

Jade Rutherford, a 17 years old omega infiltrated an only Alpha's school to hide from a gang that was after her. Through the reluctant help of Ryan Watson she gets into the school under the disguise of a male alpha

Micomicjoy · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"The hell are you doing?" Ryan growled on my face, he had dragged me out of the class right after the teacher was done and had left the class. I expected this reaction from him, afterall he had warned me not to leave his dorm room so I don't get caught but it was becoming a bore and I'm a wolf, staying in a confined space wasn't something a wolf was comfortable with. We like to roam free without any barriers because we are wild creatures plus this Alpha seemed to never be around, almost like he was avoiding his own room or something and even when I told him about not being comfortable in his dorm room he just flipped me off so I did the next thing I could think of.

I cut my hair off, took his alpha qualification results, made a copy and changed the names to mine. He had many uniforms so I took one out of it.

They were all big but I needed one anyway so I cut them into manageable sizes before moving out of the prison of a dorm that I had been in for four days but not before grabbing my scent disguiser, taking the red pill that would make me smell more like an alpha than a beta.

The registration process wasn't easy, the people in charge of it were asking way too many questions and if I hadn't been smart enough I would have been in jail and no sooner than later would the alpha after me find me, I can't let that happen but I can't leave in isolation either.

After all the troubles I was admitted and Mr Robert showed me around the school and as we passed by the gym I discovered the reason why the school never had many security guards placed on every corner of it was because the young alphas in here were not only being trained in education but also on how to train and control their wolves in physical combat and so were capable of defending themselves should the need arise.

It was awesome. When we came to an open field I almost screamed when a big midnight blue wolf growled as he ran past me disappearing out of sight immediately as it's strong legs carried it fast across the field where other shifted wolves were doing other various things, none of them as big as the one that just ran by and into the woods behind it.

It's view and smell that I caught before it disappeared was so alluring, must be a very dominant alpha male.

Just my type

"You don't have to be scared" Mr Robert suddenly said from behind me, scaring me a bit since I forgot I had been standing there with him in the first place.

"What? I wasn't scared"

"Of course you weren't" he leaned down a bit so he could look me in the eyes "after all even you are an alpha" he added with a small one-cheek sided smile making my eyes widen

What was that creepy smile for, did he notice anything odd?

"Aren't you coming along?" Mr Robert called with a gentle smile suddenly ahead of me.

"I am"

I must be over thinking things because of nerves, there's no way anyone would ever know I'm an omega when I'm the master of disguise.

Before long we arrived at my first class for the day and of course Ryan just had to be there, sitting there in all his muscly glory.

His shock reflected mine for a while before I had to hide it behind a smile

"Hello there everyone, my name's Jaden Rutherford and I'm an alpha" I introduced with a smile

"Like hell you are" an alpha boy with pale blonde locks that almost looked white jeered making the entire class of boys laugh

"Aww he's pouting, Jason don't tease him so much, he's just a kid" another alpha jeered knowing fully well I was glaring at them and not pouting

"That's enough, Jaden take a seat" Mr Robert said making me drag my legs hesitantly to an empty desk at the back, lowkey regretting this decision I made but I'm Jade Rutherford and I'm going to face this head on, I won't let any of his over privileged alpha brats bully me.

Halfway through the might I say boring mathematics class, I felt myself dosing off but more than that I felt an unmistakable feeling of an angry alpha's glare directed towards me and sure enough when I turned around I was met with Ryan's angry eyes.

He looked scary with his eyebrows pulled close together and his eyes cold but then again he looked like those angry birds, it was funny.

I smiled at him, sending him a small wave along with it making him scoff and look away not looking my way until after the class where he dragged me out as soon as the teacher and most of the students left. Which takes us back to what I was saying earlier.

"What part of don't ever leave that room did you not understand?" Ryan gritted through his clenched teeth, tightening his hold on my arm, it hurt. "And attending the school, how did that even happen?"

"And what part of 'it was becoming a bore to be in there all day' do you not understand?" I tugged my arm away when he loosened his grip slightly "I broke into this school on my own and I can get around just fine on my own without your help, all you have to do is keep quiet or I'll release your photo" I shot back making the alpha take a step back as he ran his fingers through his dark locks as he laughed menacingly.

"You must have a death wish little beta"

'Little? The nerve...'

"Fine have it your way" Ryan said as he shoved his hands into his pockets, a smirk on his thin lips "but know this, no matter how much a butterfly tries" he leaned down to my level, his smirk still on his face "it can never be a bird, only it's prey" he added before standing up straight, dusting himself up of invisible dirt and proceeding to the door.

"You don't scare me and I won't be coming back to your boring dorm room, I'll be getting mine today" I cringed at the bad comeback I had come up with last minute.

"Good riddance" he said before walking out of the room.

'How does he always have a good comeback and I don't?" I stomped my feet on the ground in annoyance, 'stupid alpha'..

He was getting on my nerves since I got here and worst of all I couldn't do or say anything about it mostly because he was right but tried to rub chilli to my wounds by saying it out sarcastically and also I sort of grow out of words whenever he speaks, his voice makes my legs jelly and my stomach flutter.

It wasn't love, that I know, it was more like an omega's instinct when under the spell of a handsome alpha male and my omega side was weak, much weaker than my human side but both sides have one thing in common and that's getting attracted to handsome alpha males that's dominant but this time my omega's got it wrong and since my human side is stronger, I get to make a choice and it's definitely not Ryan.

I huffed as I walked out of the classroom where Ryan had pulled me to earlier and straight into the cafeteria, it was lunch break and I haven't had anything to eat since morning, might as well grab a bite.

The moment I opened the door I was hit with the strong smell of alpha males, it was so strong I felt dizzy for a short while. In moments like this I really wish I was a beta, a wolf with neutral sense effects then maybe I wouldn't be feeling this type of suppression.

Despite the agonizing and unpleasant mixture of alpha smells, I managed to drag myself into the cafeteria immediately locking eyes with Ryan who sat at a table with his legs on it like a king surrounded by very few friends. He locked eyes with me too, smirking as he popped a cherry into his mouth making me look away with an annoyed huff, bumping into Jason just as I turned around, the white haired guy who mocked me class.

"Move" I glared, he obviously blocked my path on purpose

"Be careful what you say kid, mama isn't here to comfort you when you're hurt" he jeered with a smirk, what's it with this guy and teasing other people


"What's that kid?"

'You're the one who needs a mama, you big stinky dog' was what I wanted to say but the words die in my throat, I can't make a smart ass move and get targeted for it when I'm still a lone wolf and so he scoffed his smirk growing bigger.

'what's with these alphas and smirking'

"Good" he patted my hair to which I pushed my head away, "better be silent, you wouldn't want to get on my bad side" he added before walking away, laughing with his friends as they go.

'Bastards' I glared at their backs and looked towards Ryan expecting his sly expression and mocking smile but he wasn't even looking at me, instead he was looking at the retreating back of Jason with a blank face.

What's that?

None of my business that's what, I need to get something in my system before I starve to death.

Just as I grabbed my tray now full of food, the scent of the wolf that past by me in the field earlier reached me making me turn towards the cafeteria door in a speed of light curiously and sure enough a new wolf walked in and he was everything an omega would ever need, every omega's fantasy.

He walked with an air of charisma, his gelled back blond hair shone under the artificial light of the lunch room, his blue eyes complimented his pale skin and blond hair, his plump lips pulled into a smile as he glanced at me.

Wait, glanced at me? was he looking my way?

And then he winked

The noise in the cafeteria drowned out as all I could hear was the sound of my own heart beating loudly against my chest.

Pink dusting my cheeks as I turn away to avoid being caught starring in awe at the alpha, after all I'm supposed to be and act like an alpha too

But damn, this blond haired alpha is just my type.


3rd Person POV

"Check the area properly!" Tony shouted, watching from a rock as his younger comrades searched thoroughly through the bushes. This wasn't their first time here, they've been looking through the forest for the past four days, ever since they lost the omega that night, they've been searching for her to pacify their alpha whom she offended.

"Sir everywhere is clear, she didn't leave any trace in her path" a young beta announced as he walked over to the older man, looking sweaty and tired, the sun too heavy for them

"Nothing?" The older man asked as he rubbed at his forehead stressed, "how could she have disappeared into thin air? Let's move ahead boys, we can't stay here forever" the group moved away from that site, threshing the tall grasses down from their path.

Just as the last person disappeared from the view of that place, two figures, one an alpha girl and the other a beta boy appeared from behind a huge tree.

"Looks like they haven't found her yet" the alpha girl said while the boy nodded

"Jade's smart when it comes to hiding her tracks and herself, she must be safe for now but we'll have to find her before they do" the beta boy nodded his head forward to gesture at the people who just left that place.

"Let's get on with it then, we have to be a step ahead of them if we must find her first"


Ryan's POV

Today was a rather eventful day, the beta was out of my room and was now a student who had used my results to gain admission. How could the people in charge of admitting people in be so dumb as to not suspect her despite her small figure, they must have been high or bewitched.

I sighed as I flopped down on my sofa which I hadn't had a chance of sitting on for days because she had occupied it.

It still smelled like her, a soft scent of pine and wood and if I pressed the little pillow to my nose, I can feel the almost not there smell of vanilla and cherry, it was intoxicating, almost like that of an omega.

An omega...

My eyes flew open as I threw the pillow away, running my hand down my face

I must be craving an omega's touch to think of one when inhaling that stupid beta's scent.

It's a good thing she's away now, she was making me uncomfortable since the moment I met her.

Her big brown eyes, baby pink lips, tiny face, perfect dentition, everything screamed perfection and that's not something I...

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts, who the fuck was knocking this late?

I stomped over, pulling the door open to come face to face with the main character of my earlier thoughts, she rubbed her eyes sleepily as she yawned, she looked like the cutest thing in the over sized white t-shirt she was wearing.

No wait... my T-shirt

"When you're done ogling at me can you let me in?"