
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs


Then system mechanical voice came again,"would host like to know the information about the beast."

"No",jack reply.

Jack didn't buy information not because of points and he wanted to save points but because jack had decided first he would take this asura as spirit then he come soon if he will be in same place he would take that beast as his spirit and once he have that beast as his spirit he would naturally able to find what kind of beast it was and from its gaze he knew it wasn't useless spirit specially since it was from inner region core level.

And if he didn't he would run far after all once he takes asura prince as spirit he didn't think asura king and others would let him go so easily.

And anyway he didn't seem to have any another choice after all asuras know for brutal and ruthless in killing their enemys.

So,jack didn't think they will let him go even if he speaks politically.

Thinking of this jack decided to use capture card before only reason for not using was to find good one among these asuras and now this asura prince seem to be good one and second capture card must make contact with spirit so he didn't have other choice.

Of course he can throw the capture card to target however it still has to touch the target what if target dodge it he already learn from system that if target dodge it capture card go to waste.

Jack immediately summon capture card and soon asura prince felt that something was printing on his hand he quickly withdraw his hand however it was already to late and soon asura prince vanish and jack also felt that mysterious force again and he also started to vanish.

Jack had leave mark on capture card when he travelling.

Asura king who was about to say something was dumbfounded everything happen so fast he didn't have time to do anything and then killing intent build in his eyes.

That killing intent was more terrifying then before and then asura king stand up from his throne and shouted at jack"how dare you."

He naturally knew what had happen jack wasn't first human he had seen there was human before who come here although it was rare.

Once a cultivator sign contract with spirit.the spirit will be vanish from spirit universe and also cultivator.

When cultivator get back then that mysterious force will reappear and some strange phenomena appears after that cultivator will get that spirit physical attributes, initiate ability, race cultivation technique and sometimes his bloodline or body type however chances of getting that was rare.

As for spirit he will disappear and only exist in illusion form and cultivator could summon that illusion form and once it was called any power related to spirit will increase in power.

And asura king knew it very well there was many spirit with different powers and with humans coming to spirit universe continuosly there was many way to know.

Asura king seeing that human was about to vanish said hurriedly to the beast in cage,if you can help me to make this human stay here with your power I can let you go.

Jack hearing this was surprised because once this mysterious force came stopping the process was impossible however when before jack had seen beast he felt like he was sealed and isolated from the world.

So,he was sure that beast was related to sealing power and jack wasn't sure if is guess was right or not but when he was fighting the asura prince before he can dodge first attack however with second attack he was catch in his arms.

Jack felt that time that asura prince has used his bloodline in his second attack that why he can't dodge the second attack.

However what puzzle jack was that how can they use their power was core level spirit can use power or their body was this powerful.

Just then jack felt like he was sealed and that mysterious force was also sealed somewhat and his vanishing body that was only left with his hair started reappearing.

And asura king also attack jack also hurriedly asked system,system can you do something.

System mechanical voice came,"host I can make hole in seal for second but it cost 3000 heavenly points."

Jack was dumbfounded 3000 heavenly points it's more than half of his heavenly points.

However jack hadn't time to ask or argue with system so he hurriedly said,Do it.

"Ding,-3000 heavenly points."

On the other hand asura king coming towards him with extremely terrifying killing intent however jack soon felt the mysterious force in one direction and jack knew he only have a second so he jump out of seal and soon with that mysterious force he vanish.

Asura king who was moving towards jack stop and extremely terrifying killing intent rush into sky shaking the whole palace then asura king angrily look at beast in cage and asked.

Why did you open a seal if you haven't opened the seal I have already killed him.

Beast in cage was also surprised however soon he felt the extremely terrifying killing intent of asura king.

And when he heard his question his whole body trembled and he said trembling I didn't open the seal.

Hearing this asura king first suprise then as though emerged in his mind he said,did you let him go because what I did to you first I thought if you help me I will spare your life however now I will let you know the meaning of terror I won't kill you but you will beg for death but you won't get it.

Hearing this beast was extremely terrified he knew that asura are ruthless in killing their enemy and now he hope that human could come back now and also turned him into spirit because it will be way better than falling into hands of asura king.