

Jade Rutherford, a 17 years old omega infiltrated an only Alpha's school to hide from a gang that was after her. Through the reluctant help of Ryan Watson she gets into the school under the disguise of a male alpha

Micomicjoy · Fantasy
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Ryan's POV

"Ogling?" I asked back with a scoff, I wasn't even checking her out whatsoever, I was only wondering how she got her hands on my T shirt "I'd rather ogle at a horse"

She looked hurt for a nanosecond before waving it off

"Whatever, can I spend the night here?" She asked with her signature bored eyes, not like someone who was begging for it, it was more of a demand.

"No, didn't you get your own dorm room?" I asked back with a mocking smirk, enjoying every expression of shame and regret that pass through her face before it becomes blank again.

"I did but I was expecting a room like your's for myself but they gave me one half the size and worst of all I have to share it with a lunatic of an alpha" she huffed with a pout as she looked away before adding in a mumble "plus he snores very loudly and is dirty too, I can't stand it"

Look at her trying to be cute, I guess whatever their rankings are girls will always be girls and I'm a sucker for cute girls but I couldn't help but want to annoy the hell out of this one, I enjoy her pissed off expression.

"I won't be coming back to your boring dorm room, I'll be getting mine today" I mimicked what she said earlier that day making her scowl, this girl is really fearless even for a beta "go back to your 'not so boring' room, mine is out of limit to you, understand?" I said moving to close the door when she held on strongly to the edge of the door.

If it was another alpha I would have just dragged the door and slammed their fingers against the door frame, crushing them on impact but I can't do that to this little thing in front of me, she might end up crying and that's something I can't take right now.

"I'll post the picture if..."

"Go ahead and do that and I'll let the whole school know you're a beta girl pretending to be an alpha boy" I spat making her release her hand from the door but not quiet letting go. What she's doing is considered a crime, faking her hierarchy somehow and pretending to be a boy to stay in here.

I could report her, get her found out and expelled or better yet sent to jail but I didn't want to because one I don't care about her or anybody and second, it's been a long time since I went by the rules but I'm not thinking of starting now

She stood there with her head down and other hand clutching at her pillow tightly, she looked like she was contemplating her next move or words while I stood there staring at her.

The beta looked so small I could fit her in my pocket at that moment. What was she doing here, like a lamb in a lion's den anyway? I would have asked if I cared.

"I'll do anything, please just let me stay, if I spend the night in that room, the alpha there might notice I'm not really an alpha"

Now she was asking with a sincerely begging face and not demanding, even promising to do whatever I want just to spend the night. Whatever I want hmmm?

"Anything I want you say?" I asked out rubbing at my jaw in thought, a smirk appearing on my face once I got an idea "Fine I..."

"Anything not perverse, you pervert" she whisper yelled as she glared at me while hugging her pillow tightly to herself.

I stared at her blankly, my eyes widening when I realized what she was thinking, she must have misunderstood the meaning of my smirk just now.

"Hey, I'm anything but a pervert" I clarified, not that I cared about what she thought of me, I just needed her to know what I'm not.

"Says the one who had his family jewel hanging out in front of an omega when we met"

"That was a consensual act and was ruined because you broke into my room uninvited..."

"Whatever" she cut me off "as long as you're not asking me for anything perverted I'll do it but please let me in already, my legs are killing me"

I took a deep breath to keep from saying anything else and only opened the door wider for her to come in which she did happily, it didn't show on her face but I could feel it radiate from her

"Oh and by the way you have to fix that rude tone you use whenever you're talking to me" I said as she flopped down on my sofa, it was a fairly large sofa though not big enough for me to sleep in but she seemed to fit in perfectly "and about the pervert thing, you don't have to worry, I don't do those type of things to kids" adding the kid part was on purpose, just to remind her of Jason's earlier taunt and it gave me the desired reaction I wanted as she sat up to glare at me

I walked over to my bed with a satisfied sigh, ignoring her burning glare as I do. Tomorrow is definitely going to be fun.

I can't wait.

To torture you


And with a grin on my face, I let the gentle arms of slumber embrace me.


3rd person POV

"It's a dead end" a beta boy said as he looked up at the high wall "there's no doubt she was here"

"True, but where would she have gone to from here, it looks almost impossible for a running omega to pass through this thorny bushes without leaving blood traces" the alpha girl added, inspecting their sidesqq with her phone's torchlight

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" The beta side glanced at the alpha, a playful smirk on his face making her scoff

"If you're thinking like Patrick the starfish then no"

"That was mean Roxy" the beta huffed annoyed "and I think Jade's in there, behind this wall, it's the only logical explanation for why we can't find her anywhere else"

"Are you stupid or did you not see the words written over there? It an alpha school Blake, why would an omega go in there?" The alpha, now Roxy said with an 'I'm so done with you' look directed at the other who rolled his eyes

"To hide of course, she managed to rob an alpha of his most prized possession, how else would she get away if not this?" Blake convinced and it seemed to work as Roxy tapped at her lips in thought, Blake's eyes following the movement

"I think you have a point" Roxy straightened herself as she glanced once more at the wall "It's dangerous but Jade's always been a smart kid, this must have been her only smartest idea at the time"

Roxy spun around to face Blake who was already looking at her

"we have to get her out of there before the alphas figure out she's an omega and before the wolves behind figure out she's in there too, it would be too messy and we might be overpowered"

"So what do you suggest we do, we can't just walk in there and grab her out"

"Of course not, we have to strategize, the school has an off day during the weekends and most of the alphas come out to get one thing or the other, we'll take her once she does come out" Roxy grinned at the other who grinned back

"But what if she doesn't come out?" Blake asked, mild confusion written on his face

"Then we'll go in, there won't be that many alphas in school then"


"Now we just have to wait around till then" Roxy yawned while stretching her arms out "wanna grab a drink and let loose a bit?" she added with a seductive wink making Blake chuckle as he pulled her by her waist

"You know I won't say no to such offer, especially when you're asking alpha" Blake answered matching his tone to the mood

"Then what are you waiting for big boy, please your alpha" Roxy whispered as she bit down softly on his earlobe, eliciting a low growl from the beta as he pulled her by the arm from the forest clearing to a place where they can continue their passionate play without being caught.

Not that they cared, but comfort was more valuable to them.


The next day

Jade's POV

I never should have agreed to do anything Ryan wanted, I should have known he was a monster and would take advantage of my situation.

Urg, if I had known I had to pay ten times the price of an ordinary dorm room for a VIP dorm room I would have done that, I still had enough in my account to squander

But now it's too late to cry when the head's off

"Do you usually go to class with this much textbooks?" I asked shakily as I staggered behind Ryan on our way to class, my arms were trembling under the heavy weight of the books he made me carry.

"Of course, as a senior my grades are important to me since I'd like to go to a great university from here" he answered with an innocent grin on his face making me glare at him.

After what felt like hours we finally arrived at our class and I hurried to set the books on his desk when he stopped me

"There isn't enough space there" he said as he sat down with his legs on the desk "put them on your desk instead"

"Why should I, these..." I looked down at the books in my arms "Are all yours"

"I know but as you can see there isn't enough space for them here"

"Well if you'll just put your freaking legs down and..."

"Hey" he interrupted me, his voice going deeper when he did, it was a warning, an alpha's warning to his subordinate to stop them from challenging him "stop talking and take them to your desk"

Sighing in defeat I walked over to my desk, dumping the books on them unceremoniously, a few of them falling over

"Hey be careful with those, they are expensive" Ryan warned from behind me but I ignored it, taking off my bag to hang on the side of the table.

"Huh?" Jason voice sounded from in front of me making me look up to find the alpha sitting with his chin on his palm while side glancing at the stalk of books on my desk "you're a nerd too?" he chuckled to himself. "Why are the cute tiny faced ones always nerds?"

He thinks I'm cute?

"But then again that's the only thing they are good at, being bookworms"

And there he goes again.

Just then the teacher walked in saving me from more of Jason's taunts, I was already thinking of poking his eyes if he kept talking.

"Teacher's here, talk to you later cutie" I rolled my eyes with a gag once he went back to his seat.

Alphas like Jason are the worst, nosy and annoying. At least Ryan is just annoying and not even that much but still_____

I felt something hit my head from behind making me turn around to look at the culprit who had thrown a balled up paper at me and of course it had to be Ryan.

"Take notes for me, you'll see each subject name written on top of their respective books"

I take back what I said earlier, this alpha is super annoying

I glared at him but choose not to comment. He was so rude and there was nothing I wanted at that moment than to punch his arrogant face.

He sat with his eyes closed doing absolutely nothing with his legs on his desk like the arrogant jerk alpha he is.

I won't let him win. If he thinks he can treat me like a slave so easily then he was terribly mistaking.

I'm going to make it so difficult, he would be the one begging me to stop.

I smirked at his closed eyes relaxed figure before taking out the calculus note book to start taking notes on English.

He'll be so sorry for making me take this notes for him.