
Aizen: God Of Destruction

Sosuke Aizen was chosen to be Universe 6's God of Destruction. But he won't be content with the power of a simple god. He will never let anyone rule above him. He will aim for the very top, for the Omni King himself.

HiroKoya · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Aizen vs Goku

Whis and Vados had conjured an indestructible barrier around a huge area filled with barren land. The barrier's height reached all the way to the moon to allow sufficient fighting space. 

Aizen had not objected when several of Goku's friends and comrades began gathering to watch the fight. The more people he could use his Zanpakto on, the better. 

Beerus and Whis should already be under his illusion, but he won't activate his power over them until he absolutely needed to. 

"Alright! I know you will hold back, but I'll try my best to bring forth your full power, Lord Aizen!" Goku screamed with vigor as his base form powered to its max. 

"By the way, everyone." Aizen made sure everyone heard him. "I only became a God very recently, so I have not yet risen to the level of Beerus. Hence, my power may disappoint you. I hope you take it easy on me." 

His sudden humble speech took many people off guard, especially Bulma and Vegeta. 

"Goku...make sure to pummel him to death." The Prince whispered to himself, but his wife heard him. Bulma blushed slightly as she knew how much Vegeta cared for her. And while she hated it, him agreeing to the 'compromise' was ultimately allowing her to live. 

"Mr. Goku, I assure you that Lord Aizen is perfectly capable of fighting you at your full power." Vados assured Goku that he didn't actually have to hold back. 'Lord Aizen's fusion with a God of Destruction's divinity is still far from complete...but a serious fight with a capable opponent might help accelerate the process.' 

She was also wondering why Aizen decided to back track on his prideful persona before the fight started. 

"I don't really get it, but you're a God, so I won't hold back! I'll start slowly, however, and build my way up." Goku exclaimed. He was eager to gauge Aizen's skills.

The God in question nodded as Vados got in position to start the duel.

A sound wave was sent across the battlefield when she touched her staff to the ground, and that signaled Goku into taking action. 

Even in his base form, his punches and kicks were enough to send shockwaves into Aizen's body. But the God endured and didn't move, taking every hit head on. 

There were video archives at the Grand Library that showed how these Saiyans fight. If he reacted to this level of power, he would be considered a weakling. 

Utterly unacceptable.

Goku went Super Saiyan, but the situation didn't change. 

Against Super Saiyan 2 however, Aizen had dodge a punch. He was quick enough to dodge even without using Flash Step, but that doesn't take away from the fact that only the second transformation was enough to sprung him into action. 

'If I wasn't already fusing with my divinity...I would have had no chance in a direct confrontation. Naturally, I won't die, but my physical superiority would be useless in this fight.' Aizen smirked, remembering how he had bodied the entire Gotei 13 while relying on this 'useless' physical superiority.

Beerus meanwhile, was smirking for an entirely different reason. 'Ha! What a weakling! He has to dodge attacks from Super Saiyan 2. He's too weak to be a God.' 

Of course, he had forgotten that Aizen's tenure hadn't even reached a year yet, while his was running out of zeroes.

Stepping behind Goku, Aizen sent him flying with a back-handed slap to the face. 

The Saiyan smiled, and his hair turned from golden to magenta red as his aura now resembled a burning fire. 

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! Super Saiyan God!!!!!!!"

Aizen noted how his power was no longer leaking to the surroundings and instead raging inside his own body. This was the trait of having stepped into the realm of the Gods. 

A sword appeared in Aizen's hand as he battled Goku. The Saiyan was simply parrying the attacks with ease and his own attacks too fast, with the majority of them landing. However, he was unable to inflict a serious wound.

Aizen always seemed to slip away last second with a technique similar to instant transmission. Flash step was coming in handy for the soul reaper. 

Deciding it was time to go on the offensive, Aizen whisked away and fired a spell.

"Hadō #54: Haien!" with the swipe of his sword, a quick blast was sent to Goku's way, who simply swatted it away. The arm did receive slight damage but the Saiyan continued his assault. 

The soul reaper slipped away once again, "Modified Hadō #4: Jūgeki Byakurai!" 

The attack was quick and precise. The thick beam pierced Goku's shoulder who winced for a second before proving that pain won't stop him. 

Noticing that Aizen was trying to keep his distance, Goku used instant transmission to appear behind him and sent a powerful kick to his torso. 

Aizen turned his body as he it was flying to the ground to cover up the damage the kick had done. As soon as his body fixed the protrusion, he turned his head back around. 

"Bakudō #37: Tsuriboshi!" He used the trampoline to reverse his momentum and make his way back to where Goku was waiting. 

To confuse and interrupt Goku, he used a binding spell before his next attack, "Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!"

Six rods of lights appeared and bound Goku from all directions. However, an incantation-less spell had its limits even when used by Aizen, and Goku was able to break out by simply flexing his muscles. 

Then ensued a close range battle. Goku's punches were breaking bones in Aizen's body, but he was healing unlike the small cuts on the mortal. 

There were too many spectators watching for him to reveal one of his stronger spells. While they would definitely provide him with the win, they would no longer contain the element of surprise. Aizen had barely began to gather his bearing in this world, he wanted to practice secrecy wherever possible. 

That being said, he also didn't want to lose to a mortal. 

"Hadō #32: Ōkasen!" He knew that Goku would simply block this attack, so he used the blinding light to get an advantage. 

Aizen's sword cut through the Saiyan's abdomen but he was able to lean back to avoid a fatal wound. 

Using the momentary interval to catch his breath, Aizen chanted his signature phrase. 

"Shatter, Kyoka Suigetsu!"

The world around them seem to bend as a similar Dragon the one that Beerus and Whis had witnessed attacked Goku. Naturally, the Saiyan was easily able to defend himself as it was an illusion. 

Aizen had to make them see the Dragon so Whis wouldn't get suspicious about the chant. While the Angels appeared to be crafty, the soul reaper had an inkling that they were inherently witty.


Aizen heard Goku prepping an attack and tried to interrupt him. His sword swiped at air as Goku used instant transmission.


Realizing he was too late and would have to deal with the attack head on, he prepared to defend. 

"Bakudō #81: Dankū!" An invisible screen appeared before Aizen to defend him from the attack.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!" A powerful beam was released from Goku's hands and clashed with Dankū. 

The sound that the shield produced reverberated in everyone's ears. 

But it wasn't a one-off attack. The beam was holding strong and pushing against the shield, slowly but surely crawling it's way to Aizen.

Frowning, Aizen began a chant. 

"Kōjutsu Eishō - Fluid air, rigid air, strung as gold, worn as silver. Precious treasures, iron will, immovable plinth." He was chanting the incantation after it's activation, increasing the shield's resilience with every word. "Bridge the perilous path between reality and dreams, and coalesce into a single point before the throne of the king!"

Noticing that his attack had stopped breaking through, Goku smirked. 

The blazing fire around him disappeared and his hair returned to normal. Without missing a beat, he was now surrounded by an azure hue, and his hair was shining blue. 

The blast releasing from his hands received a significant boost, and broke through the shield in an instant. 

Everyone had to cover their eyes as the attack engulfed Aizen and the area around him.

Goku slowly floated back to the ground, returning to his base form. 

Aizen flash stepped near him and watched the entire watching party make its way to them.

"To be unscathed after that...as expected of a God of Destruction! Looks like I still have a lot to do!" Goku exclaimed. 

"I know you didn't go all out. But regardless, it was a pleasant bout, Kakarot." 

Beerus didn't make any comments, but made sure that Aizen could see his smirk. Whis just sighed at these antics. 

"Now, Vados, let's return home. Are you ready, Bulma?" 

"Tch...yes...Lord Aizen." Vegeta sighed as he heard his wife still showing her frustration so openly. 

Vados took both of them and Bulma's luggage in a cube and they went into hyper-speed mode to return home. 

Whis and Beerus returned soon after and the Z-fighters fell into conversation about what they had witnessed. 

"He used a lot of different attacks." Gohan noticed. 

"Yeah, and he always chanted some weird words before using them. His versatility was proving tough to deal with." Goku replied. 

Vegeta winced at that statement. He wanted to know if he could beat Aizen, but was not left unsure as he didn't know how many more attacks the God had in his arsenal.

Eventually, they began pouring back into Capsule Corp and decided to continue talking within the walls of the building.

No one noticed the limping figure of the real Aizen near a rock. 

"Ha...Fufufufu, looks like no one was able to see through my illusion." He spoke between pants, as half of his body was still missing. 

Taking that attack head on proved to be a mistake, and he was now left helpless while he regenerated on the ground. 

But once again, he spun the wheel of fortune only to walk out richer.

He was now alone on Earth. 

Free to infiltrate the life of the protagonist. 



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