
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Friendly Dorm mates

"Lily.....Was Lily your ex?", I asked him as if all he spoke was lies. But none was serious. Lily was my sister. My favourite sister. Yeah we were four siblings. Ethan,Sarah,Me and Lily. Lily was a few minutes younger than me, Ethan was a year older than me and Sarah was 2 years younger than me.

"Lily was the only one I liked but she broke my heart, I can't bear it", Noah said. "On which date you found that out?", I asked him. "Just before two days. 15 of May", He answered.

"15 May? My birthday! OMG!? She really did", I asked him curiously. " I was in Ashton High last year and your sister was there too. We met when principal called me at her office for a tour. I immediately fell for her. But was shy to tell. Eventually we both became friends then besties and the we both confessed to each other. Then we went on dates, shopping sprees and game nights. And on 15 of May she called me for a date at the love park. I reached 30 mins earlier and found the spot she told me to come. Then what I saw was heartbreaking. I saw Lily kissing some boy and then I shouted on her 'We're over' and that's how we broke up before 2 days. And Today I am transferred here, away from her", He told his story. So that is why Lily was crying on the day of my birthday when we were celebrating it.

We reached at our dormitory building. We reached at the dorm. I opened the door and we both went inside. That night we both met up in my room, Or I should say I invited him over to my dorm. "You're lucky to have a chance to enter my room. I don't even let Sapphire enter my room,So what do you wanna do, Workout or Movies or Reading?". He didn't answer anything, he just smiled. I understood what he wanted to do...

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