
Alex Wayne arrives at Marvel

English translation of the original alle94 fanfic: "Álex Wayne llega a Marvel fan-fic " 21 year old Alex Wayne wakes up in Marvel as an agent of SHIELD. Be aware: Each chapter is very short. First chapters very shorts. Then between 400-600 words per chapter. After chapter 337, 900-1100 words. I don't own nothing and autor allen94 just own his OC

LeonToralla · Anime & Comics
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514 Chs

Returning Home Part 1


Two Days Later

The world was silent as they waited for Captain America to arrive in court and be sentenced for his crimes.

In the underworld, the organizations were also anxious about what would happen since most know that Red Skull would not sit idly by at the opportunity to get rid of Captain America.

But organizations like SHIELD also knew that Captain's enemies could take action and that is why they took it upon themselves to escort him to court.

A group of armed men from SHIELD enter the prison to take care of transporting Captain America safely.

The leader of these men is a man in his 30s with hair down to his shoulders, this man has a calm look and also deep down sad.

That man is Bucky Barnes, a great friend of Captain America.

And who had asked to do this job.

Arriving at the cell, they open it and one of the men approaches Captain and puts handcuffs on him.

"To think that you would be the one to do this job" Captain America said.

"If I didn't do it, I wouldn't be able to see my best friend, would I?" Bucky criticized.

"You're right about that, it's good to see a friend in this situation" Captain replied with a smile.

"Steve, how can you smile in this situation? You know what awaits you and that your enemies are eager to take advantage of your current situation" Bucky said a little angry when he saw Captain's smile.

Since for Bucky, that smile means that Captain had given up on the situation.

"You don't have to be angry, I know my situation, the mistakes I made and that several people want to take advantage of this, but I am already determined. My actions caused this, sometimes I wonder if I would have decided to shake Tony's hand and support him, maybe things wouldn't have ended the way it is now" Captain said with a wry smile on his face.

Bucky Barnes is silent and his eyes turn sad upon hearing his words.

"Enough of the melancholy Bucky, you have a job to do soldier, it's time for you to carry it out" Captain America said seriously.

Nodding his head, Bucky listened to what he considered to be Captain America's last order.

And so they began to escort him to the armored vehicle that would take him to court.

Upon reaching the vehicle, Captain saw someone unexpected there.

He saw Sharon Carter, who just nodded at him and got into one of the vehicles that would escort Captain's vehicle.

Captain just smiled quietly at her attitude.

Thus, everyone took their positions and left for the court.


The court was currently surrounded by journalists and several people who came to look at the situation.

Some even brought banners in support of the registration act.

The police tried to bring order but they barely succeeded.

At that moment, the vehicle carrying Captain arrived.

The people at the scene perked up and started trying to get closer, which left the police helpless but they still did their best to stop them.

Getting out of the vehicle, Captain narrowed his eyes at the flashes of the journalists who were taking photos nonstop.

Looking around, Captain wondered how Alex would protect him.

But in that moment, something happened that answered his question and also left him helpless, and he wondered if it was a good idea to trust Alex.

Because in front of Captain America, a portal opened from which two people came out.

Wanda Maximoff and Anna Marie (Rogue).

The portal behind them closed and the place was silent for a few seconds, before people screamed and ran away in a panic.

The SHIELD men led by Bucky Barnes were the first to react, drawing their weapons and pointing them at the girls.

Sharon Carter and local police officers did the same.

Although some of them had their hands shaking.

Wanda and Rogue were indifferent to their weapons.

Since, in front of them, those were just toys.

They just look at Captain America calmly.

"You already know why we're here, right?" Wanda asked Captain calmly.

Nodding his head, he answers:

"Yeah, I know, I just didn't expect you guys to be so flashy"

Finishing speaking, Captain puts a wry smile on his face.

Wanda shrugs as she says:

"That's not my style"

Bucky Barnes and Sharon Carter are surprised to see that they talk naturally.

"Steve, they..." Bucky Barnes whispered that he was close to Captain.

"They are not from our universe, you should already be aware of them, right?" Captain replied calmly.

And indeed, once Bucky Barnes heard that they are from other universes, he already knows who they are.

Bucky Barnes calmly lowers his gun and asks Wanda:

"Wanda Maximoff, the current issues have to do with our people, what is your purpose in interfering with this issue?

Wanda looks at him and calmly answers:

"We have come here to avoid problems and for Captain America to receive a fair trial"

The place falls silent.

The people who had run away also calm down to see that Wanda did not come to cause trouble and are surprised to hear her words.

Some in the place are upset.

But others, like Bucky Barnes and Sharon Carter, are excited as they know that with Wanda's protection an incident is impossible to happen.

At that moment, Bucky's excitement stops.

Wanda, Rogue, Captain and Sharon realize that someone had communicated with him through his earpiece.

And from his expression, it doesn't seem like a good thing.

"We are very sorry miss Wanda Maximoff, but we cannot allow you to be here, so the United Nations and the United States Government kindly ask you to leave" Bucky said with a sigh after the orders he just received.

He didn't understand his superiors but he had to follow orders even if they didn't like it.