
Chapter One

It was a calm evening at chesterfield high…every one was setting up the decorations for tomorrow. At long last we get to graduate. And me and Brooke can finally begin what we've always planned.with all honesty I'm going to miss all my friends..

"Keep those over there!! Your ruining everything!!" Bella yelled

"Bella honey..calm down everything looks great" I comforted

"Ohh Zoey …everything has to be perfect for tomorrow " she said

"I can't believe we're graduating!! Like OMG" Lory said

"Right!!…it's seems only yesterday that we were freshmen" Liam added

"Well please be my guest and do it all over again" Jake said

"Oh fuck no!!"liam said and we all broke into laughter

"So like what do u guys all have planned out after tomorrow?" Jake asked

"Yeah,apart from these lovebirds" Liam teased winking at Brooke

"Knock it off" Brooke said chuckling

"Oh yeah where are you guys going again Zo?" Bella asked

"we'll be in LA for the summer…then move in together once our college semester starts" I explained

"Wait you guys applied into the same college already?!" Liam asked

"More like already got admitted" Brooke said with a grin

"Yeah Zoey won the scholarship in the brain league competition and Brooke got in with the football scholarship" Jake explained

"That's sick man!!"

"Yeah yeah we're awesome we get it" Brooke teased " what about you guys?"

"Jake,you got that intern at the courthouse right!" I said

"Yeah I start work a week after tomorrow " he replied

"That's great man" Brooke said

"So what then we are the only lowlifes" Lory teased

"Ahh speak for yourself! I'm going to start designing soon" Bella said

"Serious B …oh my gosh I'm soo excited for you!!" I almost screamed

"Yeap and I was told if it's a success I'll go work with my aunt in Paris!!!" She added

"That's amazing Bella " Jake said

"Oh don't look at me!" Liam said

"Sure says the newest player of LA sharks!"Brooke said

"No waayy!" We pretty much all chorused

"It's not official …chill out!! They still gotta see more from me" Liam said

"Oh you are soo going man…you won MVP last summer" Brooke said

"Yeah…cause your were benched from your knee injury" Liam said

"That's not the point..your an amazing bro" Brooke said

"Brooke's right Liam…I see you on the fields Al the time..your good" Lory said

"And you were cheerleader..of course you'd say that" Liam said

"Liam!!" I scolded

"Kidding kidding relax " he said laughing "Thanks Lory" he added

"I think we are done here boss…imma go get some rest now" Jake teased

"Yeah yeah I guess it's ok…we all can go" Bella said

"Thank God…I'm out.see y'all tomorrow " Liam said

"Um Brooke could you give me a ride home?" Lory asked

"Oh sorry Lory..me and Zo are making a stop somewhere" he replied

"I can drop you off Lory" Bella offered

"Yeah thanks …let's go"Lory said nonchalantly

"Perfect…come on babe" Brooke said dragging me along

"Bye guys!!" I managed to wave

"They are such a cute couple aren't they?" Bella teased

"Ahh yeah sure…come on let's go" Lory said heading for the car

We headed to an all so farmiliar place..our special place ..it was an abandoned alley somewhere behind the school.it was wwhe we first met..back when we were freshmen..I was heartbroken he and he was lost..I didn't even know where to go I was hurt and crying and found myself here alone u til he showed up.

"Remember when we first met?!" Brooke said

"Oh I just knew you'd bring that up!" I said and he chuckled

"How can I not? I thank God for that idiot everyday" he said and I chuckled

"'That idiot' broke my heart" I said

"Yeah..so I could heal it..did I?" He teased

"You know damn well you did"

"How could you have put up with him?"

"I was young immature and in love…I just thought he'd change..that I would change him but I was wrong..and stupid"

"No babe he was the idiot..and thanks to his stupidity..he brought you to me, right where you belong " he said and we embraced as we walked around

On one of the walls was a large art scene written 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 decorated with with beautiful red and yellow roses..it was our perfect spot…that day we met he comforted me right here and we instantly became friends..he was with me when I decided to break up with Jason and he was always there ever since ..until we eventually fell in love with one another..I being the geek that I was always top of my classes ..I met Bella when she stood up for me from a bunch of mean girls…she was captain of the cheerleaders and that's where I also met Lory and the three of us became a thing…Brooke joined the football team and became not only captain but star of the team…and hence his instance popularity..luckily enough he never let those kind of things get to him actually he was always the reckless caring guy I met in the alley that day. Until I went from being a nobody whose best friends with two cheerleaders to the most envied girl getting to date the bulldogs captain..and him and I have been solid ever since.

"Go on take it out" he said to me as we faced the graffitied wall

Two years of dating..and this place became our hideout..we come here after classes and after matches and sometimes he'd even make me skip class…he was the sense of joy and excitement I needed while I was his calmness and peace..we needed each other and we were there for each other. One day when we were eating burgers from our favorite food truck ..we discovered a loose brick on the wall..and while taking a closer look we found a chest was inside just a small one ..it was filled with love letters that a couple supposedly shared..we took that chest in our possession and decided to fill it with our own memories..Brooke used to write down all of our special moments on a paper and kept it there all our special dates silly activities likes and dislike and all of that..until we decide that we would save up for a vacation after we graduated…and we were successful…within our four year relationship we had managed to save up enough money for the trip along with other expenses although I'm almost sure Brooke pitched in more than agreed.

I reached out and took it and inside was all our money..it had been a risky had anyone ever followed us there …but luckily no one ever had.

"I can't believe this is the last time we meet at our little hideout" Brooke said

"I know..I'm gonna miss this place"

"What about everything that's inside do we take them?" He asked

"No we leave everything here as we had found it..who knows maybe another couple will come and find it and make there own memories "

"Yeah you're right..come on now it's getting dark..let me take you home" he said

I took the money and we headed home…after dating for four years dad was already pretty familiar with him…my mom had passed away when I was a little girl and my dad raised me on his own..and that's just how it has always been.we got back home in no time and he parked on the front porche.

"I can't wait to have you all to my self for the summer" Brooke said as we walked up to my house

"Just two more nights" I replied and we kissed

"Ahem!" A man's voice interrupted

"Dad!!" I said suprised

"Good evening Mr.Mcalister" Brooke said reaching out a hand to which my dad shook

"Goood evening Brooke…I suggest you wait until after the flight the day after tomorrow for all of this" dad said

"Daaadd!!" I said cupping my face in embarrassment as Brooke chuckled

"Sure thing Martin" Brooke said

"Atta boy….are you guys ready for the trip? Everything is set?"

"Yes I'll be booking the flight and accommodations tonight" Brooke replied

"That's good then..I can't believe your leaving me Zo zo" dad teased with a fake cry

"Daad!! Ok yeah let's get inside now" I said shoving him in the house

"Have a goodnight Brooke!" He yellled out

"You too Martin"he yelled back as I closed the door behind him and ran back to my boyfriend

"Now where we're we" I teased and we kissed again

Was I scared? Heck yeah…but whenever I'm in his arms I feel safe secured and happy..and completely utterly in love with this man..we were just outside our neighborhood but with his hand around my back and mine around his neck…it's like we were the only thing that existed

"Zoey!!!" Martin yelled form inside

"Coming dad!!"I yelled back having come to a stop and Brooke laughed

"Go on before the man kills me…"he teased

"Ok ok" I said letting go

"I love you Zo"

And those words ..those tender four words that mean so much to me ..if only I would have known that it was the last time I'll hear them ..if only I could have guessed it…if only I…

"I love you too Brooke" I said back then and smiled as I made my way inside and he drove off