
Alien Invasion of Another World

Unqestionably ruling their galaxy for two thousand years, the Selenian Empire stands united and proud under the unchallanged rule of the Supreme Overlord, feared and revered by all those living in it's domain. The time of peace however ends, when a scientific breakthrough reveals the existence of another world, where space is still a virgin territory, and the day is ruled by magic, swords, and sorcery. Intrigued by this discovery, the Overlord decides to subjugate not just it's people, but also the powers coarsing through the stars of this new frontier. Yet instead of system destroying weapons or innumerable armadas, the first traveler of this new world will be an explorer vessel and it's ragtag crew, tasked with breaking a path before the real invasion can began.

Imperial_Guard_42 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Adventurer's Guild

The wooden door leading to the guildhall slowly opened. Other than a single receptionist, the room was completely empty. Small round tables, and uncomfortable wooden benches occupied most of the place, with the largest empty space being in front of the counter, behind it a lady, wearing some kind of uniform was looking through some kind of scroll. She looked up from it, when she heard the creaking of the cheaply made floor, then using her warmest smile, greeted the heavily armored warrior entering the establishment:

-Welcome to the Adventurers Guild! My name is Mia, receptionist for the evening hours! How may I help you?

-Good evening, I want to sign up - began the captain - I know it's late, and I wanted to come earlier, but I ran into some trouble - continued he, while handing over a scroll he received at the guard station during his interrogation. As it turned out the city had an agreement with the guild about capturing criminals, since the guard was often understaffed and overloaded with work.

Looking over suspiciously the piece of document, Mia handed a form to Natra:

-This is a registration form. To join us, simply answer the questions. Excuse my inqure, but can you read and write, or should I help with it?

-Yes I can - came the answer - however it might be a bit slow, since I learned not too long ago.

This was only partially true. While he still couldn't write anything in this world's language, luckily the ship's AI in combination with his translator implant would take care of it, by first translating the question into Selenian, then reading the answer out of the captain's brain, while displaying the appropriate symbols. Even so, it was still a good half hour until almost all of the questions were answered. Natra decided to use his own name, simply because it was the simplest solution. The place of birth and date gave him some problems, since he couldn't just write the planet of Omega-Trident 3, but after inquiring into the matter he was told that giving personal information like this was completely voluntary.

Filling out most of the form initiated the second part of the process, the evaluation. Based on combat capabilities and equipment the new adventurer would be assigned a rank beginning with "F" then going up to "S+".

The equipment check was first. The receptionist used a spell called "Examination" to appraise Natra's gear, however instead of passing judgement, she began to scratch her head. As it turned out, instead of the continent's language, the information the spell inscribed onto a scroll in her hands was written with symbols she never saw in her life.

Taking a look at the scroll, Natra's heart skipped a beat or two. The reason was that he could read the scroll. In fact almost 13% of people from his homeworld could read the scroll. Because what she saw was every single technical detail about his armor written in S2 script, the most common method of writing back home. S2 was and still is an attempt for a standardized universal language, that begin shortly after the end of the Domination War, and is still a priority project across the Empire. Still, it was strange that it would show up here in another world as a consequence of the spell. Stranger was the fact, that the equipment he used was designated as "Xenotech Power Armor" and "Xenotech Melee Weapon". Before the unification "xenotech" as a term referred to any gear or equipment coming outside of the Empire's sphere of influence. It popping up here could be explained that by this world's standards this is literally alien technology. The captain still didn't know if the concept of alien lifeforms existed in this place, but for one he was thankful that the receptionist couldn't read what was on the paper.

Still this meant that for safety reasons, his gear got a medium rating, on the lower end of the scale. In actuality this wasn't far from the truth, as what was chosen as a starting equipment was based on technology used near the beginning of the conquest of the universe, with weapons and armors coming further since then. However for safety reasons, and because the expedition technically operated on enemy soil 24/7 it was decided that the crew won't have access to any 'flashy" or "modern" technology meaning they had to use - by current military standards - outdated equipment. Of course this restriction would be lifted the moment an emergency hit, but without that they had to wait until it was deemed safe for them to wield such power. But even if they had access, a short recon mission in a relatively safe place did not warrant any advanced equipment.

After the whole ordeal Natra decided to forego the combat trial, since in his opinion te paper he got from the guards - which also earned him twenty silver - was proof enough. In the end he received a D ranking, meaning he could be trusted with quests involving bandit extermination, the hunting of every normal animal, and the hunting of less common magical beasts.

Succeeding in what he planned for the day, the captain decided to look for a place to rest and to randezovus with the other team.