
Chapter Two

The next morning I was up early got dressed and made my way to school. As always Brooke picked me up and drove us there..dad said he'd come afterwards. As we got to school everything was already set up and it looked beautiful..looking at everything I was soo glad I had finally been able to accomplish this big step and now all that's left is the two of us..I said to myself looking at Brooke who returned a loving smile

"What's got you thinking babe?" He asked

"Oh nothing..just me and you tomorrow"

"Don't even get me started…I planned the perfect surprise for you ..your gonna love it"

"Awww not fair why do you eat to plan the suprise?"

"Because I'm the boyfriend now shhh we're here" he teased and i laughed

We got off met with the others and took oir seats ..dad made it eventuslly and the ceeremony was underway…we all got oir certificates I made the final speech and caps were thrown..it was truly an unforgettable experience…the party went on as planned and everyone was celebrating with there parents. There was going to be a final farewell party at the beach afterwards and everyone was going. As parents got to know each other and talk one last time…Brooke sneaked me off

"Where are we going babe?!" I asked giggling

"One little stop we gotta make before we leave tomorrow " he said as we got into the car

I didn't know where he was taking me and when we were about there he asked me to close my eyes

We got there and it was already dawn…he held my hand and led the way as I walked blind until we came to a stop

"Brooke what is this? Where are we?" Again I asked

"Take a look" he said and I slowly opened my eyes

He was on one knee holding a bouquet of my favorite flowers beside …my mother's grave.

"Dear Mrs Mcalister…Can I call you Julliet? .. oh I'm sure you would have loved me just like your husband does..I'm quite the character " he said to her grave and I smiled fighting a tear from my eyes

"Well dearest mother tomorrow I'm taking your daughter with me to LA..I know what your thinking we'll be fine…we use protection " he teased

"Brooke!!" I called out chuckling as tears were now streaming

"Shh now where was I ..yes so don't worry I will take good care of your beautiful daughter..and make sure she's the happiest she can ever be..you know I think she inherited your care and beauty…but don't tell Martin that he'd kill me…your daughter is the best thing that ever came to my life and I can't imagine a life without her…and from tomorrow our life begins..I know we'll be ok because your out there watching us.It was nice talking to you ma'am..ohh I'm Brooke by the way" he said getting up and I smiled

"You're just too much you know" I said and hugged him very tight "thank you"

"For what?"

"Being the best boyfriend in the world" I said "I'm sure Julliet agrees" I teased and we laughed

"There there now no more tears…all your face paint will wash off"he teased

"Face paint!!" I repeated and we laughed

He gave me the flowers and I placed them on a vase infront of my mothers grave replacing the old ones..I made a silent prayer to her and we left and headed back to school

The place was almost empty and I assumed the party had already began…we went on and got changed for the beach

"There you two are finally!! Zoey your dad is looking for you" Bella said

"He's still here?! Where is he?" I asked

"He's over there with Jake" Bella said pointing

"Thank you..I'll be right back" I said

"I'll come with you" Brooke said and followed

We went over and jake and my dad seemed to be having the laugh of there lives…Jake and I had always been friends growing up way before we met the others..we grew up in the same Neighborhood..he was my best friend and he comforted me a lot after my mom passed.

"Zoey there you are my darling..I was going to leave but I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye" dad said getting up

"Ohh I'm sorry dad …I was with Brooke-"

"It's ok don't worry Jake here kept me company…I better be on my way now..Zoey you take care of yourself…Brooke could you give me a ride back?"

"Sure thing Mr Mcalister" Brooke said

"What did I say?"

"Right …Martin" he said with a smile

"I can drop you off dad it's no bid deal-"

"No no honey I wanna go with my son in law here you stay here with your friends"

" it's alright I don't mind…I'll be right back babe" Brooke reassured me

"Mr Mcalister the car is way " Jake said as Brooke tosses the key to him and whispered "thanks man"

"Don't be late now bulldog" I teased

"Wouldn't dream on it!" He once again reassured "I'll be right back " he said and we kissed

And he left off to drive my dad Jake returned and I went with him to the party .

The drive went well and we reached the house…I escorted Martin all the way inside and he told me to take a seat…

"Son…ever since my wife died Zoey was all that I have left..and I chose to trust you with her because she trusts you and I see that you truly love my daughter…please promise me that you will take good care of her"

"I promise Martin…If there's one thing we share and understand is Zoey's well-being and happiness and I assure you I dont plan on anything less"

"That's good to hear..hope everything is set for tomorrow"

"Yeap we leave tomorrow in the morning"

"Ok then..have a safe flight incase I miss you tomorrow morning"

"Thank you sir" I said as he patted my shoulder

"Look at this right here" he said reaching out for a box that was on top of a shelf the opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring

"This was her mother's…when you get back from your trip…I'll tell you more on this and maybe even give it to you when the time is right"

"Of course sir…I would appreciate that" I said and he nodded

"Well then let's not keep them waiting now …go back to the party and take good care of her"

"You can count on me Martin"

"I know I can"

I stood up and headed out and drove off..on the way the phone called

"Yes Blair talk to me"

"Will you be back soon I wanna borrow your car?"

"Where are you?"

"At the party waiting for you"

"Ok I'm on my way….can you see Zoey?"

"Yeah she with your friends dancing" he said and I smiled at the thought of that

"Ok I'll be there in 10minutes "

"You and your girl"he teased

"Shutt up!!!" I teased back "hold on I'll call you back!!" I screamed and hang up

"Woah are you ok?!-"

I was driving and another car was heading directly at me..swerving away from him I lost control of the car and it lost directions and the next thing I notice is fire ..smoke..and blood spilling from my head just as everything went black