
Alex journey to Multiverse

A story of romance, action, adventure, relationship and world travel? Current world: Twilight Next world : Attack of titan ---------------------------------------------------- If you're looking for big harem, poke girl catch, and many other in the same category you may skip this fanfic. The story is a bit slow pace. The cover is not mine, I found it on google

AmarHazlin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter 6

Chapter 6.

On the way up to the mountain, the both of them keep silent enjoying the atmosphere while enjoying each other 'warm'.

Alex keep looking around the entire time enjoying the scenery. He has never been to a mountain before and seeing this much snow other than one time that he has a mission in Russia, so was enjoying the cold winter and beautiful plain in front of him.

The way to Miyuki cottage didn't take long. 10 minute later they arrive at a moderate two story "cottage" with a balcony on the top floor.

The "cottage" or more appropriate to be call a house was a moderate size two story wooden style house. It has two bedroom on the upper floor and on the lower floor was a kitchen , living room and a room that was called "sacred" room.

Half-way the journey Miyuki offer Alex a piggy ride seeing that he was almost dozing off.

They arrive after about 2 minute since Miyuki speedup her pace since there nothing to slow down for. They enter the cottage and Miyuki directly go her bedroom and place Alex at her Queen size bed.

"Hmm what to do now?" Miyuki mumble. She has never take care of anyone before so she didn't know what to do.

"Urgh… who care just go with the flow I guess" since she didn't know what to do she decide to leave the thinking to the future her .'hn nice plan' she nod at her thought and then left the room cheerfully.

"Oh right?! He need a room, he cant sleep with me right...." Her thought trail a bit and leak a drool while thinking about having to sleep with a cute and adorable kid and hugging him to sleep everynight, and... and …. and " no no no naughty Miyuki" she shook her head repeatedly.

"Yosh, to the second room then!" she rolled her sleeve and to the room next door.

When her hand was about to twist the door knob open she suddenly remember that the second room was where she usually keep the trash in.

But it was already to late as the door already open slightly.


A sense of terrible smell of rot animal corpse hit her and nearly make her faint. She immediately cover her nose and run far away, but it was a bad move because the animal corpse that was already undentifed what it was already start to coming out and fill the whole house with terrible smell.

"Fuh.. im nearly die. " she wipe the 'sweat' on her forehead. And begin planning the project cleaning 2.0.




At night.

After finish cleaning the whole house, Miyuki sit on a sofa at the balcony while sipping her tea. Her black hair was waving freely accompany the night wind. A beautiful lady drinking a tea accompany by the star and moon that light up the night and the snow white surrounding the house is such a beautiful scene. . . . . . . . . . or not.

On her hand was a 'book' that she pick at the 'sacred room' below. The title on the cover page was "JESSICA-SAMA: LOVE IS WARS"

"NOOOOOOO!!!! JESSICAAAAA-SAMAAAAA, w-whyy did you chose that idiot! Your childhood friend is better than him " Wailed Miyuki.

The serene scene that has been describe a moment ago was ruin.

"Urggh….. What is going with her? She fall in love with another boy that she met for just 3 days?! Her childhood friend has been by her since the beginning!"

" Was there a law in the Anime & manga community that declare childhood friend must be friendzone?!"

"Hmph I've read around 267 manga in the last 10 year and less than 5.7% of them end up with their childhood friend. But its mostly harem or ecchi genres."

"tch, I guess I will heal myself with some incest manga hehehe" Miyuki continue rambling her judgement on the new manga she read. She then skip happily toward the 'sacred room'

While Miyuki was living her life, The situation in the room where Miyuki left Alex was different.

His body was covered with a bright light that didn't bringhten the room, as if the light was being contain. But he still look like he was sleeping. As the light was showering Alex, his body start to grow, his hair originally short hair start to grow longer to reach hi neck, his body start to grow taller from 108 cm to 1.5m tall.

His previous childish cute face although still remain, but now was more refine and handsome. His body that was previously skinny start to take shape into a more refine fit muscle.

But something also happening to his soul. The originally 'perfect' soul was start to tearing apart. it was as if something pulling it apart. At this moment within his soul 2 chunk of bright light that is remain dormant until now start to shake violently seemingly wanting to escape and return to its owner.

After struggle to break free from their cage for about 5 minute the 2 piece chunk of light finally manage to break free, it start to float for awhile around Alex body and start flying to their destined location.

The two piece of soul was flying toward 2 different destination. One flew to the downstair right toward Miyuki body, unaware of anything Miyuki body was slam by the soul.

After the soul entering Miyuki body she immediately fall unconscious and her body ws covered by bright light. At the same time something is happening to her body, her originally white pale skin start to change , although it was still white it was like it was becoming more alive and not like a sick person. Her eye also start changing from red to bright colour.

Her face was now look even more beautiful and gentle. And finally ... for the first time in 100 years her heart start to beat.




The sound of a heartbeat can be hear all around the mountain as if something scary seem to has awoken from a long time slumber. The animal all around the mountain start to lower their head and hide, scare to even show themself to whatever it was that was being awakening.

It was not only after 10 minute did the sound of heartbeat gradually disappear. Inside Miyuki body her soul and Alex soul seem to effortlessly combining into one and make an even stronger soul.

The bright light gradually become dimmer and eventually fade revealing Miyuki graceful naked body, the cloth she was wearing seem to been destroy by the light earlier. She slowly float down slowly on the wooden floor.





At the same time the other part of soul was still flying at a fast speed toward west direction ...…

[ I NEED YOUR HELP!!!!!!! As you notice, Alex still doesn't have any surname. Sooo can you recommend me ? I post earlier than promise because i have some free time to write, so why not? anyway thanks for reading my novel. Love you guys ]