
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Not my type

I saw that Noah was already taking his bike out. I guess my tacos were a waste. "Hey Liza right? Umm I think today I'll not be able to have dinner because-" "You're hanging out with your friends right?" I said. "Umm yeah you got that right I guess", He said. "Where are you going anyways? I can drop you there!" Noah said. "I was going at the Purrfect cafe-" "I'm heading there too, have a seat let's go together", He said. I sat behind him and we reached there. "Hey girl! You here. Oh Noah you're here too, Thanks for coming both of you!" Sapphire said. "Wait-Did you say he's going to be with us?.No way", I said. "Since your friend doesn't want me, I should leave I guess", Noah said. "No stay I'm fine" I said. A smile spread across his face.

Then we went in and had our snacks with the cats. I was happy. We even clicked some silly selfies and stuff. I really enjoyed the outing even though Noah was present. It was a great outing. I enjoyed it. After all the fun, We had to go back. I hopped on the bikes beside him. "What happened you seem a bit distracted lately", I asked Noah. "Yeah, It's because of someone",He replied. "Oooo is it a girl?", I asked him jokingly. "But he answered in seriousness "Yes,my ex"

He took out his mobile and showed me her picture. I was shocked when I saw....Lily

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