
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

All System activated

Supreme elder hurriedly asked, little lord are you okay.

Alexander coughing weakly sat up although his body was in great pain in his previous life he had gone through more pain then this and even experience two deaths. So, this pain he can still endure it.

Suddenly he felt intense pain in his mind but it did not surprise him he calmly bear the pain because he knew it was memories of this child past so he closed his eyes and after a moment he open his eyes.

The body he in right now named Jack he was little lord of king family a powerful family when Jack was three year old he already awaken his first spirit but later was poisoned.

To save him his father family lord come with the Idea to put Jack into ice coffin so that he can maintain his life and later find way to cure the poison.

Jack wasn't worried about poison he has many way to cure this poison.

Little lord, suddenly supreme elder said again seeing that he hasn't responded to him yet.

Alexander who now Jack snap out of his thought and said, supreme elder please prepare a room for me I need to suppress the poison.

Supreme elder asked in surprise, how you will suppress it. He was just five year old child who soon will turn into six and he was in deep sleep for two and half year.

Jack said; with the help of my spirit quickly prepare a room for me elder I need to suppress it soon.

Supreme elder was shocked but still said; okay we prepare a room for you right away. Originally he was worried how to suppress the poison but now seems that there little lord have a way to suppress the poison after that he turned to elder tom and said, go quickly prepare a room for little lord.

Elder tom hurriedly run out of room to prepare a room and quickly prepares a room.

Jack sat crossed legs on ground but he didn't rush to suppress the poison although he was still in pain he can still enduring it. It hasn't reached the point of extreme.

So, he called in his mind nervously system but no response come he felt little bitter he already guess that it might not work but it still made him a little sad.

But suddenly mechanical voice rang in his mind and with that screen appear before him

"Ding, All system activated"

"Ding, Would host like to sign in"

Jack was surprised because he clearly remembers that he hasn't given any name to the system so how could it have name. but putting aside his doubt for now he said in his mind sign in then mechanical voice rang again:

"Ding, congratulations to the host for sign in"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for receiving sign in rewards"

"9 experience level Card"

"7 enlightenment card"

"2 side panel card"

"4 creation skill card"

"5,000 heavenly points"

"10,000 main points"

Would host like to see main panel Jack was confused but still said in his mind " yes"

"Ding, main panel"

Host: Jack 


Body: none 

Bloodline: none 

Side panel: martial arts[show more]


Treasures: Nine Tower

Main points:10,000

Heavenly points:_ _ _

Can be used:5,000


Jack was dumbfounded he clearly remembers that he hadn't put any features like heavenly points, side panel, enlightenment card, creation card, main points and even this treasure nine tower.

He had made a points system but it was just normal point system it didn't say anything about main points or heavenly points.

As for nine towers he then suddenly remembered before he dies he taken a small tower. So, it called nine towers Jack thought to himself.

Then Jack asked, system what is side panel card, creation card, heavenly points and this main points and what wrong with you.

System mechanical voice rang in his mind "host with side panel card you can unlock new side panels like alchemy, formation and even spiritual side panel. Just like martial arts panel you have.

And with creation card host can create cultivation skill or combat skill or even alchemy pill recipe and heavenly points are basically your luck.

Jack had Heard of luck it was said that every person has luck but it wasn't visible to the eye even high level cultivation couldn't see it if person was defeated by another. Some luck of defeated person goes to person who defeated him.

System continues as for main points it can be used in any side panel.

And I have not only devoured your energy I also devoured Dao and body of those two powerful man and their treasures so there was some changes in system. There not only features host has added but even more features have been added to system.

Jack hear everything and gasped devoured Dao he had seen Dao before and just from watching it he felt he can breakthrough in cultivation where he had been stuck at who knew how many years and he also they found out the reason why he can't breakthrough that was because when he entered pervious body that boy already had completed his first realm and awaken only three spirit and that all thanks for the resources of his father.

And he wants to destroy his cultivation and start over but he couldn't bear to destroy his cultivation because boy already reached fifty years old if he were to destroy it awakening new spirit was many times harder and he might not even able to awake even one spirit so he had to go with flow.

And then suppress his thought of destroying his cultivation although soon this became his regret but he forced himself to forget it but when he reach high cultivation and about to breakthrough new realm this regret stop him but he never able to guess that the reason he unable to breakthrough was because of this regret he only found when he saw Dao.