
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

Second Level

At first it take only minute for strengthening meridian once but as time passed it was getting harder and harder and soon even after half an hour he hadn't strengthen his meridian even once.

Jack feeling that he can't strengthen his meridian further and hasn't received system message anymore felt a little disappointed because it wasn't easy to strengthen meridian but he can't continue

to strengthen his meridian without success.

So,he control the green light and annihilate the poison completely.

But he has been strengthening his meridian for few hours and his meridian now on completely different level then before.

If compare then his first meridian was fragile like paper but now it was hard as steel.

Strengthening meridian was very hard unless someone has special way or strengthening meridian pill.

But the pill that can strengthen meridian was hard to refine normal alchemy master don't even know the formula of the pill and even if they did it was useless because even skill alchemy master has low success rate.

But even if pill was refined it's price will be very high so only wealthy family or sects can buy them or second way was to invite skilled alchemy master to refine it.of course they also have to provide alchemy master with pill martials.

But inviting skilled alchemy master isn't easy even inviting normal alchemy master isn't easy let alone skilled alchemy master.Because all alchemy master don't like to go to another place to refine pill second price of inviting alchemy master is not low and with pill martials price.combining price was much higher than buying the pill.

Jack can feel his strengthen meridian then he withdrew his spirit and ths shadow of world tree branch behind him disappear.

Jack was about to come out of his cultivation stage

but then he felt he can breakthrough to second level of awakening realm.

Because all this year his father had given jack not only ice crystals but also many heavenly treasure but because been in unconscious Jack was unable to absorb heavenly treasure energy and energy was stored in his body but now he can use this energy and it was enough for him to reach next cultivation realm peak or even high even if he awake seventh or eight spirit.

So,Jack decided to breakthrough and soon with the sound like glass breaking coming out of Jack body he breakthrough to the second level of awakening realm.

And at the same he felt as his soul was suck away from his body by mysterious force.jack wasn't suprise or sacred but took the initiative to go and leave his body and go in that mysterious force direction.

Because this mysterious force take the cultivator to spirit universe where there many spirit worlds and they can choose their next spirit from those worlds for their awakening.

Whenever cultivator in awakening realm breakthrough this mysterious force appeared to take cultivator to spirit universe.

Spirit universe is divided into two one part is for awakening realm cultivators and other one for spiritual masters.

And two part divided into three regions outer region, middle region and inner region.The outer region spirits are ordinary spirits and only average genius or some good genius awaken those spirit and middle region spirits is high quality then spirit in outer region most cultivators awaken spirits from middle region.

And inner region spirits were extraordinary but people unable to awaken inner region spirit.When first time mysterious force take cultivator it send a cultivator to random place it can be outer region, middle region,inner region or middle of two regions.But mostly cultivator send to middle region.

And second time cultivator come to spirit universe it would be in same place where he left from or nearby place where he left the spirit universe.

To awaken a spirit cultivator needs to find a spirit then sign a contract with spirit by leaving a mark on spirit body cultivator have two way to sign a contract with spirit.

One was to make spirit willing to sign a contract or second way was to force the spirit to sign a contract.But it was likely impossible because in spirit universe cultivator only has power of normal person on other hand although spirit also have only there body can't use their initiate ability or cultivation power but spirits body was much stronger than human body.

So,if cultivator wants to use force only those spirits who weak in physical attributes can be forced. Because spirits can't use their initiate ability so as long as spirit has weak body it can be forced.

But if someone fight spirit who physical attributes is high and get killed then you will be kicked out of spirit universe even although cultivator won't really die but his soul would be severely injured and healing soul injuries is far more difficult then physical injuries.

So,some genius decided to go to outer region after awakening two or three spirits as outer region spirits is weak cultivator do so.so they can increase there number of spirits otherwise if they failed to awaken a spirit and kicked out without awakening a spirit then they directly goes to next cultivation realm after only awakening two or three spirits.

And many genius unwilling to be only good genius they wanted to be at least rare genius.

Some rare genius some time able to awake one spirit from inner region but others spirits from middle region and others geniuses who only had ability of good genius goes to outer region to awake one or two spirit from there so they can become rare genius.

Although they become rare genius but they will be weakest among rare genius.There also only limited time in spirit universe.cultivator can only stay for three days if cultivator failed to find a spirit and sign a contract with a spirit in three days then he will be kicked out of spirit universe and with next breakthrough he will directly reach next cultivation realm.

Many cultivators also awaken outer region spirits because of limited time.