
Alive again

Is there anything worse than watching your mother get murdered by your father after he used her to get ahead in life in any way possible? Well except you get killed next, then, Yes! I'm stuck in this hallow dark place. I think I've been here for days or months, I don't know. Wait! I feel like I'm moving What's that white thing I'm going to the light Nice, at least it's not hell then... Where am I? And why on earth is that girl looking at me like I stole her money? She's pretty though. Wait, I'm suppose to be in heaven, why am I here? Wait how am I seeing, I feel like my eyes are closed. They are. Gosh I'm soo tired, let me try and get up. My hands definitely did not look like this before I died, this is not my skin.

Sleepyglasses · Urban
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34 Chs

Chapter 20

Rain's and Kai's families were neighbors when they were children. They became friends because of this due to their similar age and their families became friends too.

They lived in the outskirts which was a little backwards in ways. The part they lived in was being ruled by a made up gang who was headed by a greasy middle aged pervert.

One day both their mothers went to the market. The gang head was patrolling with his henchmen when he spotted them, he took a liking at both of them and wanted to take them for his own forcefully. The both of them managed to escape not knowing that one of the henchmen was tailing them.

The next day, the gang head came to their houses and burnt it, he slaughtered their husbands in cold blood when they tried to protect their wives from being taken.

Because of this, both the wives tried to take their children to run but it was to no avail. He caught then and sold both Rain and Kai off to traffickers. Because of this, the mother's felt they had nothing else to live for and committed murder.

Rain and Kai were again sold off to a secret organization by the traffickers. They had no one but each other so the stuck to each other and did anything to make sure they would but survive.

Years of training turned them both from kids to killers who were given missions by their organization that ranges from killing to literally anything you could think of.

The last mission they took was suicidal, the head of their organization felt that they were more loyal to each other than they were to the organization, also they had an illicit relationship which was forbidden for members of the organization.

Therefore the mission given to them was to squeeze out their last bit of usefulness before they die.

The mission was successful so the organization assumed them dead, partially because after they killed who they were sent to kill, the boat they were on would blow up. Rain had overhead snippets of this mission from higher ups and assumed for the worst so she prepared for anything to happen, hence leading to their survival.

As soon as the mission was completed, she pulled Kai and jumped into the ocean. Rain had an inflatable boat in her bag. They spent series of days on the ocean and at this point they were starving. After reaching land, they started walking, hence reaching Tia's location.

Tia watched them from behind the tree to see if they posed any threat to her. Observing them, they just looked like two people who lacked energy and we're starving. She had a protein bar in her pocket so she decided to give it to them.

Although she was a little hungry, they looked like they needed it more than her at the moment.

Rain and Kai were resting on a tree together after making sure the person that was there was gone only to hear a feminine voice behind them. She sounded harmless but they both knew out of experience that if she was as harmless as she sounded and looked, they would have sensed her presence around them.

What truly harmless girl was easily able to hide away form two trained assassin's.

"You seem like you're hungry... Take this, it's a protein bar. Might help a little." Tia tossed the protein bar to them. She knew if she tried to get any closer they may not react friendly to it.

Rain and Kai watched Tia toss it to their feet, they observed it for a few seconds just to make sure it was not a trap before picking it up to eat.

They both finished it within seconds, it gave them little energy but did nothing to satisfy the current hunger they felt at the moment.

Tia stared at them trying to find clues to figure out why they were in their current state. Tia noticed the blade hidden in the female's boots, she probably didn't notice it being exposed because of her state.

The clothes they were wearing were all black and fitted, it was perfect for sneaking around or for committing crime, the tiny scar on the male's neck region looks harmless but looking carefully at it it looks like it was made with a knife and his hands were rough with different scars.

It could be gotten through hard labour work but the method of stealthiness they both use while moving said otherwise to Tia.

Tia made a conclusion in her head that they probably weren't good people or innocent for that matter but who cares if she could control them.

Marie was going to start her revenge plan soon and they were becoming businesses women therefore needing people who would do their dirty work for them but self righteously, Tia called it protection.

"You guys are running from something or someone, right?"

"How about you work for me and I protect you, well more on make it seem like you don't exist anymore in exchange for loyalty."

Rain and Kai were well aware of their situation and they knew they could not use their identities anymore and would need to start afresh. Tia's proposal to them didn't sound bad, it wasn't like they were good people to begin with, they would do anything to ensure their survival.

Little did Tia know that her and Marie would be facing enemies that even them right now would not be able to fight without assistance bigger than that of two assassins.

"What sort of loyalty?" Rain asked, she had always been more cunning between her and Kai. In her eyes, although she could not underestimate the little girl, she will not be getting the short end of the stick.

" Both of you seem like you could hold yourselves in combat so I want you two to work for me and my sister, bodyguard and secretary. Also do anything we ask of you, don't worry we would never give you something you can't handle."

"Okay, deal but we have nowhere to go so you'll be taking care of us." This time Kai responded.

"Sure, of course you'll be living with us but we would have to test your skills, we don't want burdens."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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