

a gay guy died then he chose to be in the world of ahs, what's he gonna do well let's find out

imre_amon · TV
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ch 2 I'm here

I woke up and saw I'm a baby! 'Seems like it was a success' I said in my mind


(2 years later)

I'm now 2 years old and I'm in the orphanage since my mother was an asshole turns out she's a bitch and my father was a bastard a perfect couple.

But now is the time I'm going to be adopted!! Yay!!

Today is the day Mr Ben Harmon will adopt me

How do I know? Cause I know shit dumbass

"Is this emrys?" Mr Ben asked the old hag caretaker

"Yes, he is Such a cute child, isn't he?" The old hag said to Mr Ben

And it was a lie when she said I was cute I was drop dead cute!!

"Yes, he is" Mr Ben said with a smile 'hot.' My gay ass mind went to that route...anyways I was adopted. YAY!!


I'm now sixteen and were moving to the murder house now

Oh, and if you're curious about what happened in the last couple of years... Well

I was so cute that everyone had a crush on me

And now that I'm all grown up, I am what you call "a social butterfly." I'm literally famous, like very famous

I'm the opposite of Violet. She's the weird one. I'm the hot one she's bella Swan. I'm Regina goerge

'See the difference?' But on a serious note it was fun living here and I know a whole new level of fun awaits me in that fucked up mansion~

"Kids are you all packed?" Mrs Harmon ask

"Yes" I replied then we were on the road already to pur new home

While we're in the car I just took selfie, beautiful one at that

"Can you stop that?" Violet said to me in her moody emo 'no one understand me' phase

"Can you stop breathing?" I said back to her and she glared at me

"What are you going to do about it ms Bella Swan?" I said to her insulting her

She was about to speak when daddy stopped both of us

"That's enough you too we're moving to a new house so stop fighting and be nice to each other"

"Yes daddy" I said, and yes I call him daddy now, fight me bitch

And with that violet and I stopped arguing and I just read a book

Without noticing we have already arrive at the infamous House 'the murder house'

I got out of the car and sang while walking inside " I know I know you belong to somebody new but tonight you belong to me~" I sang that while entering the house

"Stop with that song" Violet said to me "you're just jealous I can sing and you cant" I said back to her

"I can sing" Violet said "prove it" I said back and she tried to sing it was like a fork was being scratch in a board

"Wow you're so talented in drawing" I said to her sarcastically

And she just glared at me

"Welcome" the old blind maid said to us she's dead I remember