
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs


Asura is humanoid in appearance,they have red skin,six arms,white hair and they have muscular bodys.

It's said that asura has special bloodline and with there race cultivation technique they are extremely terrifying creatures of course only those who have bloodline can practice that technique.

With that technique asuras can cultivate there blood into special blood with that blood each blood essence drop would be like living thing.

Then they can use blood to attack or defence or they can even use blood to make clone and they can stole bloodline by using their bloodline and they can make clones of others.for example,if they killed beast and then they can use their bloodline to extract all blood of the beast then refined it and then it will trun into that beast however it will be blood red colour and don't have intelligent as for making one on clone however they have to have different power in them like fire,thunder,water,ice space or even sword energy any type energy can be used to make clone.

However asura only focus on training their body,killing intent and race cultivation technique.Sometime some asuras manage to acquire some different power however it will only be one or two.

According to ancient books in all asura only one from ancient times to now able to acquire four different power killing,body,fire and sword.

And that was only possible because he focus on making more clones.

Just as jack was thinking about it he suddenly felt extremely terrifying killing intent and it send shivers down his spine.

Even though he once reach high cultivation and has strong mind but still that killing intent insert some fear in his heart.

After all,asura most know for their killing and once they release their killing intent it will be superior to anyone else killing intent.

Jack nervously look around and saw two asura standing guard at door and some asuras sitting on chairs.

Chairs were placed in rows on both sides and in middle was one big throne and one small throne on side sitting on the big throne it was asura who had scares all over his body and his body was muscular than other asuras.

And asura sitting on small throne had no scars on his body.although there no way to tell age of asura however they can tell it by their body and the vibes emitting of the asura adults and children are different and jack could tell that asura was newborn and might be Prince and asura on big throne might be King.

And front of those two thrones was cage where lay a beast it was pitch black in colour it was only one or two foot in size and has two small white eyes and two antenna like things were coming out of his head.

Just as jack was seeing the beast.Beast as sensing the jack gaze turn his small head to him and jack felt like his whole body was sealed.

But soon jack focuse his gaze on king asura because the killing intent he just felt come from that king asura.King asura look at Jack with cold and killing intent in his eyes.

Before that king asura could say anything Prince asura on small throne move and rush towards jack.His speed was very fast.

His killing intent send chill down his spine and unable him to move any other cultivator might so scared that he might faint.

However jack had lives for two lifes how can he be so easy to catch.

Then jack quickly dodge the attack with his experience in fight however cold sweat broke out in his head spirits already had powerful body then cultivator. cultivator only can fight outer region spirits even then if they are in weak in physical attributes.

Let alone someone in inner region of core level even spirits in inner region of high level can kill a cultivator in blink of eye so to be able to dodge the attack of core level spirit was remarkable however no matter how much battle experience jack had he knew in front of absolute strength it was nothing.

And on the other side asura prince was also suprise however he didn't stop and rush towards jack again.

Although jack able to dodge first attack of asura prince however with next attack he was catch in asura prince one of six hands.

Jack held the arm that was gripping his neck trying to break free but to no vail.Asura prince look at jack in mocking manner it was obviously enjoying himself by torching jack.

Jack didn't use capture card not because he didn't want asura as spirit but because he wanted best one among.

Because asura bloodline divided into levels as for how the rank system in bloodline he didn't know he only read it in books never seen asura before he only that it depends on blood colour and what level asura blood reach depends on asura potential different potential different level can reach.

Even though jack had system and he believes that he can help him to achieve high level in bloodline however jack didn't want to depend completely on system in his previous life he was independent even though he has powerful backing in his previous life but he still was independent.

So,now he wants to get a asura with high potential and reach his maximum potential then with the help of system reach even high.

And jack then look at the beast in cage and asked system in his mind,system what kind of beast is that.

System mechanical voice came,"host that will cost you 5,000 main points would host like to know."

Jack was stunned 5,000 main points he only has 11,600 Main points and 5,000 was very high.

So,jack said,system isn't points for information very high.

System mechanical voice rang again,"points depends on information that host wants to know."

Jack had lives for two lifes and in his previous life on martial arts he knew that information was important.