

Beyond the jagged, honed edges of avarice who’s narrow thorns have eroded the entire Minoan Kingdom... Aldous, a loyal and faithful contractor finds himself walking along the path of good and evil who’s thoughts existed on the peaks of holistic integrity. As the gods poured their wrath on the vile land, with Aldous being favored, amassed the surging power of dark and light, turning him into a powerful being and a paradigm of justice who disputes evil for the protection of the Minoan Kingdom and the Labyrinth.

ZhaiTheWeirdHentai · Others
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3 Chs

Demise as the Catalyst

Home at last! I immediately ran into my room and jumped to my bed. Thoughts wandering off not knowing that my class will start in the next two hours. Finally I decided to get up and fix myself.

"You don't have to carry out being terrific in order for you to start, but you have to start to be terrific!" Chanted the maiden outside the Magic Academy who's wearing a black hood and has peculiar tattoos on her shoulder and one of the tattoos that caught my attention was «θεοφιλις». It means the love of a deity. Simmering thoughts, religion, beliefs, the product of Theo himself. The philosophies stood an equilibrium for divine thoughts to enter such a human heart. It is strong, yet argumentative. But we cannot judge people according to their philosophies. I'm sure everyone knows about it. Nevertheless, It's a brand new day for me here in the Magic Academy. Walking among the halls of this huge institute with my heart beating fast... talking to my best friend Eve.

"Great! I have been working on some piles of silver right here for you Aldous".

"Thank you so much, Eve. This is really a great help!"

"It is Alni's birthday, so buy her everything that you want!"

Eve is really someone you could rely on. She is my bestfriend since my first enrollment as a contractor on the Magic Academy. It is not really my plan. Being a contractor is really hard and I expected that it was more of just a normal job but... an hour of sleep, one meal a day, pretty abnormal. Eve is always there with me. She came from Athens and moved into Eruditio after the Peloponnesian War and enrolled in the Magic Academy to support her family. She had a family with a great descent, they were royals. When her mother died, she decided to move out of their kingdom opposing his tyrant father and decided to stay with her grandmother. I can say that she was really fruitful from the day that she was born until the day that she grew up. She won't define her life laying in luck and prosperity and that's what makes her unique apart from other royalties that I know. I really admire her but I couldn't say it to her.

"Aldous, what's with that stare?"

"Oh... Sorry, it's just that... err.." Damn.

She smiled while her cheeks turning red, it was really cute.

"I think I should go now! See you later, Aldous!" she left with a smile painted on her face. I smiled back. I rushed then after, I know that Alni's waiting for me. I still need to buy her gifts.


An hour passed, I got home.

I never expected this!

The house was burning. I ran so quick, leaving all the years of my existence at my feet just to make sure that they were okay. My heart is pumping real fast, No!, Not my family! Not Alni!

As I opened the doors, I saw mom and dad lying on the ground with blood all over their body. I screamed in pain and agony, seeing them like this, I cannot bear to see them like this. I ran inside the bedroom and saw Alni, lying in the bed, half-dead. She's still unconscious, I grabbed her real fast and carried her out of our house that is near to be incinerated. My tears were dropping and carried away by the wind as I ran fast to the near Polis. I need to travel really far because our house is at the mountain top few kilometers away from the Oasis and almost a mile away from the nearby Polis. I was panicking, Alni's still catching her breath. I don't know where I was going. All I know is that I can only take her in the Labyrinth and wait until sunrise.

"Alni, please! Hold on! you're the only thing I have left now!".

She mumbled, struggling, in pain, while her blood keeps on flowing out of her wounds. Finally, I reached the Labyrinth, breath-taking. I Immediately lay her down in front of the huge pillars. I covered her wounds by tearing the cloth of her dress that I bought for her.

After a few hours, I just sat in front of the door, crying, blaming myself for the death of my parents. I looked at Alni. "I'll protect you no matter what! I swear, I will kill them! I WILL KILL THEM!" I yelled furiously, a burst of my emotions, it is something that I could not stop. It was totally unacceptable. This is not fair! I swear. I swear, I would kill the person who did this to my family!


In a sudden, a voice echoed inside the Labyrinth, It caught my attention. I opened the door, it was not locked. I carried Alni as I followed the voice inside. As I go in deeper, I can feel the immense light and chaotic energy struggling to engulf each other. I feel a little dizzy. "Why am I doing this? I'm supposed to be taking Alni to safety but, why am I walking deep in this obfuscated maze? Why I cannot control my body? why?".


"You're lost, I suppose?" a voice echoed.

"Who-who are you? please I need help! My sister, she's..."

A shadow of a man, no a bull! displayed in a broad light.

"What... what are you?" I stepped back in fright.

"Don't be scared! Lay her down."

Without a further ado, I immediately lay Alni down.

Then the man-bull placed his huge hand on Alni's forehead. In a surprise, her wounds are slowly healing but not completely closed. The man-bull groaned. "That's the only thing I could do for now". "How-how.. what are you?", I asked, frightened and surprised at the same time. I am Minotaur, the son of Minos. "Minotaur... Mino--- Ohh!!", I was shocked and I Immediately bowed before him. "Stand up, mortal". "I really... can't believe this, you were real! Everything's real!". "Indeed it is. The stories were true. I've been long forgotten. Death did not stop me. Everything was all in favor for the Twilight Orb was the mercy of the gods". He exclaimed.

"I've never seen a human my entire life". He took my hand. "The product of the grand blast. Balanced, Indeed. Perfectly sewn, ichor and bones, flesh, meat". I grabbed my hand back. "Do not worry about your sister. She will be okay".

"Thank you".