooldown: the unique skill is unavailable   for a duration of 1 month  once used."

"Note:- once an vessel is destroyed the strength of the vessel will also be gone with it."

"4.cold blooded.  (passive)"

"As host have lived most of his time without any contact with other living species. An emotional  disturbance has been  developed within host consciousness."


"Immune to all emotions."

"Immune to illusion and seductive arts."

[T|N : The skill will increase with user strength.]

" 5. All- knowing. Max.'

"Increases user understanding toward all the arts, technique and skill by 30%."

"Cooldown:  3 minutes."

August carefully checked  all the virtual windows content  one by one the moment he finished reading, they automatically disappeared themselves.

After reading all this, August's thoughts were in a state of  chaos.

He was shocked, surprised as well excited as he thought about the skills he acquired.

August always has all that, but the only thing that he needs is a medium,  a medium  that can convert his knowledge into skill for attack, defence and destruction.

August has always dreamed of something like this  in his past two lives, when he was stuffing knowledge without break.

But now his dreams have finally come true.

Though he already knew  that the system is a powerful existence as he heard from his senior, only now did he believe those words entirely.

Though the system was only able to retrieve 4 skills from his memory for now, he was still feeling  grateful toward it.

Because all the skills that the system retrieved are unique and already maxed unlock to their full potential.

And he also has a passive skill.

Especially the Elemental mastery skill, he was too surprised after reading it's content, and after confirming again and again that he really wasn't just seeing things, he almost jumped with excitement. 

Living as a planet isn't bad, it's Good but it comes with too much restriction but once August creates a vessel for him all of his restrictions will be gone.

August grinned, thinking about his future self who would definitely rule the world with all of  his knowledge that he gained in his two lives as well the thing he could do, when he already knew the future.

After thinking for an intermediate amount of time about his next step, August finally decided to Create a living vessel for him.

His top priority  is still the same, to save the world from destruction in the coming next 10 years to save himself and ultimately ascend to a new world.

He has already tried twice to stop the world's destruction from the shadows , but he gains nothing from it, so this time he  decided to do it in an old -fashioned way.

Well, he was human in his past life afterall.

August teleported to an isolated place near to an humanity stronghold so that he can easily reach the human stronghold without being a food of an powerful ceaseos.

A barren land where there wasn't a single sign of life.

After carefully checking his surroundings several times, August decided to create a human vessel.

"Elemental mastery!!!" 

"Way of the Gods!!!"

The barren land trembled slightly, in the next moment,  five elements started  to gather in front of August at the barren land.

It was then he heard the system voice again.

[Elemental mastery has been activated]

[Unique skill, the way of Gods is currently in progress]

[Understanding of element skills  has been increased by 100%]

As soon as he heard the system voice his initial view change, if first he was only seeing the mixture of five elements in the air, now he was  actually seeing something unbelievable to his own eyes.

In the middle of a five element mixture, A new body was  currently  being born  little by little just like a simple  factory product.

August's world turned upside down, his initial view toward the world changed completely, the things he is seeing now aren't any different from the work of a God itself.

Back on earth, scientists always wanted to know the reason to how a baby is actually formed inside a womb, but no matter how hard they try they weren't able to find a logical explanation behind it, ultimately they also regarded this as a miracle of God.

But now this is happening in front of August, he is actually creating a living vessel, a newborn life. It was too shocking for August.

Not long after, a dummy shaped human body was  prepared, the vessel doesn't have any features, like a normal human being , just like a  wooden dummy , used In training.

August who has been  watching everything till now, observing the human dummy carefully, it was then he heard the system voice again.

[ Would the host like to transfer your  soul to the newly prepared vessel] ? 

"Yes." replied August.

[All preparations are fulfilled, transferring the host soul to the vessel.]

With this , August vision turned entirely black.

Moments later August feels a sudden chill all around his body, though he couldn't see anything ( as he has to open his eyes for that)  but he could definitely sense things around him as of now.

So, he was sure that his soul was successfully transferred to the living vessel.

[The soul transfer is successfully]

[Passive skill cold blooded nature is activated automatically.]

[The eerily feeling is being suppressed by the passive skill.]

Thanks to the passive skill cold blooded nature August chill disappeared instantly.

[Congratulation, Host for obtaining a new body]

"Thank you." He said it from the bottom of his heart it was all because of system help that he was  able to create a vessel for himself.

[Now the  only thing you need is to change your appearance so that you can blend into  the creatures of this world] 

[And could also cultivate]

"Right." August replied to the system.

It was true that August could transform into any of the creatures in the world, no matter if it is the demon lord, or a powerhouse of humanity, he could easily change his  appearance according to his will.

But he can't imitate their powers and skills that they have learned after many years of hardwork and  practice, not for now absolutely when he himself is but an ordinary vessel, without any powers whatsoever.

But August also didn't want to steal someone else's face , when he already had a suitable identity.

August activates the skill watcher in his mind.

[Watcher skill has been activated] 

[Changing vessel appearance]

And immediately the blank dummy face started changing.

A fair skin face , with round and blue eyes and short nose and a pair of lips formed one after another.

Along with, an old bluish track on top and rigid black pants on bottom.

Moments later, a young boy almost 15 year old with handsome and alluring features could be seen in place of a faceless dummy.

[Changes complete]

[Host, which human appearance did you copy.] 

 Asked system.

"Huh? I didn't copy anyone's identity, instead I just regained my original form."

Replied August with a smile.

After that August walked toward the nearest human stronghold , toward his next adventure.

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