
Chapter Five

"Mom?!" He spoke out weekly

"Yes honey I'm right here.Are you okay?how do you feel?"

"Am okay mom relax? Where's Zoey?" He asked

"She had to leave it was urgent" Amanda lied

"What?! But she promi-" he began to say"what happened?"

"Her dad called,it might have an emergency or some sort which is why she had to leave" Lory said

"Have a goodnight Brooke,excuse me" Bella said in spite and left the room

"Bye man get some rest" Liam said

"I'll take care of things" Jake said

"Check on her please" He pleaded to Jake who nodded and they all left

"Are you sure your okay Brooke?" Lory asked

"Yeah just felt dizzy,my head hurts"he said

"You need to rest,Lory can you look after him?" Amanda asked

"Yes of course,i could call my parents and tell them that i'll be sleeping over"

"That is just perfect then,I'll have an extra room arranged for you" She said and left with the doctor as they spoke

"He is okay,just an episode.this one was very minor,which is why he can still recall everything and not much has been lost but please do try to avoid these until he is completely stable"

"Yes of course doctor,thank you"

"Have a goodnight" he said and he was off

"You don't have to stay I'm fine" Brooke said to Lory

"I don't mind,really! It could be just like in the old days when we hung out and watched movies, what do you wanna do?" Lory said

"Where's my phone?" He asked

"Um I don't know,I can request for it to be looked for"

"Yes please do,I need it"

"Brooke you can't be making phone calls,it could agitate you"

"I'm fine,I just wanna check on Zoey"

"She must be fine,the others will go check up"

"Can I borrow your phone?"

"Umm out of charge, I don't even know where it is,I think I misplaced it as well"

"Aaghhh shit"

"Just take it easy,I'll ask Amanda for her phone to call my parents then I'll check on her and I'll tell you okay?"

"Yes,thank you"

"Don't worry about it. Now is it action or romance"she teased

"Action obviously" he replied and they laughed kept on a movie


"Zoey that's enough now you'll get sick" Bella said comforting me

"He is still there Bella I swear it, he hasn't completely forgotten me" I stammered

"I believe you dear"

"He said some word I didn't even remind him off,he is still in there.my brooke is still in there" I said weeping

"Come here" Bella gestured and pulled me in for a hug

We stayed like that until I could no longer cry anymore.she prepared a bath for me and I went to have a shower.when I got out she had brought a plate of food that I quickly declined as much as she insisted.I only agreed upon. A glass of water to sooth my throat.we got in bed and I fell asleep almost instantly.

In the morning

I had slept in.mostly because I didn't want to wake up,because dreaming was better than living at this point.I close my eyes and I'm taken back to that night and I open my eyes and he's not there.and he never will be.

"Zoey have some breakfast"

"I don't want anything"

"Zoey you can't starve yourself over a guy"

"He's not just any guy B,he was my guy"

"I know Zoey I know you're in pain, but if you're gonna fight this you need some energy"

"Fight what B,I can't even get a chance to see him. And after what happened last night what is to say he doesn't even remember me,he hasn't even called?"

"Or maybe he's worried sick but isn't allowed to use his phone! You know Amanda"

"Yeah and I also know he's trying to protect his son,at all cost. I also know that I should stay away but I'm too selfish"

"And rightfully so. You said he could still remember you.what if the doctors are wrong?! What if all he needs is a little push"

"Bella that's crazy dangerous,you saw what happened last night"

"The only thing I saw last night is too people deeply in love.Zoey they say love can overcome all odds.we told him everything and he was fine.he saw you,you two spoke,you danced,you hugged,you kissed and he was fine.for any stranger he would say nothing has changed.He could still be there but it's only you who can get him back.before it's too late Bella said and I remained staring at her.Deep down I did believe she was on to something,but the fear of hurting him was stronger than me.

"Did you see Lory last night?! She was like a pathetic little lapdog" Bella teased and I laughed crazy

"Bella that's mean!" I said

"Don't tell me you didn't notice?! She's up to something Zoey I know it"

"Or she's just a worried bestfriend,they knew each other long before we did,remember"

"Yeah yeah yeah, but you don't see us kissing Amanda's feet " she said and I laughed

"You think he likes Brooke?"

"Girl! I don't think! It's obvious she wants him.and this is the perfect opportunity for her since you're out of the picture."

"Brooke always saw her as a little sister"

"That's Brooke hunny,we don't know how this Brooke thinks"

"You think-"

"Girl we are setting the two of you together"

"And how will you do that?"

"Well you can't see him,but we can"

"What about Lory? If she realizes anything-"

"I'll deal with her myself,relax. You just think of what you'll wear for your date"

"You are crazy you know that,No wonder Chris run away" I teased

"Ouch Zoey damn you!! We don't talk of my exes bitch!" She said and we both laughed

"Can I still have breakfast?" I asked

"Of course idiot.come and eat"


"I have had enough,God! You guys wanna kill me" Brooke said pushing away his breakfast tray

"You need all the energy,but you have ate enough " Amanda said taking the tray

"Thank you" he replied laying back in bed and she left

"Did you do it?" He asked when they were alone

"Yeah I called,turn out they're traveling"

"What?! How can she just leave without saying anything? Ohh gosh she might have called,havent they found my phone yet?"

"Calm down,it's just a family trip.it was urgent"

"She didn't even say anything?"

"Nope.That's the weird thing,she didn't even ask how you were doing,where she's was going,how long will it take,nothing!"

"I can't believe this! Maybe I should go say goodbye" he said seating up

"No!! Well she already left..this morning"


"Yeap,when I called they were at the airport"

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know Brooke, last I noticed before the accident the two of you hadn't really gotten along"

"What? But the guys told me I've almost never fought Zoey"

"That's not true,There was always something you thought was going on between Jake and Zoey.But they would always deny it"

"Are you sure about this Lory?! What your telling me is very serious!"

"Brooke you and I have always been friends,you have always told me what bothered you and I've never lied to you.

The truth is well,it's true I don't know if there's anything between them but I do know that Jake loves Zoey"

"Did either of them tell you anything?"

"No! But it has just been somewhat obvious,even you had noticed it. People even sometimes thought they were a couple and not you two"

"Why is that?"

"Well because they are just very close,they also share a closeness like ours those two,I don't know" Lory finished and Brooke fell silent wondering and she knew she was succeeding

"But let's not think about that right now,you know sometimes things happen for you to realize the real and fake people in our lives"

"Yeah…I wanna go jogging"he said getting up

"Sure I could join you,I really need the work out.I'll let you change"Lory said and left

"How is he?" Amanda asked after bumping into each other on the veranda

"He's fine Amanda,we're going for a jog.can I get something to change into"

"Of course dear follow me. Has he asked about Zoey?"

"Um yeah,I told him she has gone on a sudden trip and he believed it"

"Ok then,you just have to make sure they don't run into each other"

"Oh I will don't worry,I don't even think he wants to"

"Why would that be?"

"Supposedly Zoey is cheating on him"

"What?! Are you sure if this?"

"No not yet,we're both investigating it still.and what Zoey said last night was a lie. Brooke didnt ask her to stay,they were arguing I guess in a low tone and the anger led him to have the episode"

"Oh my God!"

"Yeah,now more than ever they need to stay apart. Poor Brooke loves homer still and cares about her regardless his condition"

"I can't believe this!! I will make sure my son is happy even he doesn't agree with my decisions. Oh how much I wished she had even fallen for you instead" Amanda said making Lory blush

"Oh Amanda what are you saying,him and I are only friends until the day he finally realizes it"

"Oh my son is soo stubborn"

"He's young and in love,utterly blinded"

"Well I'll be his light.and he will finally realize what's right infront of him,try this it might fit you"

"Oky" lory replied wearing the pink leggings with a matching crop sweater "I love it Amanda,it a perfect fit"

"Keep it. A gift,for everything you have done so far.thank you dear"

"Aww it's nothing Amanda,you know I would do anything for the two of you"

"Take care of him."

"With pleasure" Lory replied heading back to get him

"Am down here!" He yelled from downstairs

"Mom we're going for a jog!" He said

"Yes,Lory already told me,take care you too"

"We're not twelve mom" he said heading out

"I'll take care of him" lory replied

"Sure you will"he teased

They made there way on the patio to the gates and they started with a simple walk

"Tell me Lory,does my mom like Zoey"

"Well the truth is,no! She just put up with her because of your happiness,you know she would anything for you"

"Yeah I know"

"Come on catch up lazy pants!" Lory yelled catching speed and he rushed behind her

They jogged around there entire block then back again,all along making stories and laughing.in the yes of mere strangers,whose to say they weren't dating?

"Maybe I should call him?" I asked

"Or maybe you should?! Girl if his phone is in the wrong hands and they see your caller ID it won't even reach to him"Bella protested

"Then you call him!"

"Ugghh fine.I'll call" Bella agreed and dialed.we both grew silent waiting for someone to pick up,but no one did

"Try again!" I quickly insisted

"Already am"she replied recalling "or maybe Lory has her phone" she said sarcastically

"We'll she's against me,not you!"

"Yeah but she knows I hate her guts ever since she decided to hit on Brooke! I mean who does that"she said in disgust"no one's answering"

"Try Amanda!"

"Aaghhh Zoey,you know i hate that woman"

"B you hate everyone other than us.please try her,I just wanna know how he's doing"

"Fiine!!" She replied reluctantly dialing the number I told

"Hello who's this?"Amanda said over the phone

"Yes hello ma'am,it's Bella.Brooke's friend,I was calling to check how he was doing"

"Ohh hello Bella,Brooke is fine thank God.but the doctor said if he has any chances of recovering,he has to stay away from Zoey.they shouldn't meet under any circumstances.I really hope you and Zoey understand this"

"Ye-yes ma'am I understand.thank you for letting me know"she replied at a calmer tone than expected and the call ended

"What did she say? How is he?"i asked impatiently

"He's fine Zoey.nothing to worry about it"she replied with a smile as mine broadened

"Ohh thank God,that means you could be right Bella! Maybe he really does need to be reminded of who he was,of what we were! Oh Bella!" I said in excitement and hugged her.but she didn't respond

"What's wrong? is there something else she said?!" I asked

"No,just the usual" she replied "but Zoey!" She called out

"Yeah" I replied

"We are gonna do this for you.we're gonna do all we can for you to have a whole day with him,and you do all you can to remind him.yeah!"

"Yeah"I responded

"But after all your attempts he still doesn't remember and unfortunately gets sick again.we stop,we'll all have to accustom to the new him and no longer drag the past okay?"she said and I nodded in pain

"Yes.I promise after all my attempts he still fails to remember and shows no signs at all.I won't ever remind him of anything,and we'll start a brand new chapter" I said tear almost flossing my eyes "I just really hope he remembers,I don't wanna loose him"

"I know dear,we all don't.but we gotta accept what happened,no matter how unfortunate it was" she said and I knew she was right ,I deeply caught my breathe and exhaled.

"That was nice ehh,after you finally caught pace"Lory teased as they drunk water in the kitchen

"You're just lucky I'm still unwell,I let you lead!" He teased back

"Sure you did"she replied with an air quote and they both laughed

"Lory! Brooke! It's good you're back. Your mom wants you get back home dr,and you young man,you have medicines to take after lunch"

"But I'm okay now mother,do I really need the meds?" Brooke protested

"You're still recovering Brooke,you need your medicines. Lory you can have a shower and then Harris will take you home"

"Thank you,Amanda.if you'll excuse me"she said and left the room

"You two seem to be having fun"Amanda pointed out

"Yeah,She's a cool girl" Brooke replied

"She's also beautiful ain't she?" She said

"Yes mother she's beautiful" he replied "have you seen my phone?I can't find it since last night"

"No son,I'll ask around"

"Already have! I think I'll need a new one"

"That will be arranged then"

"Thanks mom"he replied beginning to go upstairs "Uuhhh mom?! Has….Zoey called?"

"No.she has traveled right! I haven't spoken to her" she lied

"Right.Nevermind" he said and headed upstairs

"It's for your own good,Brooke"she said to herself

"Ma'am I believe this is the lost phone"a worker said appearing with Brooke's phone

"Yes!! Thank you peters" she said taking the phone "I'll have to keep this" she said to herself