
Almost Forever

Life is full of mystery and surprises, because in life it's very usual to be lied to, used, cheated on and betrayed for. Every time you think it's the end turns out to be a begining line for another adventure. meet Layla Reeds a woman with a lot to tell, whom the world didn't spare or show mercy to. A journey she embarked on her own to find peace, love and most of all an identity for the world to recognise her with. for more tune in, in Almost Forever there's more to explore and a lot more to learn.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

discussing the Mehr (dowry) And the Party

Holding a novel, I decided to read to clear my head off.

a science fiction from a writer I'm not familiar with. the book is interesting, it was recommended by Pinky. She's my colleague at work and a good friend since we graduated from the same university.

strong knocks echoed throughout the room. granting permission to enter to whoever was on the other side. the door flew open and Abbui walked in. he came to sit next to me on the bed.

"Assalam Alaykum Abbui, I didn't know it was you I..i.."

he stopped me mid sentence when he shook his head sideways.

"Waalaykum salaam habibty, you're always conscious of yourself".

he drew my left hand towards him to inspect my ring finger, I had it on until now. he smiled at it.

"It's beautiful masha'Allah, nice choice" I looked at it again as if I wanted to give my credit.

"But very expensive, I felt soo bad when Asad exchanged the rings earlier today" Dad raised his eyebrows to show his confusion. I told him what happened in the store and how I ended up with the expensive ring on my finger. Abbui broke into a soft laughter.

"what's so funny Abbui?"

he laughed some more until he had to gasp for air. he regain his composure to smile at me. "it proves that he paid attention" I changed the topic, I was tired of everyone asking or praising Asad since last week, I want pay attention to us.

"what was darsa about today?" he looked at me giving me a tight smile "we have new members in the community so we are teaching them how to enhance their lifestyles with the Islamic culture" I nod slowly I look anywhere but not his eyes. they were like X-ray machine. in no time he'll figure me out.

"Don't fight it., I know you still don't approve of this". I shake my head to deny and to try lying to my father.

"No, it's nothing like that, I'm fine with this" I looked away playing with the edges of my scarf.

"you're lying to me, if not you wouldn't play with that" he pointed to the edges of my hijaab. I slump down excepting defeat.

"Layla, I've noticed you this situation since yesterday, you refused to a private talk with Asad. you didn't want to interact with him. I know it's still hard but give it a chance, in due time things will work out"

"I will Abbui" I convinced him, without looking his way.

"Don't you want to back out?" he asked in a very low and alarmed voice, he didn't look me in the eyes.

"I don't think if that will be a wise move right now, things have already escalate too far. I'd rather leave them as they are" I brought my knees to my chest laying my head on them. "The sheikh and Asad are coming over tomorrow evening, you already know what for?"I stared at him dumbfounded. I didn't know what he was trying to say.

He runned a hand through my confused face.

"Mehr" I rest my back on the headboard.

"why too soon?"

"we don't have much time left".

I finished praying Isha a few minutes ago, I was still on the prayer mat reciting the holy Qur'an to call it a night afterwards. I had work tomorrow very early morning. Saturday's are my day offs. I report back to work on Sunday. It was hard to concentrate since I had to think of a particular thing to ask from Asad.

what can I ask from a guy like Asad?.....

I thought of it as I went to sleep too without settling down for anything. I wasn't prepared for marriage and it rarely crossed my mind. that's why I was currently in a choosy situation. I can't think of a reasonable amount or thing. I would ask mom tomorrow what she asked for her Mehr, to atleast get the picture.

Dad was driving at a standard speed because we still had time. I would make it early to the hospital.

He dropped me off and I walk in the building to my locker, I pull my uniform out to go change. I go to the machine at the wall putting my thumb on the biometric fingerprint scanner to sign in.

I began arranging the lab results for the out patients who were supposed to collect them today.

my schedule was very tight. I was busy that I didn't notice it was lunch time already.

Knock! knock! knock.

I look towards the entrance and I find Dr Pinky Martins standing in the middle of the door in full glory.

"Lunch break!!" I tear my eyes from the computer to look at her. "I'm still busy, Go with Dr Donovan" I get back to what I'm doing. Little did I know she'd be stubborn about this.

"you never miss lunch especially on my shifts, should we keep it that way or we turn off the cable?"

"No!,Don't.. Don't do that, I didn't save the work!, I'm fasting today, that's why I can't go" I replied to her while playing with the edges of my hijaab.

"Liar!,you fast on Mondays and Thursdays... today is Sunday!"

"I'm not!, stop right there Pinky, don't you dare!!!"

she didn't pay heed, she was walking towards the switch.

Pinky has no difference to Muna when it comes to maturity. she would really shut down power in this room and ruin everything.

"Okay fine!, fine! I'm going" she squeaked in victory. as I saved the work, pressed the sleep button on the computer to walk out with her to the cafeteria.

Pinky as always, got some greasy food while I settled for a healthy salad with water, I've ate a lot of greasy food these past two weeks, reducing the intake for a few days. Pinky told me about a snobby patient she saw yesterday and how she sent her to the councillor's office. we laughed off about it because the girl reminds us of a queen bee back in the university. she held the bottle with her left hand bringing it up her mouth. I stop it with my free one.

"Always drink with your right hand" she smiled at me before her mood changed quickly to one of shock, excitement or something else.

"Sweet Jesus!! Lay, You're Engaged???" my eyes widen on my own, The whole cafeteria was staring at us now. I didn't remove the ring after putting it on Infront of dad this morning.

"Wait... it's not what.... I'm... I..I..(phuuueww) I am Engaged" I said the last part tiredly.

"congratulations!,but why didn't you tell me you had a suitor?"

"it's a long story"

"there's still, forty-five minutes till the break is over" she said while glancing at her wrist watch.

"Wow!!, that's... that's something!" she said in awe.

"so now I have to think of something, to answer them this evening". she sipped on her water.

"what do you have in mind?" I look her in the eyes bluntly speaking.

"Nothing!" she looked at me seriously and her facial features lighten up.

"I think I may have an Idea"


"That's a brilliant Idea Pinky!, thank you"

"I'm glad you took it"



I hope you guys are enjoying the book, I'm sorry if my updates are too slow, I have another book that I am writing for a contest.

so I currently have a lot on my plate. but I'll try to catch up.

you tell me what you think.

love you all ❣️😘