
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 22

"Wow, driver man, you really don't disappoint. Look at this one, cream of the top. Even the boss won't be able to touch this one." The more they talked and laughed, Tia already knew what was going on, although she had never gone through a situation like this before, she had watched enough movies and knew she would either be defiled, sold then defiled or any other thing but it won't end well for her.

She tried to find an opening to run and saw that they only stayed in one side of the car, the other part was not guarded.

Tia held her phone tightly and moved to the other side of the car quickly, she opened the door and ran in the direction opposite to where the car was headed before it stopped.

With Tia's speed, it felt like a blur to the four men. One of them immediately called someone to report the situation and the remainder three started chasing in Tia's direction. They knew it was futile effort to try and catch her because the more they chased her the more space was left between them and Tia.

One of them secretly sworn that he might as well adopt the girl and make her run track for a living, he would definitely make a fortune through her.

Tia ran so fast that she could feel herself barely able to stand, if she had not insisted on not eating anything until she got to set because she was in a hurry, maybe she would have more energy than now and not feel dizzy.

Even with this feeling she did not stop running, even though it was at a slower rate. She turned on her phone to enable the location and called Marie, Marie didn't pick so she sent her a message, she called the police but they kept on asking stupid questions to make sure it was not a prank. People have been prank calling the police a lot recently so they had to make sure.

As Tia was running, she spotted people with guns running towards her so she dashed into the nearest bush and ran through it

They continued with their stupid questions, Tia tried to answer them quietly and tell them that her battery wouldn't last for long regardless of the way she was feeling but the police didn't want to believe. She felt like it was getting increasing hard to hold on so she cut the call, she wanted to leave the remaining five percentage of battery for Marie to be able to track her.

Luckily Marie called at the moment, even though it gave the people chasing her an idea of where exactly she was, it was better than not hearing form Marie at all. She was about to pick up but her phone died.

Unfortunately for Tia, luck wasn't on her side as a tranquilizer gun was aimed at her from a building and she didn't notice. The tranquilizer hit her and she fell on her face in the bush.

The people chasing her came forward and carried her to their vehicle and went towards the warehouse. When the boss there saw Tia he smiled and rewarded the cab driver heavily. Normally he would keep toys like this for himself but with the auction happening in two days and he lacked high quality goods.

Tia arrival was like a blessing. Her looks were perfectly suited for what the people at the auction would like and her stamina made it too perfect, the speed was surprising too, if his men words were taken into consideration. He instructed someone to search her and throw anything that could track her far away, treat her since she looked dehydrated and move her to a secure location.

Tia was put on drips and was injected with just enough drugs to keep her unconscious till the day of the auction.


Marie called the police and sent them what Tia's last location as she ran to the location with haste. All she found was bushes and within some distance, an abandoned warehouse. She searched the entire place but didn't see anyone, she did find Tia's earphones on the ground which proved Tia was here but nothing else. The police tried to investigate but there were no leads to where Tia could be, their only lead which was the cab she took was found abandoned in a swamp.

Marie felt like she was about to lose her mind, Tia was the only one who understood and loved her regardless anything, it was as if the universe was against her being happy.

Aimee called Marie from the filming location since she could not reach Tia only to find out something happened to Tia, she informed the director and left to go back home. Tia was like her family now so something happening to her after her biological family left her felt like her body with hit with a train.

Marie tried calling Henry and the rest, maybe they could help, she even called Harden because of his connections even though she couldn't stand him but it was to no avail. Initially when Harden saw his phone ring with Marie's name, he felt a kind of joy he had not felt for a while. Even though she needed him to do something for her, as long as it doesn't involve Tia, he would happily do it but that joy was dampened when he heard the only reason she called him was for Tia.

Harden low-key felt happy that Tia was out of the picture, which means he could swoop in and be the shoulder Marie could lean on. Even though he ends up getting any information on where Tia was, he would not tell Marie, he might even pay the kidnapper to take her further away form Marie.

Harden visited Marie's home only to find Henry, Dion, Sasha, Diane, Aimee even the two new bodyguards Kai and Rain. Marie didn't have the time to test them so they both automatically assumed their job. To say they were not affected by Tia's kidnap would be a lie because they only trusted her.

They were only by Marie's side now because of Tia, she was the only one who showed a speck of actual care for them, even though she said it was business, they knew she didn't have to treat them as good as she did, even if it was business but she still did.

Every single one of them even Harden tried using all the connections they had to find Tia especially Henry, if anyone was in a more positive mood they would have teased him about how worked up he was about Tia's disappearance.