
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

Alexander To Jack


In silent space loud explosion echo with that man figure fly out of explosion he fly out and crash into huge rock and rock crush into pieces but fortunately man seem to be still alive even though he was on verge on death. that explosion was like two meteor had crash into each other if it aim at planet the planet itself might torn into pieces so man still alive saw his extraordinary power and his deep cultivation.

Coughing and splitting blood man look up he has average appearance if he stand in middle of road and suppress his cultivation he might mistake as normal person who never cultivate.

He looks at two figures some fear took over him. He was Milles away from them but still only shock wave left him on the verge of death.

He has deep cultivation and no one even dare to disrespect him only handful of people who can even match his power but even those only can match his power can't defeat him completely unless they joined hands to deal with him.

So, now getting on verge of death just by shocked wave of battle he was extremely unwilling to die but even though he hasn't die yet but that shocked wave left him only few breath that can distinguish at any time but fortunately look like those two man had given each other final blow in last blow they are also on verge of death or even worse than him.

Finally, since they stop fighting he saw little of their appearance those two were middle age man one wearing black robe and other one wearing white rode. Black robe man had muscular body while white robe also have muscular body but compare to black robe it fall short a bit.

And under her eyes they died then all space starting to vibrate and Dao filled the spaceman looking at Dao felt like he can breakthrough but immense pain throughout her body made her unable to focus and even breathing become a problem.

Then his eyes fell on white light he guess those two powerful man fighting to death for this light then he slowly stretch his hand and catch that light he saw that it was small tower and then he send his divine sense into that small tower and leave a mark of his divine sense into that small tower.

There was two methods to refine a treasure a one was to dropped a blood essence on treasure and other was to leave a Mark with divine sense but some treasure only have a one way either blood essence or mark left by divine sense but after leaving a mark before he can do anything tower turned into white light and entered his soul.

He was surprised but before he could do or think anything his consciousness started to fade he understands that his time has come and he won't be able to live anymore he sat on nearby scattered rock piece. This rock was one of the pieces of that huge rock he crash into.

Then sat cross legged on rock and called in his mind system sacrifice with that he closed his eyes it believes that who dies in sating posture can die peacefully specifically in dark places and others who don't die in sating posture turned into nameless creature.

Infect only those in dark places turned into nameless creature if they don't die in sating posture but in light there only slim chance that can be overlooked.

As for nameless creature that what everyone calls them because they rejected in any three realm and five elements but he call them zombie. Because it was just like zombies he read in novel.

As for him his name was Alexander and he from earth but he transmitted to this body first he thought he was protagonist just like in novel but latter did he find himself in this body who was son of powerful clan leader but with common talent only to achieve some cultivation with the help of his father resources.

He thought he will get some treasure or system that will help him to conquer the world but to his disappointed he didn't get anything so through hard work and some fortune encounter he reach where he was.

But he wanted a system because he reach a point where he can't breakthrough in his cultivation so with his high cultivation he created a system with the help of techniques but despite his temped for system he only managed to put his power into it and create some task and some features that as completed unlock some of his power and grants to the person who held the system but the last step was he had to sacrifice his life and converted all of his power to system.

So, he gave up but now since he was going to die anyway so why not gives it try.

Then mysterious power emerged inside his body and slowly his energy was devoured by that mysterious power soon his breath and his consciousness faded.

But little did he know that after devouring his energy that mysterious power didn't distinguish but reach out of his body and started devouring nearby Dao and body of those two powerful man that mysterious power devoured everything in thousand of Milles even star, meteor and one planet was devoured by that mysterious power even Dao itself was devoured by that mysterious power.

It was claim that Dao is supreme even heavenly tribulation had Dao within so whoever dares to offend Dao it's cultivation was destroyed no matter how powerful the cultivation base is it will be destroyed regardless of human, demon beast and monster even the nameless creature.

After devouring everything that mysterious power disappear without any trace just as he disappeared powerful thunder strike on his place where he was moment ago the power was even more powerful than conclusion between those two man it was obviously heavenly tribulation with that power space in thousand of Milles was destroyed.

On the other Alexander who knew nothing about this thought he was dead but he suddenly heard sound of people talking to each other Alexander felt his body little different and slowly opened his eyes and saw six middle age man talking to each other. Before he can understand anything suddenly he felt like inside his body was something that destroying his meridian.