

Jade Rutherford, a 17 years old omega infiltrated an only Alpha's school to hide from a gang that was after her. Through the reluctant help of Ryan Watson she gets into the school under the disguise of a male alpha

Micomicjoy · Fantasy
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"Did you find her?" An alpha's voice calmly asked as some men about seven of them came into his office drenched in sweat and dirt with their heads bowed to the ground

"No sir, she got away" an elderly beta man in his early forty's standing in front of the others replied, his voice steady, but his finger trembled at the glare the alpha threw his way. How could they not when the alpha's eyes were blood red.

"She was just a teensy little omega" the alpha gritted through his teeth as he rounds his table to stand in front of the man who spoke, glaring straight into his eyes "yet you let her slip away from your grasp" he turned away from the beta man to let out an annoyed huff only to turn back around just as fast to punch him in the face, successfully sending him flying to the corner of the room.

Nobody dared to make a noise as they watched what happen, it was never wise to go against this alpha, not with all the power he exudes. They all scrambled back as the alpha walked towards the beta on the floor, pulling him up violently by his now blood stained collar.

"Listen here Tony or whatever you call yourself" he tightened his hold around the other's collar making it almost impossible for him to breath. "Flip the country upside down if you must, I don't care what you and your dimwits here do, I want that omega bi**ch here as soon as possible, now get out and get on with it" he added as he unceremoniously threw him like an empty bag sack towards the door.

"Yes sir" the beta replied respectfully even with the blood running down the side of his face as he walked out of the office, the other younger men following his lead.

"Fuck" The alpha now left alone banged his fist against the strong mahogany wood table, splitting it in two "I'll find you Jade and when I do" he scoffed "I'll make you regret the day you were born"


"Run Jade, run and never look back"

Jade's POV

My eyes fluttered awake, it was the same dream, one I've been having for so long I can't remember, the voices, the face, they all kind of fade away the moment I wake up and...

"You're awake?" Chills ran down my spine, what the hell? I sat up hurriedly coming face-to-face with the owner of the voice, he looked shaggy, his neck length midnight black hair hung over his head like a bird's nest and his black tired looking eyes glared at me with his arms folded over his chest, wait 'was that a pout on his lips'. And that just made me


Why does he look so much like that red angry bird. it was cute but also angry.

"Oh this is funny to you right?" the alpha asked unamused, his eyebrows furrowing as he looked at me

"Yeah it is" I giggled

"Whatever, I kept my end of the deal now you have to keep your's" he looked away from me as he spoke, his jaw line and pointed nose looking more prominent, a young handsome alp... wait did he say deal? My eyes automatically looked up as I racked my brain for the memory of a deal.

I remembered feeling dizzy in a hallway and falling into a door, then I took a picture and...

Ah... I remember


The omega girl had managed to slip away when my head was clearing from all the tiredness and pheromones.

"Who the hell are you?" The alpha growled as he tucked himself back into his pants "how did you get in here?"

"Hey there, I'm really tired and sleepy, can I spend the night here?" I asked my voice sounding sloppy

"Like hell you can!" He growled as he stalked over to me and grabbed at my arm, tightly and somehow it felt comforting despite it's intention to hurt "you have to get out of here right now, got it?"

"But I'm tired~" I whinned with a pout on my face as I fell onto his broad chest, burying my face there, usually that does the job of winning over the alpha's compassion but after a few seconds when I thought that was working, he pushed me away. A look of horror on his face

"What the... get out of here right now!" he yelled as he took a step back. Well that didn't work, must be because my omega scent is concealed, I still needed to sleep so I played my only other card.

"Let me sleep here for the night or I'll share this photo to everyone in the country, wouldn't want your parents to see this now would you?"

The alpha's eyes burned red as he stalked over to me slowly as I hastily tap on my phone

"Stop!" I raised my palm to stop his movement "one tap and you'll be all over the internet" that didn't stop him as he continued to back me up until my back hit the wall behind me "I mean it, I'm going to send it up..."

"One night" he simply said in a low voice as he placed both palms beside my head, my heart was racing.


"You spend one night here and tomorrow you delete that picture you took and get your dirty ass self out of here" he leaned down close to me "Understood?"

End of flashback

Of course I understood what he said last night and I remembered the deal but won't leaving here put me in the hands of my enemy?

I can't leave here, at least not now.


"No excuses, I need you to delete that photo right now and leave" he cut me off immediately, how rude, but I have to persist, I'd rather die in here than go back outside of this walls.

"I can't go out right now or I'll be dead" at that he gave me a skeptical look over

"And what has that got to do me?"

"Nothing really, but I'm just a little girl, it would really be a waste if I should die so soon, don't you think?" I asked with a pout, expecting some sort of sympathy from the alpha but instead he walked over to the sofa I was sitting on, grabbed my arm before dragging me towards the door.

"Please just let me stay here for a while... Ah" he threw me out making me almost stumble on my feet.

"I believe you know the way through which you came in" he said as he stood in his door frame, his hands down in his pocket "You better hurry out before the other alpha's get up, you might be a beta but you're still a girl"

He thinks I'm a beta?

"I'll post the picture online!" I yelled when he was about to close the door to my face, he stopped, a smirk on his face as he does

"Do it, I bet the picture you took was blurry, no one will know who it was in it so go on" he shrugged and was about to close the door again when I spoke up

"Who said I was just going to post it, of course it will go up with your name on it Ryan"

The smirk that was on his face drained, now it was my turn to smirk

Ryan's POV

'How did she know my name, did mom send her to spy on me? I swear to god mom' I looked the little lady over, she wasn't an alpha that's for sure and an omega would never dare come into a place like this knowing only hot blooded young alphas stayed here so she must be a beta. she was dirty just like her clothing but behind the dirt on her face, I could tell she was beautiful, she had big eyes with long lashes, her lips were plump and red and I'm a goner for beautiful things but letting her stay here would be disadvantageous to her not with all the other alpha's here, plus her smirk and personality are both annoying.

"I could deny it" I said expecting the ugly smirk on her face to disappear instead it grew bigger and the next thing she said had me dragging her in


"I said Andrew will bear witness" she repeated smugly, "I know he brings you omegas and alcohol"

Now she was getting on my nerves, how did she know that? If my parents were to find out about that, I'll be sent out of the country on exile again.

"How long do you plan to stay?" I asked with a sigh and her face lit up, her eyes growing bigger than before

"Really, I can stay?"

"You're not that dumb are you?"

"Fine, I'll stay for just a little while"

I breathed out contemplating, today's Sunday, it would be easy to hide her if she cooperates from tomorrow that a Monday and a school day.

"Okay but you have to delete that photo" I bargained and she looked at me as if I've grown a second head "What?"

"I'm not that dumb you know, you'll throw me out the moment I do" she pouted, that didn't even cross my mind but I could definitely consider that now "I'll delete it when I leave"

"Fine do whatever you want" I walked away from her to sit on my study table, "just keep your distance from me, like I said you may be a beta but you're still a girl and I'm a young teenager"

Jade's POV

What makes him think I'm a beta? well that's a good thing, the less he knows the better for both of us.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I walked behind him to peak at what he was doing.

"None of your business" he quickly shut his book but I caught a word though 'Eva' written in fine calligraphy "and please keep your distance from me throughout your stay here" he stood up to walk out and was close to the door when he turned back around "and please take a bath, you stink" he added before walking

"How can someone so fine be so rude" I muttered as I glared at the door he just walked out from

But then again, he's way too soft for an alpha, a smile automatically appeared on my face as I stepped into the bathroom to take a shower.

Staying here would be fun.

Ryan's POV

"Hey Ryan, it's Wednesday and you're not asking me to bring in anything, are you okay?" Andrew asked as he drew a chair out from under a desk to seat beside me.

'Why would I ask that of you when you're suspicious at the moment' I wanted to say but he could be innocent since that beta girl couldn't even describe him when I asked

"I just don't feel like it" I answered simply with an air of finality. He nodded before getting up

"Let me know when 'you feel like it'"

He walked away and I breathed out, so far everything's being good, the beta girl was cooperative, she didn't leave my dorm room no matter what and that was all I needed, she didn't cause any trouble and I only have to see her when I go back to the dorm late at night to sleep. Yesterday she had complained of being bored but that's her problem, she wouldn't be bored if she didn't come in here in the first place.

Just then the teacher, Mr Robert walked in.

"We have a new student joining us today" Mr. Robert announced, it was already mid section who could want to start attending school now when exam was close by, but then again who cares "Please come in" he called and the minute the newcomer walked in, my mouth fell open because standing before the entire class was the beta girl with trimmed hair and an alpha smell and an overly big uniform.

Hello there everyone, my name's Jaden Rutherford and I'm an alpha"


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