
Ajẹ (Witch)

My name is Miri, I'm an ajẹ...... Born a witch, raised a human, lived like an abomination. My story is dark, wild, bloody and beautiful, such is the life, of an ajẹ

Seyfost · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


Some moments ago as Miri left the room, she was being observed by someone unknown to her. Kofi who was watching as Miri snuck out of the room had followed behind her closely, he made sure the girl did not notice him so he simply used his magic to camouflage himself. Kofi was one of the two Luitenants in Kim in Kim's coven and he was a very strong mage. He followed Miri around as she explored the palace until she finally made her way into Allen's gallery. He had been there from the start and was there when the prince even came in, but, he also didn't notice Kofi who had blended with the dark part of the room perfectly. He listened to their conversation and even though Miri was not aware she was talking to the second prince of chester he had realize who Allen was immediately he entered the gallery. As the were both talking a huge bang was heard followed by various noises which caught Kofi's attention. He had thought to come out and guide the prince and Miri back to their rooms and station respectively but he stopped when a wendigo made it's way into the gallery through the window. The creature stood 2.5 meters tall. It had sharp claws, teeth and two red eyes. It stared at the two kid's and it could feel the fear in their eyes. Kofi thought for a while and decided to wait and see what the child could do on her own.

Miri stared at the creature and she could see it was nothing like she had imagined. The creature attack the kids but Miri Pushed Allen away dodging the beast claws. Miri looked around her for what she could use as a weapon as she wasn't holding her short dagger. But she could only see paints and paint brushes lying around.

The beast once again tried to attack but this time it went after Allen ignoring Miri completely. Kofi who was observing saw this and immediately came out of the shadows to stop the beast. He took out his sword and in one movement he killed the beast.

"Is it just me or did that thing just ignore the girl and go for the prince". Kofi thought. Miri saw the beast lying on the floor and she saw Kofi with his sword drawn. He was here all this while and he didn't even help until now.

"So much for keeping me safe. We could have died" she screamed at Kofi.

"Could have, but you didn't". Kofi replied.

"You need to get back your highness. We will deal with the beasts".

"Your highness? Who is he talking to-"

Oh- she looked back and saw he was referring to Allen who had just pissed his pants.

She had thought of alot of things but she never thought the boy was a prince. He sure doesn't look like one she thought.

Allen who was lying in his filt saw the dead beast and the blood on the floor. He immediately passed out.

"Let's carry him to his room. We'll have to join the others Later" Kofi said but as he was speaking three more wendigos entered the gallery. They immediately went after Allen but Kofi once again stood in their way. As he was battling the wendigos, a fourth winged wendigo more stronger than the others came in and attacked Miri. At first she wanted to run away but the beast was faster and with no magic she stood no chance. The beast grabbed Miri by the arm and threw her against the wall knocking her out. Since the other beast were keeping Kofi occupied. The beast took Miri and flew away, deep into the forest. Immediately they got what they wanted Fig who had been watching through the eyes of the wendigos, watched as the witches killed the precious wendigos he had managed to gather. He could have called them back but he didn't want to take the risk of them being traced to his hide out, since he had what he wanted he left the rest of the beasts for dead.

It was Kim leading the charge with just less than ten witches. It was less of a fight and more of the witches killing every beast in their path. He looked closely at Kim and as their eyes met through one of the wendigos, he knew, she knew he was watching. Immediately he cut the visual link.

"She's scary". He thought. "It seems I'll be leaving this god forsaken nation soon".

Kim who had just led her witches into battle with some wendigos was shocked at how coordinated the beasts were, the way they made their way close to the palace without resistance was very suspicious in her eyes. She found everything about the attack strange. She looked at her witches at it seems none of them had suffered even the tiniest of scratches. Her witches were strong even if she had less than half of their original number, they were still plenty strong as a coven. She called on one of the members of her coven.

"Zia, I want you to trace something, it seems the attacker was watching through their eyes. Though the link will be cut by now but I still believe you can pull something off from the beasts. You have alot of them to work on', Kim said as she pointed at the beasts lying on the ground.

As she was done speaking to Zia she saw Kofi whom she noticed was missing at first but when she noticed Miri was not with the others she knew she was with Kofi.

"Commander", he greeted Kim with a sullen voice.

"What happened?" Kim asked noticing the change in his voice and eyes.

"It's Miri, she was taken".