
All System and Nine Tower

In first life dies in earth doing nothing In second life dies in road of martial arts and what left was regret of first life doing nothing and second life transmigration into waste body and top of that so late that he can't change much But life give him last chance transmigration into body of little lord of king family who born with heaven defying talent only six year old but left only with broken fleeing family with first and second life experience he emerged on martial arts path with one hand system and other with nine tower In this life he became invincible in power and collection of harem and culture invincible power that help him conquer earth,sea,sky and even space so what if you genius number one under heaven because heavens under me

parmeet_2063 · Action
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14 Chs

King Family

In the sky, amidst dark clouds, many ships were flying, some small and some big. Leading the way was a huge ship, noticeable from its size and appearance, seemingly the leading ship. However, one common thing among all the ships, whether big or small, was that they were badly damaged. It seemed as if they had just fought a big battle.

Inside the leading ship, one of the rooms was emitting ice-cold coldness. Standing outside the room were four or five middle-aged men, their expressions very worried, and all of them had some injuries. They exchanged worried glances and entered the room.

Inside the room was an ice coffin. Lying in the coffin was a five or six-year-old child. Even though he hadn't matured yet, he was very handsome with sharp facial features and black hair. But now, that handsome face was expressionless. All five middle-aged men saw him, and looks of hatred, pain, and pitiful expressions emerged on their faces.

Hatred for people who have done it to that child, pain for being unable to do anything for the child, pitiful for the child who has to endure all of it.

One of the middle-aged man said, 'What should we do now? The king's family has almost been destroyed. Only us five elders, nearly a thousand members, and the little lord are still here. The other members of the family and elders have been killed. The family lord and the supreme elder have stayed behind to buy us some time so we can escape. If it weren't for the lord and the supreme elder, we would also meet the same fate as the others. Now, we don't even know if they are still alive or not.'

Hearing this, all of them look at each other. It was obvious that they don't even know what to do. Just as they were thinking of what to do, all of them felt a powerful aura coming towards their ships from behind. Sensing the aura, it was obviously a powerful one. All of them had tense expressions, and four of them hurriedly exited the room and flew outside the ship.

Before leaving, one middle-aged man instructed two guards to carefully guard the room. The two guards hurriedly nodded. Although they were also injured, protecting their little lord was more important than their lives. They left one elder and two powerful guards to guard the little lord, and the remaining four middle-aged men went without worrying. They rushed towards the incoming man, ready to fight.

They were ready to sacrifice their lives to hold back the enemy so that the group could run away with the little lord. However, they soon realized that the aura was familiar. One of the middle-aged men shouted excitedly, "It's the supreme elder!" Others also noticed and relaxed a bit. They soon met with the supreme elder, who was badly injured. They supported him back to the main ship.

Supreme elder, breathing heavily, asked, 'How is little lord?' Four middle-aged men looked at each other and one of them respectfully said, 'Little lord is safe. He is on the ship and guarded by one elder and two powerful guards. Rest assured, supreme elder.'

'Good,' said the supreme elder. The four middle-aged men looked at each other nervously and asked, 'What about lord?'

Hearing this supreme elder's expression changed a bit, and he said, 'We decided to go in different ways so that we can split the enemy. I somehow managed to escape, but I don't know about the family lord. He has gone in the opposite direction.

At this moment, one guard ran to them and said, 'Elders, there is something wrong with the little lord.'

Hearing this, all of them stared at the guard. The supreme elder asked, 'What do you mean?'

I don't know. Elder Tom asked me to inform you. The guard hurriedly said he was needed as one of the powerful family guards. But in front of the elders, and especially the Supreme, he was an ant.

All of them hurriedly ran towards a room where little lord was even the supreme elder who was injured and badly went together with them.

When they reached they saw guarding elder who name was Tom standing aside worried look on his face trying to maintain ice coffin without success but before they could step in to help they saw already cracked coffin with boom scattered into pieces and child inside fell to ground they hurriedly step forward to check him.

One of four elder who name was rich asked what happened supreme elder said, ohh no I almost forgot that ice coffin can maintain it for some time after that time it will scattered to maintain it we need ice crystals and more we need specially made ice coffin without it.it's useless to even have ice crystals.

Ice crystals was special stones that from in special environment that had high ice temperature even before their family had to spend a great amount of resources searching and buying ice crystals.

Jeffery another elder said, what should we do now we can't let anything happen to little lord.

Supreme elder also wore worried expression and said, without it little lord will die even foundation establishment peak expert will die with this kind of poison.

All of elders looked worried just as they were worrying they heard coughing sound and looked down only to find that their little lord was coughing.

Derrick another elder asked, supreme elder how much time it will take for poison too.Derrick elder didn't finish his words but everyone understood what he meant and looked nervously at supreme elder.

Supreme elder sigh and said, although this poison is deadly but as remaining in ice coffin for long time little lord body was still in somewhat frozen stage so it will take few hours time for poison to start working.

Hearing this elders relaxed a bit and then elder Jeffery asked, what we should do now we only have a few hours.Hearing this all the elders had tensed expression again that was true they only had few hours.

Coughing little lord named Jack slowly opened her eyes.