
Almost Forever

Life is full of mystery and surprises, because in life it's very usual to be lied to, used, cheated on and betrayed for. Every time you think it's the end turns out to be a begining line for another adventure. meet Layla Reeds a woman with a lot to tell, whom the world didn't spare or show mercy to. A journey she embarked on her own to find peace, love and most of all an identity for the world to recognise her with. for more tune in, in Almost Forever there's more to explore and a lot more to learn.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

Recieving the Mehr (dowry) and the party

I bid Pinky goodbye after I received a call from dad that he was waiting for me, my shift ended twenty minutes ago and I was just around the reception area stealing hospitals free WiFi. being a staff here has its pecks you know.

I pull the handle and entre inside. I greet Abbui with a hand shake with a light kiss on his right palm. I asked him how his day was and he did the same. we drove out of the hospital's parking lot back to the house. Abbui runs fabric industries and other small businesses. we are not poor to thank God but also not billionaires like the Abassis'.

"Did you decide on something?"

I played with my fingers out of impulse, subconsciously my fingers found the edges of my scarf playing with them.

"I was given an idea about it with a friend, I couldn't come up with my own. and I think it's a good one"

I dismissed the topic with a head nod and we drove home in silence.

we reached home a few minutes to A'sr prayer so dad just dropped me off at the driveway. made a U-turn to the mosque. I entered inside to find the house abnormally quiet no sign of Muna and mom. I walked down the hallway to rooms. I stand facing my room's door. "Ummy!, Ummy!...Muna!... I'm home already I'm gonna pray A'sr" I spoke loudly because they might be praying.

I fold the prayer mat after I've finished the Du'a and dhikr. making my way to the kitchen I find mom pushing the baking pan in the oven. something was steaming on the stove. I greet her whilst hugging her from behind placing a kiss on the side of her face.

"I was praying, I couldn't answer you.."

"I thought so Ummy,.... where's Muna?"

She looked at me for seconds, before she answered.

"she went to study with her project partner, she'll be back before Maghreb prayer".

"what are you baking Ummy, I'm starving" she paused from stirring to look at me, as if she had something going on in her head. "On the stove it's chicken soup, in the oven is camembert bread. I was thinking of making dumplings too"

"wow, nice light but classy dinner, what about dessert?"

she waved me off, leaving me to decide about that. she stirred the soup once more before turning off the stove.

"Make Samosas, your father would like it, he doesn't prefer dumplings anyway".

I agreed with mom, I went to the tap to wash my hands, getting to work.

still frying the Samosas, we heard the revving of engines from the driveway. I didn't pay attention as o knew dad must have came back from the mosque. I continued to what I was doing. mom left to receive dad while I continued in the kitchen.

twenty-five minutes later I was long finished with frying Samosas and currently beating the egg white for making raspberry short cake for dessert when mom walked in.

"I'll take it from here, you're needed in the majles" I felt my blood almost clotting. Asad was here... Asad... the Mehr.... my heart began pumping blood in an abnormal speed.

"why are you still glued here, they're waiting for you". I slowly approached the tap to wash my hands and dry them with the towel.

The majles wasn't far from the kitchen, but it felt as if I was walking miles per second. I reached the glass doors contemplating on what to do, and I settled to knocking first to announce my arrival. I heard a polite come in. and I did just that with my head hung low.

"waalaykum salaam" the three men replied to the salaam in unison.

granted the permission to sit, I sat at the far end near the majles. Dad introduced the unfamiliar man as the sheikh from the Qadhi's office who will officiate the marriage. They continued to talk for a few minutes until they brought up the main subject. they acknowledged me again and asked for my choice.

"I..thou...I.." I fidgeted with my fingers as a lump settled on my throat deny me a clear speech.

"Maybe we should give the children a little privacy don't you think?" the sheikh asked as I was struggling with words. Dad asked us to go outside the garden. Asad led the way as followed behind. we reached the field. I was still anxious, what would he think about this?. I didn't dare speak until he addressed me first with his back facing me.

"You were going to say something" Goosebumps erupted all over again after I heard his deep raspy voice. I was lost of the topic we were supposed to talk about until I heard a clearing of throat. oh yeah the Mehr.

"the only thing I came up with recently, I was thinking of .... of renovation" I stopped to regain my breath.

"I wish you'd renovate the mosque in the community residence and build a madrassa for the children they're currently conjugated in the mosque. I ended there, as I waited for the criticisms or worse a bargain for rethinking the Mehr.

"how much do you need to accomplish all that?" I raised my head to stare at his back. I didn't know he will be to terms with what I came up with. when Pinky told me about them I felt the need to lend a hand. I had everything at home, I didn't miss a thing and I never needed more.

"I don't know...." I said sheepishly lowering my head back. with my peripheral sight I saw him dash out a small white card, putting it on the bench he spoke sincerely.

"After you find out please text me the details, by the end of this week it will be already settled" I nodded the head while clearly knowing he can't see that. we stayed quietly for almost two minutes. the heavy burden in my heart burning me inside. This distance is being maintained only now, soon the Gaps will overlap. How will I keep him far until I am ready?.

I felt his body move and it startled me. he began retreating back inside. we owe each other a talk.

"A...Assad..." I breathed out the name as if it was corroding my mouth. he stopped without turning.

"We need to talk"


True to his words, Asad arranged the Mehr I was going to receive it in cash. his father the sheikh and other men are going to bring it today. After Isha prayer both families organised a small party for the Mehr. After the talk with Asad, I've become a little relaxed. I wore a long red evening dress with a chaintly lace hijaab.

The small fiction went well. I recieved the Mehr, pictures were taken, everybody was laughing or smiling. I took a picture with Asad's mom and she took a couple of mine alone too. they came with a few close friends and neighbors and I took pictures with them too.

the function was dominated by women, Osman uncle and the other men brought the Mehr then left afterwards. My future mother-in-law began singing Arabic bridal songs and everybody else backed her up and cheered. it was funny and exciting all the same time.

For the first time after so long, I was smiling and it came from the heart!.