
Am I actually a planet?!

August, An normal person died after an car accident but suprisingly he Reborn in an fantasy a world. where things like cultivation exist, unlike earth. But not as human Nor as animal neither as a beast and of course not as a wisp too, instead he was reborn as an planet itself. Follow August on his adventures to see him how he struggle to get a hold of his new found powers, oh! soory his new body which he is trying to subdue for more than 10 years.

Unknown_scholar · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Fearless August?!

 shops were present   at both sides of the  street but unlike before when people were happily trading, At present the  street was  totally empty while the noisy  market has   plunged into complete silence.

It has been like that for quite some time now, wherever August went his path ahead is  automatically cleared  itself.

"Omg!! Who is that and what is he doing with that beast."

"Aaah!!! how come  a ceaseos gets into the city."

"Someone reported this matter to the security council."

Mommy, mommy!! who is that big brother and why is he reading that cat."

The city was full of these gossips from the moment August entered the beast of course with his grandeur ride.

It wasn't normal from a person to be town gossip. It was specifically more hard for a stranger who just entered the city, but defying all logic August popularity soared wherever he went.

August himself didn't want to be a hot topic when he was actually planning to be an unknown master, but he was in this situation because of his wrongdoings.

Henef as his Guide  has been introducing everything in a very detailed manner, but he wasn't a bit interested in it, because he already knows everything about city 23 even more than Henef himself.

"Hey system why can't I form an contract with an ceaseos and be tamer?!" He asked annoyed by the peering eyes around him, the most thing he hated is to attract attention, but because of the system his initial plan  to be an unknown master has now turned upside down.

[Host  you might don't know, but being an tamer is an ancient technique it's true that its  powerful enough to control many of ceaseoses at the same  time, but it also have a major disadvantages.]

"Oh,  what that disadvantage is?" August asked a bit Interested.

[As host might now , ceaseoses posses chaotic natural energy inside  their body, it was also because of that chaotic natural energy  due to which there basic sense to think what Good and bad  for them is almost zero, they are more like a time bomb

August nodded agreeing with system words.

[If so, what will happen if the natural chaotic energy inside them can be suppressed by sharing it] System questioned August.

"Hmm, they will slowly regain their sense of thought."

 Answered August still confused what does this thing have to do with him not being a tamer.

[Exactly, then tell me ,  how cultivators cultivate.]

August, who was carefully listening, was more confused now , because everyone knew this answer but he was also trying to guess system points at the same time.

So he eventually answered.

[They  natured their body with  breathing techniques and later on rebuilt every part of their body with the natural energy of  the world.]

[Exactly , but tell me this what will happen if both the energies of a cultivator as well that of a tamer will build up inside a human body.]

August, who was confused till  all this time , nodded his head in understanding, as soon he heard this.

"If that happens an human would probably turn into a new species just like an ceaseos, an emotionless beast with basic Instinct to kill only." August thought to himself.

He gradually understood the reason  behind the system 's hesitation.

August is a planet now , and so he also has his own cultivation technique which is left for him by his senior before ascending to the upper world.

But August who needed at least 50 years of cultivation to ascend was too helpless, he couldn't even protect himself from death not to mention cultivating peacefully for a span of 50 years.

 He just borrowed  a human vessel so that he could stop the upcoming war once and for all , and then could peacefully submerge himself  in cultivation.

"Status." he said in his mind.

Name – August [ currently Human]





Skill unlocked.

1.Watcher [In cooldown]

2.Elemental mastery.

3.cold blooded nature. (passive)

4.All knowing.

5. Owner of the world [ title] [currently in use]

Cultivation technique.

Void breaker 

Chapter unlocked

1.    Know the void.

2.    Locked 

3.    Locked 

4.    Locked.

"Hmm, my stats aren't too different from any

 normal mortal." August said he looked at the virtual window ahead him.

 He was dejected and  helpless. He can't practice  any cultivation technique instead of his own which is too slow for him, he tried to  practice it before for any progress  but he only  got disappointment.

"What to do now?"  August asked himself.

"Aaaaaah, !!! no ,please stop!"

August who was still hopelessly thinking about a way to grow stronger faster suddenly heard a painful scream from up front.

Upon closely looking he noticed a person with shining white clothes with a sword attached to his waist above a young woman.

The young woman who was helplessly screaming for help and wailing was in a half naked state , her clothes barely clinging to her body. Must be the work of that beast upon him.

"Tch, cultivator nowadays are overstepping their boundaries too much, even afraid to  openly  harass  a woman."  Henef shook his head  in disdain after seeing such a sight.

"Young master we shouldn't meddle with cultivators stuff  let's move to another area shall we?" He said and turned to his left  to Only  witness  an  object as fast as light.

Young master!! Henef shouted after witnessing August's light speed and chased him  toward the crime direction.

And he can't say that he was happy by it.

August, who is currently closing the distance between him and cultivator upon the lady, ordered his pet.

"Kill him in one shot," he said.

The ceaseos below him howl like a hungry beast  and run forward to his food with even more speed.

In just second August appeared right next to the cultivator and sobbing lady, his pet opened his wide mouth and bit off the cultivator head from his body.

Fresh blood  came out like in the form of a fountain, with a thud the body fell on the ground.

Complete silence.

All the people present at the scene    were shocked , dumbfounded , horrified.

They were still processing the scene that just happened a moment ago, with a single bite the cultivator lost his head along with his life.

Even the victim lady was having a dumbfounded expression on her face, completely paralysed.

August who was the main reason behind all this frowned in confusion as if something is still missing.

[ Quest completed ]

[STR has been increased by 1 point]

[First quest completion reward 5 attributes points has been added]

"Nice!" August said happily he then ordered his pet to  turn around and the ceaseos  started walking.

In midst of his path he saw henef running toward him with an worried expression on his face.

"Young master what did---" henef said in horror after witnessing the scene but was cut in the middle of his speech.

"Don't worry,  I will take full responsibility for that."

 He said and then  continued riding forward.

Henef was dumbfounded by his young master carefree and fearless character , but he was also happy by the result, as he himself is an ordinary mortal.

He then ran toward the  young master and left the valley.

At the crime scene.

The bystanders and wanderers finally came out of their initial shocked state and then the street became livelier again.

The women let out a horrifying scream after seeing a headless body and blood all over the street, some with weaker hearts even puked at this sight.

While the men were trying  to remember the unbelievable scene that just happened before their eyes.

Suddenly a thundering voice resounded throughout the valley. with An huge pressure   from the sky the people on the ground  kneeled down unable to withstand it.

"Who dares to lay a hand on a cultivator, courting death!!!!"

Seconds later, three figures appeared in the sky wearing the same white  outfit.

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