
Chapter Three

An hour had gone by and still nothing…I hadn't heard from him..that's it I'm calling..I dialed his phone and no one was answering.

"Hey Zoey don't tell me your tired already come on dance with us" Bella said

"Bella it's been an hour now and he still isn't back"

"Maybe it's just traffic or your dad kept him a bit longer relax honey he's probably on his way right now"

"I don't know I have a bad feeling about this"

"Ooh calm down Zoey everything is fine tomorrow the two of you will be on a plane to LA and I won't have my best friend with me..come on now..it's our final night " Bella insisted and I found myself smiling

"Okay" I said giving in but still holding onto my phone as we danced

Another 15minutes went by and I couldn't take it anymore

"That's it…I'm sorry I'm going after him" I said

"What?! Zoey he's on his way " Bella said

"Bells you have been telling me that for the last yr and fifteen minutes and still no sign of him..he could have atleast called" I said

"Hey what's up" Jake asked as the others gathered up

"Brooke…he's not back until now and Zoey is having a panick attack"Bella said

"He's still not back?!"

"Yes!! And it's been way too long..Jake I'm having a bad feeling about this" I said and he came over for a hug

"Hey calm down..I'm sure there a logical explanation " Jake said as my phone rang

"Oohh it's him.."I said excitedly and picked up

"Finally" Bella said

"Hello? Brooke where are you?!" I said in distress

"I'm sorry but the young man can't get to his phone right now"

"Zoey!! I'm worried I think something is wrong with Brooke!!" Blair said catching his breathe as he ran to us

And right then my heart sunk as I listen to sound of the woman on the phone

"I'm sorry but the young man has been in a car accident and he's in surgery right now…I saw that this was the most frequently contacted number and so I called…are you a family member?" She asked and I was at lost of words I heard her but didn't wanna believe her I felt week to my knees and my eyes became pale by the way they were all looking at me

"Zoey!!?" Bella called out catching me as Jake took the phone and spoke with her

"What's wrong with my brother?!" Blair asked

"Zoey what's wrong?!" Bella asked in panick

"Yes we know that hospital we're on our way!" Is all they heard Jake say

"He can't die-" Is all I could say

"Brooke was in a car crash and has been rushed to the hospital …he's In surgery as we speak" Jake said

"Oh my God!"Lory said cupping her mouth

"Where is he? We gotta go!" Blair demanded

"Yes let's go I know the address…call your parents and inform them Blair" Jake said as we headed into his car

"Zoey calm down..he's gonna be ok..nobody is dying"

"I told him not to go I told him!! He should have let me go and none of this would have happened!!" I said shuttering

"No honey none of us would have known about anything like this you can't blame it on your self "

"You should have let me go..you should have-!" I said gathering up the words

"Zoey-" Liam began

"If anything happens to him I-"

"Zoey nothing will happen to him you'll see…just try to stay calm" Jake said

"Can you drive faster Jake?" Blair asked

"This is as fast as we go..or else we'll both end up in the hospital beds" Jake said

We got there finally and we both rushed inside

"Brooke?!!" I tried to speak in a faded voice and Bella held me back and Jake spoke instead

"We're here for Brooke Young he's just been admitted " Jakes said to the receptionist

"Yes ..I was the one that called..he's still in surgery for now"

"Wh…what happened?!" I asked drying my tears

"Witnesses say that there was a car heading his way which led him to drive off the road and collide with the tree…his air bag delayed to deflate which caused the sever impact to his head"

"Oh my God" I said and once again Bella held onto me

"Can we get some medical attention here please?" Liam said

"No!! I'm ok I ….don't wanna see …anyone" I said

"Zoey ..Liam's right your not in good shape and the surgery will probably last hours"

"And I'll be here" I said

"We all will..just please let them look at you"

"I'm not moving from here though" I said

"That's ok we can have a nurse see you right here" the receptionist said calling a nurse

Blair called his parents and they were own there way…Jake also my dad and he insisted on coming ..the nurse checked on me and said that my blood pressure was high and need to remain calm…and I just looked at him in disbelief and nodded to reassure him

"It would have been better if she went home and got some rest" he recommended

"I'm not going anywhere!!" I quickly responded

"She stays doc…we'll take care of her" Jake said

"Please remain calm too much anxiety isn't good for you" he said

"Yes yes I get it" I replied

"Excuse her she's just very worried" Bella covered

"He's right Zo come down"

"Bells he-" I wanted to speak but only tears came out

"Shhhh there there" Bella said comforting me and Lory left

"Anyone wants some coffee?!"Liam asked

"Me" Jake said

"Make that two…Zoey?" She asked and I shook my head

"I'll be right back" he said and left

I'm the cafeteria Lory was there crying and Liam found him.

"Hey hey hey…not you too now" Liam said going to comfort her

"What so only Zoey is allowed to be hurt with all of this?" She said drying her tears

"No you that's not it…she's his girlfriend "

"And we're his friends..some more than others…I grew up with him I knew him way before any of you ..and you think I don't have a right to feel hurt!"

"Okay okay just calm down okay…let me get you some tea"Liam said going to the counter

Meanwhile Martin and Brooke's mother arrived

And came to check on us.

"Ohh my dear are you okay?" Dad asked

And I couldn't even face him…I was soo mad so scared and then

"Youu dad..you it's your fault!!"I yelled

"Zoey no please calm down..mr Mcalister I'm sorry she's very shaken " Bella explained

"No no can't you see if he hadn't have asked him to drive him home he would have been fine he wouldn't have been in an accident and fighting for his got damn life!!! I may loose him because of you dad!! I…"I yelled and suddenly everything went black "

"Zoey!!zoey!!" Dad called out

"A doctor..please we need a doctor!" Bella called

And immediately a doctor came to check up on her and she was taken into a room.after half an hr the doctor returned and told us she was fine just needs some rest and to get away from all the upsetting news. Liam and Lory returned and were caught on with what happened…lory went to take a seat and rolled her eyes.

Hours went by and finally the doctor returned

"Family of Brooke Young?"

"Yes!! I'm his mother and this is his brother" Amanda said

"Well I will not lie to you we did all that we could-" he began

"Noo!" She said on the verge of crying

"Let me finish's ma'am"

"Mom calm down" Blair said

"He's stable at the moment but the impact he got to his head gave him amnesia"

"Amnesia?! Like memory loss" Lory asked

"Yes..only it's too soon to understand whether it's permanent or just temporary"

"Oh my God!" Bella said in shock as Jake held her

"You're telling me my son doesn't remember anything!!" Amanda stammered

"Not exactly..he's still unconscious,so we do t know how much he has forgotten" he continued "but please a fair warning…he's still in a critical situation under no circumstances should any of you try to remind him of anything…any forced upon memories can make him have a seizure which could be fatal"

"Can we see him doc?" Blair asked

"Yes one at a time…please keep in mind what I said"

"Yes thank you doctor" Amanda said as we all turned to look at each other in disbelief

"Blair please come with me" Amanda said in a weak tone

"Of course mom" Blair replied

"Guys you can go see him after we're done,yes?" Amanda said and we nodded

They made there way to the room as the rest of us got a seat.

"I can't believe this is actually happening?!" Lory said

"Of all people" Jake said

"Oohh Zoey…I gotta go tell her" Bella said

"Bella didn't you hear the doctor..she shouldn't be told any upsetting news" Liam said

"Guys you know Zoey she won't rest until she hears something from him" Bella said

"Let's first get a chance to see his condition, then we'll know what to tell her,yeah?" Jake said

"Jake's right" Lory supported

"And what if he doesn't remember us..what if he doesn't remember her….she'll be crushed" Bella said

"We all will" Lory said

"Let's not start to make assumptions okay, we don't know anything…let's just wait and see" Liam said

Just then Martin returned pushing Zoey on a wheelchair our way…I quickly ran to hug her

"Are you ok Zo?" I asked and she smiled

"Yeah…I'm fine B relax,Brooke is he out of surgery yet?" Zoey asked more calm and relaxed

"Yeah…he's stable" I said looking at the others who gave me a 'be careful' look

"Oh really!! Thank God" Zoey said exhaling in relief as Martin held her hand for support

"Can we see him? Why haven't you guys gone?" She asked looking at all of us

"Amanda and Blair are with him now,Zoey" Jake said

"Oh right…of course " She said getting up

"Hey hey hey…what are doing!?" I said trying to push her back to the seat

"Relax am ok,I can walk. I don't want him to see me in a wheelchair he'll panic" she insisted and stood up

Amanda and Blair returned holding hands and we all turned to them in hope.

"Go and see him,he has asked for all of you" Amanda said with a light smile and we all exhaled in relief

"Come on!" Zoey said enthusiastically with a smile and we followed nervously to his room

[Zoey's pov]

We got to his room and he laid there with his eyes closed a bandage wrapt around his head..few scratches on his body with a drip attached to his hand.we all carefully circled him and he gently woke up.

"Brooke?!" Jake said

"Bro!!" Liam called

"Are you okay?"Bella asked

"How are you feeling?" Lory asked

"I've been worse" He teased and they all laughed

"You scared the heck out of us man!" Liam said

"And leave you without your team captain…I don't think so" He said

"Oh Brooke we're just glad your okay" Lory said

"Don't worry Lory" he replied and smiled

They all turned to me expecting me to say something and yet I was still in the shock I guess…the fear of having lost this man almost killed me.

"Maybe we should give these two some space?"Liam suggested

"We just got here" Lory said

"Guys when is today again?" Bella asked

"What? What does that have to do with any of this right now?" Lory asked

"It's 21st January!" Brooke replied and we all turned to him in shock

"Woah man your really hit your head hard " Liam said and Jake turned to Bella shaking his head

"What did we do yesterday again?" Bella's asked again

"Bella!!" Jake warned

"The karaoke bar..did u start drinking already Bella?" Brooke teased chuckling and we all froze

"Yo bro…and your girlfriend huuuh?" Liam teased getting what Bella was trying to do

"Pfff what are you talking about? I don't have a girlfriend " and that was it,the hit that went straight to my chest

They all looked at me and I just stared at Brooke in disbelief

"Uuhh Brooke..speed test! our names now!" Bella said

"Really?!" Brooke said

"Wait! You don't remember??" Lory exaggerated purposely

"Very funny..Lory…Liam…Jake..Bella. What is this? Are we three now?" Brooke teased

"What about her?" Jake asked and he turned to me and we looked at each other straight in the eyes

"Please remember…you have to remember me" I sad to myself as we stared at each for what seemed like forever

"Um yeah of course I remember you " Brooke said and I smiled

"We go to the same math class right?" He added

And I felt weak to my knees as my heart literally shattered,seeing the expression on there faces he said

"Oh am I wrong..did I mix it up? Maybe the blow to my head was serious?" He said

Amanda walked in with the doctor

"Am sorry but visiting hours are over..you will have to come back tomorrow" he said

"Let's go guys..I'll stay with him"

"No mom go and rest I'll be fine" Brooke said

"I wasn't asking Brooke…now guys go on your parents will be getting worried by now" she said and everyone began to leave

I turned to look at him once more…I was so scared that he would die and leave me but instead he's alive and I'm dead

"Can I have a hug?" I managed to ask and he smiled

"Sure thing" he said trying to get up

I slowly got closer and caressed him with everything I had,I could no longer hold back the tears inside of me..his hold was gentle and calming,I could still feel him..you're still with me Brooke…I know you are. I could feel the stares from the entire room as everyone went silent

"…Zo-" he said weakly to my ears and I quickly broke the hug

"Brooke?!" I called out and suddenly the machines began making noises and the doctor came to check on him as the others dragged me away

"No let go of me!!" I screamed

"Zoey" Bella's called out

"Leave me alone!" I screamed once again breaking loose only for Jake to catch me again

"Zoey listen to us!" Jake said

"Ahhh don't touch me!!" I yelled once more

"Please get out of the room"The doctor ordered and they forced me out as we left

"Zoey calm down"

"He remembered me..he did..he called out my name!!" I explained

"Zoey he lost his memory!! We should be grateful that he even knows us" Lory said

"No!! He's not gone ..he's still there..he can remember,I know it…we can remind him!" I said

"Absolutely not!!" Amanda demanded

"What?! But he could remember!" I insisted

"No you could kill him!!" She said

"What?!…" I asked looking at them

"Zoey if we force him to remember anything he could have a seizure and die" Bella explained leaving me shocked

"Does he remember you guys?" Blair asked

"Yeah all except for Zoey" Lory said

"He think we're still freshman" Bella said

"That's why he thinks he's still captain" Liam said

"January 20th Brooke was named captain and we went to the karaoke bar to celebrate" Bella said

"Oh yeah the entire football team" Liam said

"And cheerleaders" Lory added

"And that was where we met" Jake added

"Yeah he when stood up for you from the sharks" Liam said

"Exactly!! That's where he last remembers" Bella's said

"That's four year ago!" Jake said

"Zoey when did u move to chesterfield again?" Bella asked

"…Feb..febuary….febuary 1st" I stammered

"That means if he thinks it's Jan 21st then he doesn't remember anything after that" Jake said

"Including meeting you..Zoey" Jake said

"So your saying he doesn't remember anything about me and our entire four years" I stammered tears coming from my eyes

"He's stable once again…young lady I suggest you don't do what you did last time" the doctor said returning

"I didn't do anything..I didn't even say a word. And he remembered my name!!"

" that's good..that means there's still hope of him regaining his memory. But he has to do that on his own and not by force"

"Yes doctor we understand " Amanda said looking at me

"There's no need of any of you staying with him..he's been sedated so you can all go get some rest"

"Thank you doctor,good evening" Amanda said

"Amanda you have to believe me, I promise I'm not lying " I pleaded and she hugged me

"I know my child I know…and I know how much you love my son. But please Zoey for his well being,keep your distance from him"


"I know ..I know what I'm asking of you is very hard…but am just a worried mother caring for her son, I promise you the moment he regains his memory you'll be the fist person I call" she said and I shook my head

"I promise"