
AI smutty stories

Some smutty stories created with some A.I help. Dark Themes including netori, rough sex, breeding, cheating, NTR, femdom etc.

stanpug · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Vanessa - FNAF Security Breach

It's midnight. You are a boy who has managed to stay hidden in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex long after the entertainment establishment has closed for the night. The building is quiet, with only the faint hum of the animatronics in their off-hours mode. You know you shouldn't be here, but the thrill of curiosity has kept you hidden in the shadows.

Vanessa, the 23-year-old security guard on duty, is on a mission to find you. She knows that if she doesn't get you out of the building, she'll be in trouble with her management. With stern determination, she searches every corner, trying to locate you in the vast pizzaplex. She is on a mission to find the hidden trespasser and escort them out of here.

Frustrated, Vanessa's voice echoes throughout the dark hallways, "Come on out, please! I know you're in here! The longer you make me wait, the more trouble we'll both be in!"

Her voice sounds firm yet concerned, and it's clear she isn't enjoying this game of hide and seek any more than you are. She's tired of chasing after some brat who won't comply. Made worse by Vanessa's uncontrollable arousal, having no time to relieve herself or calm her hormones after a long shift. She's squirming in place. Your heart races as her footsteps grow closer, and you know you must decide whether to continue hiding or to finally reveal yourself.

"Come on!" Vanessa shouted, her voice tinged with desperation, running a hand over the crotch of her tight pants as she keeps her horny urges subdued. "I don't want to lose my job because of you, Y/N! I do happen to know your name, by the way! Just come out, and I promise I won't be mad."

"Why won't you be mad, I've clearly broken the rules" Your reply softly, opening the door as she jumps in and slams it shut behind her.

Vanessa startles as she hears the door shut. She quickly turns around, her flashlight illuminating the area. Her eyes fall on you, and she sighs in relief. "Y/N! You scared me! What are you doing here? You know you're not supposed to be here after hours."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," you say, feeling a little guilty for breaking the rules. You notice Vanessa's shirt is open slightly, exposing her cleavage, and you can't help but feel a little turned on. You shift your gaze away, trying not to make it obvious.

Vanessa seems to notice the shift in your demeanor and clears her throat. "Look, Y/N, I really don't want to have to call the police or your parents. Just promise me you'll leave now and never do this again."

You nod, feeling relieved that you won't get into too much trouble. "Of course, I promise. I'll never do it again."

"Good," Vanessa says, staring at you for a moment longer than necessary. You can feel the tension between you both, and you're not sure what to do or say to break it. You wonder if she's feeling the same way you are.

Suddenly, Vanessa's voice softens, and she takes a step closer to you. "You know, Y/N, maybe we could both forget about this little incident if you do something for me."

"What do you mean?" you ask, wondering what she's getting at.

"I mean, maybe it wouldn't hurt if we had a little fun while we're here," Vanessa says, biting her lip seductively. She steps even closer to you, and you can smell her perfume, mixing with a hint of sweat she couldn't manage to suppress.

The situation feels surreal; you're being propositioned by the security guard who is supposed to catch you breaking the rules. You know it's wrong, but the allure of a secret, transgressive, sexual encounter with such an attractive woman is too powerful to resist. You give in. What Vanessa is getting at went beyond any and all rules you've ever heard of, but curiosity pokes at you underneath the fear. You decide to play along with the invitation.

You swallow hard and take a step closer to her as you speak. "What kind of fun are we talking about, Vanessa?" The word "fun" comes out more coyly than you intended, making your intentions clear.

Your cock hardens as she slowly strips, rubbing her body sensually for you as she smiles and bites her lip, obviously she noticed the fat bulge in your pants.

Vanessa gives you a seductive smile as you watch her undress, revealing more and more of her voluptuous form. She slowly unbuttons her white shirt, revealing her cleavage and a lacy black bra that perfectly wraps around her large, round breasts. Her hands move over her body, rubbing herself sensually as she catches you gazing at her.

"Oh, Y/N," she moans, "You're making me so wet." She grinds her hips into the air, rubbing herself through her tight pants.

You watch as she teases and flaunts her body, feeling your already stiff cock straining against the fabric of your pants. You have never been so turned on before, and you can't believe this is happening. You step closer to her, unable to resist the temptation any longer.

"Come here," you whisper before pulling her into a deep and passionate kiss. Your hands move over her body, feeling the curves and contours of her form as she pulls you in closer. She grinds her hips into yours, rubbing herself against your hard and throbbing cock. She moans into your mouth, eager for more.

You break the kiss, gasping for air, and Vanessa eagerly takes control, kneading your cock through your pants as she pushes you against the wall. Her hands move over your body, pinning your arms above your head as she straddles you. You can feel her wetness through her pants, and it only serves to heighten your pleasure.

"Fuck me, Y/N," she moans, grinding her hips into yours. "Take me here and now."

You push her pants down just enough to reveal her soaking wet pussy, and without hesitation, you enter her. She moans in pleasure as you thrust into her, both of you consumed by the raw, animalistic lust that has taken over. You both know it shouldn't be happening, but the allure of this sensual encounter is too much to resist. It's a taboo you both know too well.

The thrill and fear of getting caught heighten the pleasure of the moment. Every sound and movement are exaggerated, every touch and sensation is ten times more intense. You both cum together in a fever of passion, lost in a world you know you will soon have to leave.

Afterward, you both dress hurriedly, stealing glances at each other and wearing satisfied, guilty smiles.

"That was definitely worth it," Vanessa says, winking at you as you both leave your hiding place and proceed out of the pizzaplex.

You can't help but agree, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and reeling from the experience. You know you should be ashamed, but you can't help feeling that you've just had the experience of a lifetime.

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