
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 21

Rain, Kai and Tia ended up walking together back to the zorbing area to drop Tia's ball. They then went out of the area, Tia wanted to go back to the bungee jumping arena but she didn't want to disturb Marie's bonding with her new friends.

Tia ended up taking both Rain and Kai to get some new clothes and booked an hotel room for them.

She planned to discuss the next choice of action with Marie before taking it since it would not only involve her but also Marie.

Tia made sure to buy a phone and register a sim card for both of them so she would be able to contact them. She ended up asking them more information about them to make sure that they were declared dead.

But she didn't have to do much because their organization already declared them dead. Yes, Tia hacked their organization's dark web page. They were now free from all their past enemies and issues, the only problem now was they were also broke.

Rain and Kai were not allowed to go to their bank to retrieve their valuables even though they used a private bank. Tia was not going to take any chances of them being caught. They were allowed to though, after a few years but not right now.

They didn't have to change their names since they used code names in the organization instead of their real names. Star Man and Star Lady was the name Kai and Rain went by.

'Such ridiculous names' Tia though barely succeeding in hiding her laughter. How could a grown man and woman bear to be called that, especially Star Lady.

Tia could just imagine Rain being assigned a mission to kill a person. "Star Lady, your mission is to kill the ... of ..." Tia didn't dare to mock the couple and planned to laugh later with Marie about it.

As Tia was on her way back to Marie and the group, she received a call from Marie asking for where she was. They all meet up and they filled Tia up on how scary and fun the jumping was.

Henry didn't end up jumping for some vague reason and they pushed Dion off the balance because he kept talking, trying to delay himself from jumping. Diana cried while jumping and Sasha vomited in air.

The poor attendants on the lower plane waiting to help the jumper remove the safety rope and get them safely to the ground suffered from Sasha's display. Marie was the only one with a relatively normal experience, that was if a person who laughs through the whole process is considered normal.

They all had fun that day and ended it with drinks in a bar. Tia was excited because of this until Henry grabbed the first alcohol she was about to drink there from her hand, reminding everyone about her age.

He kept watching her like a hawk, preventing Tia from tasting even a sip of alcohol, all she got was juice. Tia got soo annoyed that she changed his contact name on her phone to "Fun Killer".

Instead of going home, Marie was dragged to an hotel by Tia as she explained what happened to her, also her encounter with Star Man and Star Lady.

The moment Marie heard the names, she started to believe the Tia was drunk from drinking too much fruit juice, if that was even possible. Tia explained more and they ended up laughing at the names more. When they stop laughing, they would look each other in the eyes and laugh again.

Marie was introduced to Rain and Kai and they all went home today. Tia would be going back to set the next day so it will be Marie's job to test them. Kai and Rain are a couple so they were assigned a room to share together. Tia was already done filming her part but she was still required to be on set, just incase they wanted to refilm anything even though she found that highly unlikely.

The next day, Tia left as planned with a cab. It would take her about two hours to get to the filming location so she plugged in her earphones and closed her eyes, she might as well get some rest while at it after all she did spend majority of her time working in her lab and introducing the members of her team to Marie since the company has signed it's first contract, barely getting enough sleep .

Because of this Tia did not notice when the driver took a different turn diverting from the route she was supposed to go to.

The driver noticed through the mirror that his passenger wasn't paying attention, although the girl was wearing a mask he felt like she was a beauty and would definitely get a good amount of when he delivers her his boss. His boss liked them innocent, young and beautiful and the girl he was carrying was a embodiment of that. He stopped the cab at a desolated ware house.

The moment the car stopped, Tia felt it and her eyes opened thinking she got to the filming location faster than she thought she would only to be greeted with the face of a fat, greasy man smiling at her with his decayed teeth from the drivers seat. As a fan of beautiful people, Tia felt uncomfortable especially with the weird smile he gave.

'Can he at least not smile, this isn't appealing at all'. Tia couldn't bear looking at him again and glanced outside only to see the desolated ware house.

"Sorry but where are we and why are we packed here?"

As she was asking him, three men came out of the ware house running towards the car. They open the back door instantly and started smiling.