
Chapter Four

"I love you Zo….you know that. And after we're done here , it's gonna be just me and you…just you and I…"

You promise?!"

"I promise beautiful..trust me"

"Brooke!!!" I woke up screaming and realized it was just another dream again…I was sweaty and tears were streaming down my face non stop

"Zoey! Zoey! Are you ok? …you had another dream?" Bella asked

I nodded and she hugged me as I cried on her chest …she's been sleeping over with us since I began having these dreams

"I can't do it anymore B..it's been 3 weeks" I spoke weeping "I miss him soo much,I can't take it!"

"I know Zoey I know your hurting a lot but you know it's for his own good"

"And me? What about me? How is if fair he remembers everyone but me?…why not me?!" I cried and she hugged me tighter

"What about we go to his birthday today?!" She suggested

"Amanda would never let me in"

"Then we sneak you in…we'll tell Brooke your coming"

"He doesn't even remember me"

"We told him about you"


"Yeah..we did.he's doing well now.we caught him up with everything and he knows your his girlfriend "


"Yeah ..he still doesn't remember,but he's making an effort"

"And what if he has a seizure again"

"He won't, you just have to be very normal try all you can to hide your emotions…can you do that?"she asked and I nodded

"Can I hug him?!"

"Let's let him do it this time yeah" she said and I nodded "now get some rest, tomorrow we go shopping yeah" she added and I nodded with a smile and we slept

The next morning dad made us breakfast and after that we headed out..I got in the car first and waited for Bella

"How is she? She's still having the nightmares" Martin asked

"Yes…but she'll get through it soon I hope" Bella said

"Thank you Bella ..for being here"

Of course Mr Martin, Zoey is like a sister to me" Bella said and smiled

I honked the car horn and screamed her name

"We'll get going now" Bella said laughing

"Take care of yourselves" Martin said

Bella came into the car and we drove off to the mall…we tried on a lot of clothes until we finally found clothes we liked for tonight, Bella's brown hair and hazel green eyes made her look beautiful in anything she wore, she picked a light pink dress that's was loose and flew with the air and for me, I was to wear a short red dress that reached my thighs..it tighted and fitted me perfectly shaping out every curve of my body matching my blonde hair

"Damn Zoey!! your gonna kill the man" was Bella's expression "you're are so getting that"

And I chuckled

We bought the dresses and went to have our hair and nails done..then we had lunch.

" oh damn I almost forgot the gifts!!" Bella interrupted

"You go..I already have one"

"What?! when did you prepare a gift?"

"Last year" I replied and kept eating

"Of course you did" she said and we giggled

"Okay you wait here,I'll be right back"

"Sure" I replied and she left

I kept on eating until I lifted my head only to see..him. Brook Young, he looked amazing as if nothing had ever happened..he's blonde hair was a little messy just the way he always liked it.he was wearing a white t shirt and blue denim jeans,as he walked by he effortlessly captured the attention of all the other girls in there and they all found themselves staring as I was, just then a girl came and joined him.It was Lory, she came up to him held his hand and they walked side by side.

It took everything In me not to get up and go to him, I bit my lip trying to ease the jealousy that was rising from me.for a split second Lory turned to my direction and saw me and she didn't even seem to care.I got up from my seat and was about to follow them when I bummed into Bella.

"Woah where are you going!?"Bella asked as I tried to calm down

"Hey? What happened?" She asked as I watch them disappear into the crowd "what are you looking at?" She asked looking at where I was but she didn't see anything

"Zoey!! Talk to me " she said and I turned to her

"We forgot to do our make up" I lied


"Yeah,our make up B,you know how much of a deal Amanda makes on her son's birthdays, we must look our best"

"And where we're you going?"

"I was just going to check that saloon over there if it was still open, after seeing this beautiful woman come out"

"Uugghh Zoey you scared me!! I wanted us to do our own make up I thought it would be more fun but if you wanna go to the saloon let's go there"

"Nope..and miss a chance to draw lipstick on your eyebrows, I think not.come on let's go" I said dragging her

"Okay okay…looks who's more enthusiastic now!"

"Oh you have no idea"

We left the mall,I didn't see them I guessed Lory took him away after seeing me.I was scared to see you Brooke but not now, now more than ever I want see you. I want to see the expression on your face when you see me wearing your favorite colour on me, I know your still in there my love,and I'll bring you back to me.

We got dressed and did each other's make up, Bella held up her hair while I curled mine loose,she had already called the guys and fill them in on the plan. We left for the party a little late just as planned,And by the time we got there,there were cars parked everywhere.it took us a while before finding a spot. Brooke's father was a very respected businessman and they earned quite living,but Brooke had always wanted to be independent he never wanted anything from his father he always wanted to raise his own career. And that is among the reasons I admire him alot.

I got in the house through the backdoor with the help of Bella,I made my way to the lawn in the back of there house which had a large beautiful garden,from there you could see the beautiful open sky filled with stars and a crescent moon. The guys went to get to get Brooke from the party and we would meet back there as planned.

"Bella!! Finally I thought you weren't coming" Brooke said hugging her

"Um well you do know we don't wake up like this" Bella said and gave a swirl

"You do look amazing" Brooke said

"Thank you"

"Where is she?" He asked

"She's waiting for you in the garden"

"Take it easy man"Liam teased brushing him off as he left

"Hey guys you made it!" Lory said showing up wearing a black sleeveless dress

"Hey Lory! When did u get here?" Jake asked

"Ooh I've been here the whole day actually helping Amanda " she gloated as Bella rolled her eyes on the side

"Oohh that's nice of you" Bella said sarcastically

""Yeah,Did you guys see Brooke anywhere?" She asked and just as Liam was about to answer

"Nope, he was he here somewhere must have gone inside" Bella replied

"Ohh I'll go check" Lory said and excused herself

"Why did you lie to her?" Liam asked when she was gone

"Because she's Amanda's lap dog and as soon as she knows Zoey is here guess what happens" Bella explained

"we can't hide her here the whole night" Jake said

"Yeah but at least we can buy them time,before everything goes south" Bella said

"I just really hope everything turns out ok,Brooke has made a lot of progress,if anything happens-" Liam was saying

"He'll be fine. They love each other. And you guys don't see Zoey every night,she's having a really hard time with everything,having your boyfriend forget about you isn't a walk in the park!" Bella said

"I get it Bella,we all care about Zoey.But we gotta be on both sides here,let's go check on them" Jake said

"It hasn't even been 20min let's give them time first at least " Bella said and they nodded at each other


I was standing facing the beautiful open sky, Is it weird that I feel like I'm on a blind date, because I have no idea how his first reaction will be. I took a deep breathe and adjusted my dress.That was when I heard heavy footsteps coming in, I drew in another deep breathe guessing it was him.I had no courage to turn around just yet so I stood still as the footsteps get closer.

"Hello beautiful" a voice said.And I immediately realized it wasn't Brooke,then who was it,

I turned around and the grin on his face just grew as he took me in top to bottom,he was a young man around Brooke's age and they shared a sort of resemblance so I guessed he was family.

"Hi there " he said once again

"Umm hi" I replied

"What's a beautiful girl like you doing out here alone? Are you lost?" He asked

"Uuhh no I'm waiting for some-"I was saying when Brooke popped up

"Hello cousin!" He said enthusiastically

And our eyes meet for a slight moment, he was utterly charming, he had on a black tuxedo with a tiny red flower on his pocket with a small black bow tie around his neck,his beautiful blonde hair was gelled and elegant highlighting his bright blue eyes.

"Brooke!" He replied as Brook came beside me wrapping his arm around my waist

"Him" I finished with a smile as we looked at each other

"I see cousin, you want them all to yourself" he said and brooke chuckled with a smirk

"No cousin,you see you can have the rest. Just not my girlfriend " he said and just like that my heart beamed as I smiled in disbelief

Leaving him speechless he looked at us nodded "if you'll excuse me" was the last he said and went inside

I turned to look at him and our eyes meet, just like they did 4yrs ago, none of us said anything yet it was like we talked through our eyes.

"Hey" he finally said not breaking contact

"H-hey" I replied with a smile

"Am glad you could make it" He said just as I dropped my purse

"Ohh" I said as we bumped heads trying to pick it up at once and laughed

"Sorry" he said as we stood up taking me in inch by inch

"You look gorgeous,I think you just made me love red even more" He said and I giggled

"What girlfriend would I be if I didn't know your favorite colour" I teased

"I see" he said with a grin "so you did this on purpose then"

"Guilty!" I said with with a smile" Happy birthday"

"Well it sure is now, I would have to be an idiot to forget about you" he said

"Guess your idiot then" I teased and he laughed

"Guess I am" he replied"let's go inside now"

"What about your mother?" I asked

"What about her?" He asked and I realized he doesn't know that part

"Umm ….she hasn't seen me yet"I covered with a lie"

"Even the more reasons for her to meet you,but wait she already knows you ,doesn't she?"

"Of course "

"Well then what's there to worry about" he said with ease reaching out his arm

And from there I couldn't care less what happens,I smiled and we intertwined arms as he led the way.

"Good evening guys,have you seen Brooke" Amanda asked us as we stared at each other

"No,we haven't actually in a while" Jake said

"I wonder where this boy went" she said "well then you guys enjoy,if you see him please tell him I'm looking for him" she added as we nodded and she left

"You guys still haven't seen Brooke?! Everyone's is looking for him!" Lory said showing up

"You should relax Lory and have some fun, or people will start to think you're girlfriend" Bella teased drinking some champagne

"Oh Don't worry Bella,she right there!" Liam said pointing over to where Brooke and Zoey were appearing from and we all turned

They appeared hands crossed gracefully making there way to us,people stared and smiled all except for Lory's which slowly faded

"Zoey!! Does Amanda know?" Lory asked

"Does it matter? Look at him!" Bella said

"Hey guys" I said as we approached them

"Zoey!!"Liam said reaching in for a hug

"May I?" he teased Brooke

"Don't be stupid mahn!!"he replied and they laughed as we hugged

"Wow Zoey you look beautiful " Jake said as we hugged

"Careful now!" Brooke teased

"Take it easy mahn!" Jake teased back

"Hey Lory" I said ironically

"Hi Zoey,you look amazing" she said sarcastically

"Thank you,you too" I replied

"Brooke ! I've been looking for you the whole night!" Amanda said approaching us

"I'm right here mom" he replied and she froze on seeing my presence

"Good evening Amanda" I said in nervous tone

"Hello Zoey, I didn't know you were coming?"

"I invited her,she is my girlfriend after all" Brooke said holding my hand and I smiled

She looked at us and smiled genuinely "Yes!..She is" she relied "now come on some people wanna see you"

"Ooh mother we really have to talk about this events next time,it's my birthday I'm not getting married for God's sake " Brooke teased

"Yes yea sure this is the last one,now come on" she said tagging him along

"I'll be back guys"he said to us"wait for me"he said to me and I nodded smiling

"Uuuuhhhhh looks whose turning red!!" Bella teased me

"Shut up!!" I said laughing

"Come on let's go dance!" Bella said

"Now you are talking!" Liam replied "Lory?" He asked

"Umm I still have something to do,you guys go on without me. I'll catch up" she replied

"I'll danced will you,Li" Bella said and they made there way to the floor

"Shall we?" Jake asked me

"We shall" I replied and we went to the floor as well

We danced crazy for the next hour or so,I was having a good time, it had been soo long since we all just got together and had a great time like the old days. Later on the music changed and they played classical musical.the other guests rose to dance seeing that they might have been the ones who requested it.

"Let's play along" I said as we began to slow dance with Jake who'd worn a maroon suit with his slid back black hair

Bella and Liam switched as well,Liam had worn a royal blue suit going great with his messy blonde look.Brooke returned and joined us.

"May I?" He politely asked Jake not breaking eye contact with me

"Of course " Jake replied handing me over

"Here.take her! I can't stand this music anymore " Liam joked and we laughed as Bella joined Jake

"Do u remember how to dance Superman?" I teased and he smiled as slowly waltz in each other's arms

"I'll try not to step on you" he teased back and we laughed

We danced smoothly as I lay my head on his chest with his hand wrapt around my waist tight.

"Superman??!" He asked

"Yeah,it was a nickname I came up for you"I replied recalling that day

"You want me to what??!"

"Jump with me!"

"Your kidding right,that's a cliff!!"

"Yeah and" he replied and I laughed

"Your crazy!! Who do u think you are Superman!"

"If I say yes,would you jump with me then?" He said with a grin

"Zo,I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings the first day I woke up. That must have felt like hell?" He said and I turned to face him and smiled

"Is that an 'ok'?" He asked smiling

"You just called me Zo" I said

"Uhh yeah,well-"

"You had always been the only one who called me Zo. You said four letters-"

"Are too long?!" He finished precisely

"Yes!! Oh my God! Brooke" I exclaimed and hugged him and he hugged me back

"I knew you were still in there! I know you'll come back to me!" I said and he smiled at me brushing of strands of hairs from my face

"I love you" I said to him as he had his hands on my face closing the gap between us and he kissed me

A deep long awaited kiss that I thought u would never get to experience ever again, just like our first time his kiss sent all sorts of tingling emotions all over my body. I didn't want it to ever stop, I never wanted to to be separated from him again.

"this just shows that I haven't lost you my love, I can still get you back and I won't stop trying" I said to myself

"Uuh guys…people are staring" Bella said and giggled

And we broke hold as I flushed red noticing all the guests that have been staring with smiles.

"Get a room!" Liam teased

"Dude!!" Brooke said and they all laughed

Bella pulled me aside as we walked to our seats.

"Sooo how is everything?!" She asked excitedly

"Ooh Bella he called me Zo again,he stood up for me as my boyfriend,and the look-" I said turning to look at him and we met eyes.he winked from the drink counter as I smiled

"Say no more,I just saw it" she teased

"He looks at me like how he always had"

"Like a love struck teenager" she teased once more

"Anhaa" I replied and we laughed

We chilled together at the table and decided to give him his gifts.I decided to wait til the end.they got him shoes watches until I got nervous on what I had to give.

"Your turn Zoey!" Liam pointed out" Or should we give you a room" he whispered

"I think you had enough to drink tonight Liam!" I teased

"Ooh I barely finished a bottle of gin"he teased back

"Umm well,this is all I have"I said removing a wrapt box

He took it with a smile and slowly began opening as everyone on the table stared at him with curiousity. He removed the wrapping paper then revealed what's in the box.it was a frame with a picture of us wearing matching blue LA sharks jerseys while on his bed.I had found this picture in my phone a few weeks ago.Blair had taken it.and I realized it was the perfect attachment to his actual present.

Attached behind it.

"What's that?!" Lory pointed out and Brooke flipped the frame

He took out a picture and he couldn't believe what he was looking at,and I could tell he liked it so I smiled.

"Is this real?!" He asked in disbelief touching the autograph as I nodded

"What is it?" Jake asked and he turned it around

"Dude!! The actual Pete Jonas signed this!" Liam exclaimed

"Woah! Zoey how did you get this?!" Jake asked

"My dad got me VIP tickets to the Sharks game on October, and he made a special appearance and I managed to get an autograph" I explained

"Zo, I don't even know what to say right now. It's literally the only gift I would have ever wanted" he said and I smiled "thank you"

"Your welcome" I replied

"Ouch! What are ours trash!" Liam teased and we laughed

"I mean yeah I'm also offended right now"

Lory teased as well

"Ohh get yourself together now!" Bella teased

"Brooke has only been gushing about the guy all his life" Jake said

"All his life!! Dude the guy's been daydreaming of Jonas cnc he was in the womb!" They teased and we all laughed

"Okay okay I think we all got the point! I love the guy" Brooke said

"And only your girl could make this happen" Bella said making me blush

"Anhaa" he replied placing his hand across my shoulders with a coy smile warming my heart

The rest of the night went well he eventually cut the cake and we all ate happily until it was time to head back home.

"This was actually not very bad this time" Liam teased as we were by the patio

"Yeah I'll be sure to tell my mother your remarks" Brooke teased back,as we walked hand in hand and we all laughed

"Don't listen to him! This by far is the best of all your birthdays" Bella teased "isn't it Zoey?"

"Yeah" Is what I could manage to say giggling

"Well most of the work was done by Lory so she's the one we should be appreciating" Brooke said and Lory blushed with a smile

"It was nothing,Amanda was the one who did everything I just helped out" Lory replied

"What matters is that we all had a drink! End of story!" Liam teased once more and we laughed

We reached the gates,Bella and Jake went to get the cars.Liam wanting to give us some space took Lory for a talk.And once again it was just him and I under the starlight.

"Stay with me!"He suddenly said

"What?!" I asked suprised with what he was asking

"Stay with me Zo, spend the night with me. Please" he said with bright smile


"Zoey!! Ready when you are!" Bella shouted from the car with a honk and I smiled at her

"Please" he pleaded planting a kiss on my arm and I bit my lip in delight

"Ok" I replied and he smile broadened and hugged me

"Okay okay Brooke your getting heavy" I said giggling but he wasn't moving

"Brooke!! Brooke!!" I calldows out ,I held him out to face him and realized he was unconscious "Guys help!!" I shouted

And they all immediately came to me Jake and Liam helped get him off of me.

"What happened?!" Lory asked

"I don't know we were talking and he was fine and then suddenly he fainted as he hugged me" I explained in panic

"Did he say that he was feeling unwell maybe?" Bella asked

"Of course not,he was alright for the entire day"I said

"Did you tell him anything that could spite his memory?" Lory asked

"No I-" I began saying then recalled the dance

"Zoey!!" She called in question

"Let's go inside, he needs help!" I said changing the subject

"You know very well Amanda will be curious about this" Lory pointed out

We headed to the Brooke's room where the boys took him.when we got there a guest was already tending to him, probably a doctor and Amanda arrived just behind us.

"What happened?! Lory?" Amanda asking panting and Lory faced me "Zoey?!"

"I don't know Amanda, he was fine we just talking and suddenly he fainted" I explained with tears now clouding my eyes

"What we're you talking about!?" She asked in an upset tone that scared me

"He was asking if I could stay with him,after the party and keep him company" I explained now crying

"Then why is he such again he was fine?!" Amanda yelled

"Miss Amanda please try to calm down" the doctor said

"Maybe it was the picture?" Lory blurted out

"What picture?" She asked and Lory kept quiet trying to make it off as an accident "I'm asking what picture!!" She repeated louder

"A picture of us I gave him as a present but he was fine-" I explained

"Is he now Zoey?! Is he!!?" She said loudly as tears kept rushing down my eyes "Zoey I understand your in pain and after seeing how happy my son was today I too believed he was finally back but I see I was wrong.please Zoey keep your distance from my son,I don't want to loose him" Amanda said breaking my heart

Just as she finished saying Brooke began opening his eyes slowly and she quickly rushed to him.I took one last look at him then stormed off the room.