
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Am not getting along with you

"What!? I just cleaned the room and you are messing it all up again", I shouted on him. "I'll clean it up, you're getting late", Noah said. "For what?" I questioned. "Your boxing class" he answered. "It's at 5pm not now" I said. "Good then, I didn't want to miss it" Noah said. "What do you mean?", I asked. "Even I am going to be on the class" Noah said. He won't even leave me there. Oh my-now how will I survive his annoyance. Anyways it was just 30 min in class so I set off because I wanted to practice. But all the time in class I was distracted by Noah. He did a good job actually. But it has never happened to me that I'm distracted by somebody.

Hate to admit but for a fraction of second he looked cute. But I shook those thoughts away from myself. He was just using his charm. After the class got over. I went to the dorm while Noah was busy chatting with my classmates Asher and Ralph. I went inside and saw that the mess was all cleaned up and it looked even more better than how I used to arrange it. Anyways, I went in the kitchen and made some tacos for me and Noah. He probably was going to come late. I ate my part and went in my room. I checked my phone, 5 missed calls from Sapphire. I called her. "Hey Sapphire, you called me?", I asked. "Yep, I wanted to hangout, and we have someone joining us, you can't say no", she blared through the phone. "Yeah sure, I don't have a choice, do I?",I told. "Nah you don't, Now come to Purrfect Cafe, The new cat cafe". "Okay I'm reaching there in a few minutes", I told her.

I went to the parking area to see.....