
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


"What do you mean taken" Kim raged.

"You want to tell me you couldn't protect a single child? Are you that incompetent? Are you sure you have your head in the right place? Cos if you don't I'll help you fix it" Kim inquired with a heavy tone.

To the members of her coven Kim had occasionally scolded them. They were the best of the best and the Most powerful coven in all of Une. They were not prone to mistakes and rarely lost members in missions. The reason behind this was Kim's great skill to drill the 'never mess up' attribute into her coven. She would never make any silly mistakes on the mission and she expected members of her coven to follow in same standard. Her last Mistake on a mission was infact in Ikuwamiri, when she had underestimated Miri's abilities, almost losing her arm in the process.

Kofi could only put his head down in disappointment as Kim spoke.

"What do we do now Commander?" Clara asked.

Kim thought for a while before speaking.

"Can you track down Anne for me Clara"? She asked." I need to speak to her".

Clara heard Kim's request and she knew what her request meant. She wasn't going to take any chances with Miri's life.

"I wonder if that would be the case if it was anyone of us and not that child that was missing" she thought.

She ignored her thoughts and with her ability began to try to contact the queen of witches. After the incantation she casted the spell but she was hit by a powerful spell blocker which weakened her immediately.

"What happened"? Kim asked as she noticed Clara's distress.

"It's Lady Anne she seems to be in a place where my magic can't get through, and it's not just that. Whoever set up that blocker knows someone tried to contact her".

Kim heard this and had alot of ideas on where Lucianne might have gone to or who was around her at the moment, but she could not do anything with any of her current information. Her best bet was to make sure Zia was able to track the person that was using magic to control the wendigos.

Kim looked at Kofi again before speaking. "Go help Zia and pray she finds whoever took Miri on time". She said dismissing the mage.

In the distance Lord Gvens was happy with the way things went. He had helped the wendigos make their way into the Capital undetected and even though everyone was suspicious of how they were able to attack with such precision, it would be a while before any suspicion fell on him. Immediately he confirmed Miri was missing, he made his way to Figs hideout. Like the little rat he was, Gvens made his way into the stables taking a horse and rode onto the forest. After riding for over six hours, he stopped at an ominous valley and came down from his horse.

He walked for a while before coming upon a cave, he entered and of course was not stopped by the wendigos guarding the cave. Unknown to Gvens, he was being watched from above by one of the witches familiar.

"Oh you are here," Fig said immediately he sighted Gvens, the high Lord of chaster Kingdom had not really bothered to travel incognito to see the demon, but Fig was not really bothered by this.

"Seems you left in a hurry, are you that interested in the girl"?

"That's none of your business" Gvens retorted.

"Well, there's no need to get all hostile, we are both on the same team" Fig replied

"Now let's begin" Fig said as he approached Miri who had been strapped to a chair half naked.


Lucianne and Lilith were in the land of the elves with the help of another member of the council, Wura (Red) the blood witch. She had assisted Lilith and Lucianne even though the Lilith annoys her to no end. She was great friends with Lucianne when they were younger and even though they were both in the position of greater responsibility, they had not forgotten about their friendship. She helped them, that is Lilith, with a passage to see The elven queen. Elves and demons were always at odds against each other, they would never allow a demon taint their sacred Lands with their presence so demons were a definite no in the elven Kingdom, Lucianne was always welcome in any of the Kingdom of witches and demon lands but Lilith was another case entirely. Most people hated her not because she was a demon, but she had a terrible personality and things always seem to get destroyed whenever she was around. Since this was the case Lucianne wanted to take on everything alone but with the problem originating directly from the demon and the outcome of things greatly concerning them so, Lilith could no longer sit idly and do nothing, she needed to get to the bottom of things and get the person who had forced her to leave the comfort of her bed. She had already started practicing practice punches when she finally comes face to face with the person that stole the amulet of Mindus.

After Wura got Lilith her rite of passage, they both made their way to Leminia, the elven Kingdom to meet the queen of elves.

Immediately they passed Wura's ibi mirror she finally breath a sigh of relief as Lilith was now Evelyn's (green) problem, she could only hope the queen of elves would not snap and kick them out before they got the help they needed.

After passing through the mirror, Lucianne and Lilith were greeted by 10 elves and a Dryad. The Dryad was dressed as nobility and hence was not armed, but the 10 elves were armed to the teeth, if not for who had just come through the mirror. One would have said they were there to apprehend someone who had just broken into the palace.

After few seconds of awkward silence the dryad finally came forward.

"Lady Anne, Queen Lilith, the Queen is in the palace garden, follow me" She said as she led the was.

Lilith and Anne immediately followed the Dryad and the ten guard followed suit, two stoodon each side with three behind and three in front. After walking for a while, Lilith finally spoke, she was bored of the awkward silence, and even more annoyed for the insane treatment, it's not as if she was expecting a warm welcome, but she could never get used to the elves hostilities towards demons. She looked at Lucianne and whispered loud enough for the others to hear.

"So Anne do you want to cause chaos now or should we wait till we get to the queen before we attack".

Her statement caused the guards to stop and stare at the two of them like they were really going to attack at any moment.

"Sigh- Pay no mind to her Lucianne finally spoke, she was just joking around. Right Lilith"? Lucianne asked and Lilith replied with a devious smile.

"Damn you Lilith"? Lucianne muttered under her breath.

"You should refrain from making such comments Queen Lilith, we elves don't take lightly, threats from demons". Rissa the Dryad finally said

"Of course you don't. Lilith replied now let's go before I decide to turn that threat into a reality". Lilith replied not caring for Rissa's words or Lucianne's presence.

"You promised to behave yourself" Lucianne said to Lilith via a mind link.

"What do you think I'm doing? Lilith replied. No one's dead yet".

"Yet?!!" Lucianne replied

"We are here" Rissa spoke making both of them to focus on the task that brought them to the elven Kingdom.

Rissa directed them into the garden but the ten guards stopped immediately they got to the entrance of the garden, leaving only the Dryad, Anne and Lilith.

The three of them walked in the garden led by Rissa. The garden was very large and beautiful and it took them a while but they finally got to where the queen was.

"My Queen" Rissa bowed immediately she got to the queen.

"Oh, hello Rissa, it seems you brought them here, good job. You can leave" Evelyn said and Rissa stood up to take her leave.

After she was out of sight Lilith finally spoke.

"You look as insufferable as the last time I saw you Eve". Lilith was the first to speak.

"Still as annoying as ever, I'm not surprised" Evelyn responded.

"You were always an immature brat". Evelyn added.

"Call me a brat again and I'll raze your Kingdom to the ground holding your decapitated head". Lilith said with her eyes glowing white showing she meant what she just said.

"You two should knock it out, we are not here for dumb bickering". Lucianne finally spoke.

"Oh yes, you have come to seek my help in tracking a precious magical tool that she lost". Evelyn said looking at Lilith.

"Tell me, why should I help a demon?".

"Who said anything about helping a demon? You are doing a service the Castle of une will forever be grateful for". Lucianne replied.

"Your gratitude means nothing to me Lucianne. But I need a simple favour from you, then after that, I'll help you track your amulet". Evelyn replied.

"Why should we give anything to a dumb witch like you"? Lilith replied ready to separate Evelyn's head from her body.

"You should really learn how to hold your tongue o queen of demons, I wasn't speaking to you".

"Maybe you should teach me, since I'm not very well taught". Lilith replied.

"Ok enough"! Lucianne roared tired of the dumb display between the two witches.

"One more word from you Lilith and I'll send you back to home".

"As for you Eve, I'll do any favour you ask as long as it's in my power".

"Good, don't worry, it's just a little favour, nothing too big or fancy". Evelyn replied.