
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

Core level

Jack opened his eyes only to find himself in middle of space of course this was only part of his soul. that mysterious force only take small part of cultivator soul.

Jack look around and found out that if he go backwards he will move towards middle level of inner region and if he go forward he will move towards high region.

As for how he know it was because the deeper someone went the dense the energy will be so anyone can tell which region or which level they in.

Even in regions there was many planets and they also divided into three level low,middle and high but there was another level called core level spirits in core level was extraordinary for example,outer region core level spirits was equal to awakening middle region spirit of course power would be in low level of middle region.

And middle region core level spirit equal to inner region low level spirits.but inner region was highest level so it's core level spirit was most powerful spirits in spirit universe.

But it's said no one was able to get to core level of inner region many cultivator try it but no one able to get to the core level many cultivators even start doubting is even core level in inner region.

As for Jack in middle of space because even though cultivator has normal physics in spirit universe but that mysterious force grant some power to cultivator so that cultivator can move between regions or levels.

Jack think about it where to go he knew his capabilities going to high level he might get his soul destroy and forced to breakthrough to next cultivation realm.

So,after thinking about it for while he decided to go to middle leve however just as Jack turned around and was about to move towards middle level system mechanical voice rang:

"Ding,detected that host has come to new place would host like to sign-in."

Jack was stunned for second he hadn't expected he can sign-in even in spirit universe but then he said in his mind"yes sign-in."

"Ding,congratulations to the host for sign-in in spirit universe."


"3 Capture card"

"3 days"

Jack didn't know about capture card but hearing second reward his eyes lit up to be able to stay in spirit universe for seven days was a thing even spending great resources couldn't achieve.

But he wasn't sure how this seven days works so he asked system.

Then system mechanical voice came"there is seven cards when host destroy one he can stay in for one more day."

Then he ask about Capture card from system and then.

System mechanical voice came"host can leave a mark in capture card with that once its used on spirit that mark automatically planted on spirit."

[Warring:"capture card must touch in spirit before it can work"]

Jack eyes lit up there was two major problems when cultivator try to awake his spirit.first was time because of limited time they can't find good spirit or get enough time to make the spirit willing to sign a contract.

And second was to sign a contract with spirit because of different between powers making a forced contract was nearly impossible.

But now with the help of these two rewards he can take time to look for good spirit and with capture card he can get any spirit he seen although capture card need to touch the spirit however it wasn't a difficult as a forcing the spirit to sign a contract.

It was opposite with capture card he can directly throw capture card at spirit.

Jack look around and decided to go in deeper in the inner region and soon he move forward and soon he felt the energy become dense he knew he had entered high level of inner region.

But as Jack moving forward he saw in distance that there was passage that glowing in fade white light and it's shape was around.

Jack knew what it was in spirit universe some time because of some space shifting it created transport passage that passage can take cultivator to another place in spirit universe.

But average cultivators don't know where the passage will take them passage can send cultivator to anywhere in spirit universe they won't know where they will goes the only ones can tell was those who can sense the energy emitting from passage they can sense which region energy was emitting from that passage and where will it take them passage can take the cultivator to outer region,middle region or inner region or to the same region but different level.

Jack move towards the fade white light and he felt dense energy coming out of it much dense then here Jack eyes widened in disbelief only place where energy density was higher then here will only be one place inner region of core level.

Then jack saw that fade white light was about to disappear then he quickly enter the light and disappear into it.

This was once a life time opportunity even if there was danger Jack didn't want to miss this once a life time opportunity goes to waste so he decided to gamble.

If it before the rewards of the system he might didn't have courage but with system rewards he felt if he still can't get something good it totally is wasted for him to lives two lifes and have system.

He didn't want to do nothing like his first life and have regret like his second life.

In passage jack felt dizzy in his head however he soon shook his head and look around only to find himself in grand palace that cover in red colour dense as blood everything was in red ground to celling even pillars and door was red and judging by place it seems he was in main hall of the place then he look around and what he saw left him stunned and he uttered word by word "Asura."