
All the time when you lied

Lizanne,a high school girl, is a challenge to all the boys that like her. She is a hard to get personality. But When Noah enters, He immediately persuades her by his lies. Will Lizanne get her heart broken again or detect his lies on the first go.

Sunshine_UwU · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 1- The New boy

"Hey Sapphire, you coming?",I asked her. "Nah,I guess I'll pass,you know there's this new boy. I wonder what he he looks like". I knew what was next. I am Lizanne Hughes. Mostly known as 'Liz' by friends and 'the tough girl' by everybody else. Nobody messes with me. "Hello? Earth to Liz?" Sapphire told. "Yeah whatever", I replied. I wasn't in mood of her going on and on about her bias on her favourite k-pop band Sweet sixteen. Her bias was The 8. He was good looking and I can't deny the fact that literally every girl except me in our school was mad behind him. I don't know what made him go popular over all the girls. Anyways then she stopped talking and just froze in a position. I turned and saw a guys was walking towards her out of no where and that girl was drooling over him.

He walked towards our table and winked at me. I gave him a 'have a last wish' glare and he silently backed off. 'Eeeeeeeeek he winked at you. OMG you're so lucky wow" Sapphire fangirled. I knew that she would give a reaction like that. Why did she have to be so boy crazy. Meh. I stood up and walked away. Sapphire was used to that. In fact we never told each other good bye because we knew that we would meet again out of no where.

So I walked down to the locker room and found my locker. PE was next. A smile spread on my face because PE was the best class. Then I heard a blaring from the speaker. "Lizanne Hughes, Mrs. Lockwood is expecting you in her office. Please come" the receptionist spoke. What trouble did Sarah do now. Sarah was my younger sister. I am always called for her warnings and stuff. So I went there.

Mrs. Lockwood hadn't called me for Sarah. She called me because she had to say something . Something that almost gave me a heart attack.