
Alien Invasion of Another World

Unqestionably ruling their galaxy for two thousand years, the Selenian Empire stands united and proud under the unchallanged rule of the Supreme Overlord, feared and revered by all those living in it's domain. The time of peace however ends, when a scientific breakthrough reveals the existence of another world, where space is still a virgin territory, and the day is ruled by magic, swords, and sorcery. Intrigued by this discovery, the Overlord decides to subjugate not just it's people, but also the powers coarsing through the stars of this new frontier. Yet instead of system destroying weapons or innumerable armadas, the first traveler of this new world will be an explorer vessel and it's ragtag crew, tasked with breaking a path before the real invasion can began.

Imperial_Guard_42 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Arrival to Danamar

One if the key principles of infiltration is that you shouldn't stick out of a crowd - a task captain Din already failed the moment he arrived to the gates. As he pulled up to the guard booth, everyone nearby began to look and whisper, and thanks to the armor's audio-sensors, he could hear every word of it:

-Who...what....what is that guy?

-A knight maybe? His armor looks nothing like an adventurer would wear. But where are his weapons?

-Gods, he is a monster.. probably an ogre

-Ogre's don't have armor like this. And they a too stupid to disguise themselves...

-Shh, he will hear us....

-Everyone run

Trying to ignore them, he asked the guard in the booth for directions. Even though it was phrased as friendly as possible, the soldier quivered in fear as he handed him a leather parchment. Opening it revealed a very basic map of the city. Not knowing what to say now, the captain scanned the map, then sent it back to the ship. A few seconds later a low detailed minimap appeared on his HUD, based on the drawing the guard gave him. Poor soul seemed like he wanted to get over with the two and a half meter giant as soon as possible. Throwing back the scroll he thanked the now ghost-white man, then decided to stroll a bit in the city, trying to get a feel for the atmosphere, and collect some information. After that he wanted to look a bit into what weapons they used, and finally finding a place that will serve as a temporary base of operations here.

The town square was bustling with life, thanks to the particularly good early spring weather. And where are a lot of people gathering, there bound to be some merchants. This meant that the only thing Natra needed to do was keep his ears open and audio-sensors active. As it turned out the most popular topic was the disappearance of the local guild master. Most folks concluded that she must be dead, however most adventurers still organized search parties trying to track her down.

"They will be in for a surprise soon" - thought Natra as he walked in the direction of the nearest jeweler, in order to sell the small bar of gold he bringed to generate some funds for the next days. The jeweler he choose was surprised at first by the quality of the bar, but quickly waved it aside and paid five gold coins for it. Money exchange was based on the number hundred, meaning that a hundred bronz coins are worth a silver, a hundred silver a gold coin, and finally a hundred gold was exchanged for a platinum. The only exception from the rule was the "crown", a special type of coin with the value of a thousand platinum. By all means Natra now could be considered moderately wealthy with his five gold coins, since most middle-class families usually survived on a silver or two per month.

This wasn't however the only information he got to know. Pretending to be a foreigner he asked the merchant about Sallyria and the surrounding lands. From this he learned that the kingdom was neighbored by three countries. From the west it's border was connected to the Aniwen Empiere, and the south with the Laiba Dinasty. The north housed mostly uninhabitable lands, ruled by monsters and other dangerous creatures, only kept in check by a giant superfortress located on the Archapel mouantins' only pass leading to the Kingdom. As for the relationship between these countries the only interesting he learned was that the fourth princess from the Laiba Dinasty will be soon married to one of the great nobles from Aniwen, with Sallyria acting as an intermediary body.

Thanking the information the captain began to move towards a blacksmith, however just before arriving he suddenly felt something colliding with his side, followed by a woman's scream. Reacting almost instantly, he made a ninety degree turn, while simultaneously unholstering his sidearm. At the same time nanomachines in his body sensing the changes in his body disengaged the gun's safety mechanism, and by the end of he turn, he was ready to answer any threat with sufficient force. Instead of an attacker the only thing he saw was a tall, black haired woman with long ears now hugging his foot while crying.

-Please stranger, help me! My sister was captured by bandits, trying to kill her. I managed to escape, and you are my only hope!

Sensing something amiss Natra wanted to further inquire about the situation, but the elf - something that was obvious from her ears- was already trying to drag him into the alley next to them, prompting Natra to grip his sidearm even stronger. Deciding to play along a bit, the captain let her lead the way, while checking his movement sensor, which surprise surprise detected two other persons tailing them. Wanting to end the game, the captain stopped to the surprise of the woman, and before she could say anything turned around just in time to see two man unsheathing thier weapons. Thier armor resembled nothing like town guards, however conclusive evidence about thier true intentions came forward when the woman revealed her own weapon alongside a man hiding behind some crates.

Wanting to give them a chance, Natra shot a nearby wall, however this only angered the bandits. Catching thier victim in a pincer, the four began to ran towards the captain, who answered by shooting one of his two tailers in the chest, then turning around and doing the same with the man besides the elf, then throwing the gun while at the same time turning his hand upside down extending the power claws. A second later the woman was in melee range, and the captain sinked the claws within her body with something resembling an uppercut, then carrying the momentum threw the body on the other side, just in time for it to hit the fourth assailant, who was now pinned to the ground with the body of his dying comrade. Wanting to end it fast, Natra picked up his sidearm, and prepared to deal the killing blow to both of them, however his sensors picked up three others approaching from the side of the street. Soon men dressed in guard uniforms arrived to the scene. Sighing with relief Natra lowered his weapon.

-What happened here? - shouted the leader after seeing the end result of the battle - Did you kill them? Answer me!

Sensing that the questions were directed to him, Natra decided that the best thing to do was to clear up the situation.

After hours of paperwork and questioning later Natra was outside of the of the guard barracks. Notifying Helena's team about the incident, the captain decided that it was time for him to register at the guild.

The guild hall looking from the outside was a modestly decorated two story building made out of grey stone, with a double door leading to the interior. Receiving confirmation about Helena's position, the captain entered the building.