
ALL TRUE MAGIC ( Fate Dxd ) Omega Verse

What is existence? What is time What is a soul? What is purpose? Reality a dream that encompasses us all. What is the true meaning of existence if in the end all is for naught. Can anyone grasp the truth with their own hands? Can one be truly understand what it truly meant to exist? A journey to find the root with all true magic.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Fate universe Notes-Ado Edem

This isn't a story that will be recorded in the root or the throne of heroes.

But rather, it's a small prayer directed at the star in the void.

He fought with hope and disappointment.

The noble ideal to be a knight and protecting the people he has tasked to protect.

As a weapon he would do his duty.

But he wondered what does it means to protect.

To cherish and to love.

The freedom to look to do what's necessary.

The reality he saw before him cannot be denied.

This was the end.

As his dignity as the slash emperor, he has slain all the enemies he was fated to destroy.

Type Jupiter, Type Saturn, Type Uranus, Type Neptune, Type Mercury.

And lastly

The Spider also known as ORT.

The A-Rays and the six sisters thought it was type mercury but it was further from the truth.

It was something much worse.

A being from the ORT cloud that surrounded the galaxy.

An alien in the truest word.

A monster of the highest caliber.

Ado was looking at the beautiful work he had done to that eight-legged freak. It was truly magnificent.

Cut in half cleanly as it is falling along with him through space.

What was truly baffling that how he made a black hole with a final slash he bet his life on.

The boost from five of the six sisters helped a lot to power up his knight arm to do the work.

If they were not uncaring at this point, he would surely would have perished under those spiders Marbel phantasm.

Ado was cursing in his inability to kick the crimson fucker Brunestud in his final bucket.

If it wasn't for him.

{Ado edem: Anyways it's over now. There is nothing to do anymore. Mission priorities are disengaged. Operational limit has fallen to zero. Emotional Limiters has been disengaged.}

{Ado: Where all of those witches able to escape with the spaceship they made? With how the spider was was imprinting its will on Earth. Looking at how it did the number on Earth he doubts it.}

Ado turns and gives on last look at earth covered by green crystal as he is falling through space entering earths atmosphere.

{Ado Edem: It doesn't matter anymore}

Alarms were blaring in the suit.

Oxygen was null

The suit was melting.

But it didn't matter.

His whole body became energy with all the amped he is with power of the witches so called magic.

His body will soon dissipate anyway die to laws of entropy.

Edem was looking at the void he made in front of him, hollow and empty like his heart.

His life flashed as he sees one last look at the stars.

His knight arm was the symbol of the start.

Always burning bright lighting, the darkness that covered the world.

But now that he finally looks at the stars without the red blood skies made by type Pluto's blood.

He sees how his light was nothing but a matchstick compared to the real deal.

He should have done better.

He should have fought better.

He should have lived better.

But now he only feels hollow.

He fought hard and won the battle, but he lost the very thing that gave him meaning as an existence.

Was life like this worth it?

Was this struggle worth it?

Was Earth doomed for the get go.

Ado raises his hands and looks at the flickering ether going into the void he made.

{Ado: Even heaven exists, I beseech God to answer me. Show me why fate has abandoned me. Was it humanities sin of the older generation or was it their negligence.}

{Ado Edem: If God truly exist. I would like to cut him down}

With one last though going through his head only known to Edem, he vanished into the void that was caused by the cut made by his final form of his knight arm.

Edem closed his eyes.

But he couldn't accept it.

Dying without any meaning.

He cannot accept death.

He wants to cut everything, given the chance even the strings of fate.

And without his knowledge he has done the very thing.

The void was the proof of his defiance.

His battle has just begun.

!!!!!In a corner of the fate universe!!!!

Gaia and Alaya was in serious panic mode.

They were watching the end of the battle, recording crucial data so it can be relayed to Zelrecht.

To their absurd scratch that to the unpredictability of the timelines something they couldn't predict happened.

The worst fucked up scenario.

They are now looking at Shiki Ryougi having a seizure Infront of them.

Ado Edem has cut through the root itself.

Unlike Miyamoto Musashi who reached absolute zero.

Edem has reached the utmost pinnacle of the saber.

To cut anything.

God, Fate, Destiny and Karma and concepts.

Edem had finally achieved the unthinkable.

Not Reaching the swirl of the root but a step beyond further and there to the unkown.






Gaia and Alaya quickly used all of their power to restore Shiki's damage to mind and her soul.

Who could have predicted a being would reach the power to warp reality.

Alaya: EMIYA!!!!

With a sudden burst of ether Archer, a.k.a Shirou Emiya arrived.

Archer: GEEZ!! Why are you-

Archer got his bearings and saw the most bizarre thing.

The being known as the connection to the swirl of the root is having a stroke while the will of the planet is trying to get her in the right mind.

Archer: WHAT THE FU-


Archer: Okay.

Archer has a serious face.

The being connected the root having a seizure is not a good sign at all.

With a burst of Kaleidoscopic hue, he was teleported to bring the vampire.

Gaia: What can he do the situation. He is not the third who can bring Edem's soul back. He cannot look into the void at any cost.

Alaya: Better him than an unknown. No one should know what is beyond the swirl.

Gaia: You can't poss-

Shiki: I-ts t&0 l^%te.

Alaya and Gaia quickly looked over Shiki.

Gaia: Haa! Finally, I thought we lost you.

Alaya: Take some deep breath and don't move, we are trying to remedy the dame in your should. It looked like someone cut into two.

Shiki: It-s La&$#te he is already beyond the void.

With that statement both Alaya and Gaia was shaken.

A burst of Kaleidoscopic hue Shiro and Zelrecht arrived.

Zelrecht: Okay this better b-

Zelrecht was shocked with both Alaya and Gaia on top of shiki.

Zelrecht: Oh my! How rude I'll come back later.

Shiki: W-&%it!

Zelrecht now sported a serious face.

Zelrecht: What happened.

With a grave tone he was looking at Gaia and Alaya.

With a wave of both of their hands they gave a clear screen for both Archer and Zelrecht.

Zelrecht: ....

Shirou: Huh? Is that a black hole.

Zelrecht was shocked to the core and amused at same time.


Zelrecht was cackling at the situation before him. Who would have though in his long life he could see someone such mind boggling as this. Today has really been his day.

Zelrecht: Looks like the Grand Saber has grown some wings.

Archer: Grand Saber?

Zelrecht: Oh boy oh boy Muramasa is going to cry blood river if he knew someone perfected his dream.

Archer looked at the vampire in irritation at that name as it brough memories, memories he would rather bury ten feet under.

Archer: Who is the Grand Saber?

Zelrecht: Let your boss brief you. You and him are alike.

Archer: Hmm?

Alaya: Enough chitchat, I need you to trach Edem.

Zelrecht: How do you suppose I do that, do I look like a madman who wants to jump into the void?

Alaya/Archer/Gaia: Yes.

Zelrecht: ...

Zelrecht: Okay first of all brief me what happened, since I was busy watching Sailor moon.

Everybody had an urge to slap that vampire.

Alaya: Can you track him, only track him. Can you at least do that for me.

Zelrecht: No.

Gaia and Alaya grabbed their head and screamed.


Shirou was concentrating on the image Infront of him of ruined Earth with green crystals all over the place.

What shocked him is that the spiders body floating in space.

He had some missions as counter guardian to make it sure it stays asleep.

It was never a pleasant one.

Now he sees it bisected in half.

Archer: W-ho or what did this?

Alaya: It's over! It's all over! My grand saber ran away! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Archer looks at Alaya in disgust.

While Gaia rolls her eyes.

Shiki: I am not sure where he went, but he is now beyond my reach. Only the Lord can help him fir his blasphemy. My fear is that if he reached the root and survived unlike others who reached it and was absorbed. Headache is the last thing to worry about. If he learns secrets, he for sure will come to hunt both of you down.

Void shiki slowly stop up and looked at the root and clicked her tonque.

Will he survive reaching Akasha or be consumed by it's overwhelming swirl.

Maybe something entirely different.

Zeltrecht who has been quiet was thinking carefully what this means.

A person reaching the root with no will or greed for power.

But only to live.

An exciting turn of events.

Where would this situation lead to. But he noticed a sudden shift of emptiness beside him.

He looked where Archer was standing and sees the space empty.

Zelrecht: Not to hamper your misery but did you dismiss Archer.

Gaia and Alaya: Huh?

Shiki: .....

Shiki: This is Bad.

Alaya: M-y guard-ian. The contract. It's GONE!

Zelrecht/Gaia: Huh?

!!!!!!!Edem in the void!!!!

He doesn't know how much time has gone by. Months, Years, centuries. Or is there time at all.

One thing was for sure there was too much noise.

Ado slowly opened his eyes and was immediately bombarded with several images of past, present and future. With such influx of information, he quickly shut his eyes, or was it his eyes? Or the eyes of the soul?

He should be dead right now.

But here he is in a noisy place.

He wanted a quick nap before he can march his way up to God and punch him.

He slowly but surely tried to regain his senses filtering the noise in the surrounding, but it seems he couldn't. So Edem improvised to the senses of his body, his skin, his feelings. Feelings that are hollow but full of will to live and find one good thing for a meaning in life.

Edem desperately tried to grasp something.

Then he feels it.

A flow.

He was in a flow.

It felt fluid but at the same time rigid.

Edem tried to meditate to get his bearing.

With only one thing in mind.


Ever since he was born, he was always trying to survive.

For Food, for freedom to experience something nice.

So that's what he will do.


Edem doesn't know how much time has passed since then millennia or Eons. But slowly but surely the noise dies down.

Slowly he opened his eyes.

What he saw left him breathless.

He saw a huge eye staring at him.

He kept gazing at it but he snapped out of his stupor and looked over.

He was even more astonished.

What was looking at him was a whale at the size of the Galaxy.

Edem looked down and saw he was standing on the fabric of space itself with stars and galaxy swirling.

???: Ho quiet the spirit you have there

Edem quickly turned around and aimed a sword that materialized in his hand. The very sword that cut reality and fate.

???: Hehehe calm down, if I wanted to fight, I would have already declared my challenge. If you are challenging me, I will oblige. Now the question can you match my power.

Edem: Are you God?

???: Depends if you got and appointment.

Slowly in the blanket of whiteness a figure emerged with a size of humongous proportions.

????: I don't know how you got the balls to challenge me, I think an introduction is in order before we start.


With this declaration a huge pressure descended on Ado, but the will to live and rage he has cannot bend his knee. A huge green figure with eight arms emerged.

Ado Edem: If you're not God, then I have no business whatsoever. If you get in my way in the pursuit I will cut you down.

VOICE: Kkekekeke Hhahahahah. Oi Old man get out here. I think it's enough of a test. Looks like he wats to beat you up badly. Lucifer is going to like this guy.

Slowly the said figure revealed himself.

Without any moment to spare, Edem burst to get a strike in.

It seemed like time slow down and a voice emerged.

????: Why do you want to live?

With a swift motion Edem gave his strike with his soul as a fuel.

Edem: To be-

With one swift strike Edems sword taken away from him.

????: Not enough, you must know the true concept of life.

Edem stood Infront of the being made of life motionless.

Now a question emerged.

What was his life beyond a weapon.

To destroy, To shield, To protect.

He was sure there was an answer long time ago.

But it was lost with due time.

Edem was bought out of his thoughts by the being grabbing his shoulder.

????: Do you want to become a new God of your World. If so then you can. You have reached the swirl and further beyond. What is do you want to have.

Edem had a blank look over his face.

Become a God?

What nonsense.

He wants one thing only.

Edem: I want to be free from your hands.

?????: ...….

Voice: ...….

Unwritten Leviathan: Hmmmmmmmmm.

The One: I see. But the way you are now you cannot achieve it. You don't even know what it is mean lo live and to die. The miracle you have caused has let you escape death and your fate. If you are asking me if you are free from my hands, you already are. If you want to know true freedom you must search the answer yourself. Even if I tell you the answer you cannot comprehend me.

Edem: Then how can I.

The One: Let's make a deal, shall we?

Edem: ...…..

Edem: Are you going to trick me.

The One: Maybe or Maybe not. The answer is yours to seek.

Edem: What is the deal then.

The One: I and the rest of the two here will send you to a suicide mission. If you survive and find the answers you are seeking. I will grant you to battle me, to take my throne.

The One: If you fail then you will have a worthy time you have spent on your journey, to die peacefully without regrets.

Edem: I won't.

Edem had a look of conviction on his face. He will find the answers he was looking for. The answers to the fate bestowed upon him and the meaning of true freedom

The One: Hmm very well. So shall we get started.

Edem: So, what do I have to do.

The One: Since you have gotten this far we think you have gotten right to obtain something from us.

Voice: Kekeke. That's right. Since you have taken your fate in your hands. I think it is only right for us to give something of equal value to for the show you have given us something interesting.

Unwritten Leviathan: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

The One: I will go first. Since you have reached the root of your world. I will give you all true magic in their final completion.

1) The First when everything came out of thought.

2) The second the omniverse gave birth to many. The possibilities that will give a rise to a path not known to many.

3) The third for the awareness of finite and Infinite.

4) The fourth to gaze upon all

5) The fifth with the proof that non can hold everything.

The one held his palm on Edems chest to give the gift he had earned.

Edem: True magic? Like the six-sister use?

The one: Yes.

1) The Denial of Nothingness

2) Kaleidoscope- window to several worlds

3) Heavens Feel

4) Laplace Demon(Karmaic Memory)

5) The Blue

All of them are in their completion. You can say it will make you close and faraway at the same time to the concept of deity. It will make you see the world in a different light to the one I am sending you. I have modified them so you have comfort. I have implanted explanation in your head and when I resurrect you, it will resurface. I will place a protection on your soul and mind so that no one can know about our conversation. A law you can say.

Voice: Oh oh me me me me. I give you a body like any other. You will be able to turn into any being of any universe. Your only problem will be that you can only turn into that specific being when you met a being of similar power or caliber, I am not heartless. I will take your previous body and add the Template of Krypton Gods Rao and a High Human so you don't get busted. If you want an example how to shapeshift into a specific being, Imagine the omnitrix that has Alien X. Oops my bad you don't know that since you did not have a child hood. I will just all the knowledge on your head like chad being of culture I am.

Unwritten Leaviathan: I give you knowledge of all kind.

Edem: ...

Edem: All this gifts for what purpose.

The One: Your mission is to hunt down beings who conquer universes and parallel ones.

Here are you targets and parameters.

1) First Priority: Gather allies from different universe to help your cause whether they are fictional or non-fictional.

2) Second Priority: Assassinate Heavenly Deus goddess.

3) Third Priority: Suppress World will of deus.

4) Kill All Gods of EXE and other outer Gods.

5) Survive or die a glorious death.

Edem: ....

Edem: I don't know who they are but I will pass these trials to hunt you down.

The One: We will see about that. But beware these gifts will be there as long as you hold this firm will. The moment you lose it you will embrace DEATH. When you reach the world use the second magic to see the timeline, the only advice I can give you.

Edem: A weakness.

The One: No a Trial.

Edem: So when do I start.

The One: Before that I have someone, who will be the first person to Tag along.

With a snap of a cynical white-haired servant appeared.

The One: Now off you go.

The Voice: To the Land of Boo-


The Voice: Geez what a buzzkill.

With a flash of light. Both and the cynical person went away.

Ok guys here is the first chapter. Let me know if there are any problem. Comment if you like it.

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapnocreators' thoughts