
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 2: Illegal dorm mates

"WHAT!? But that's illegal", I told in disbelief. "Calm down Miss Hughes. I know but we need to do this because we don't have a choice dear. If we did, then we would have let you be alone in your dorm but we need to do it." She said. "Fine. I'll manage", I said. I didn't want her to worry. But I had to break a rule.

"His name is Noah Williams. I'll inform him. You can go now dear" Mrs. Lockwood told calmly. I headed towards gym area. "Hey we meet again! What's your name?", the stupid who winked at me in the canteen told. He again appeared out of no where. "My name's Lizanne, Lizanne Hughes. But you can call me Liza" I said. "I'm Noah Williams, nice to meet you", He said. What the- seriously. I can't already tolerate him swarming around me then how would I tolerate him in the dorm. That time I turned speechless and just moved towards the girls changing room. I changed and went to the coach. "Basketball", he said. I knew it because I am the only girl who played basketball properly. So I was told to play with the boys. As always. I even had my boxing class in the school at 5 pm with all the boys.

Anyways let me tell you more about me. I am usually 'hard to get' for all the boys. As a friend as well as As a Girlfriend so yeah it would be an achievement for someone if they got me as their friend or Girlfriend. I have a bad backstory with boys. Firstly even I was like Sapphire, all boy crazy and K-pop fan. And plus I was popular. Many boys used me for popularity and broke my heart which made me all filled with rebellious feelings. And I am mostly called 'Queen of revenges'. Many boys had gone a lot far and pulled pranks on me and harassed me. I got the revenge from them. And plus I have taken many revenges which gave me this title. Now let's continue the story.

I reached on the second floor. Opened the dorm. Nobody was there. There was all my stuff lying around. I entered and kept my bag on the hook, and cleaned the room up. Hopefully this dorm had 2 rooms. So I went in my room,closed it and started writing my story which I left last time. I put on headphones so I can concentrate on my story and continued. Then again suddenly out of no where Noah entered my room. I took off my headphones "Haven't heard of knocking?" I told sternly so he won't mess with me. "Sorry, I thought this room was empty, tell me how should I make it up to you", he said. "It's okay you don't need to make it up for this small thing but remember to knock and enter", I told in my normal tone. "Okay", he said and went away. I closed my room and started chatting with Ethan. Ethan was my elder brother. He likes to talk with me. He is a good writer so I usually take tips from him for my book.

Then when I came out of the room, I was surprised to see.....