

a gay guy died then he chose to be in the world of ahs, what's he gonna do well let's find out

imre_amon · TV
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5 Chs

ch 3: he got laid

Few days passed nothing really strange happened to me yet, well except for the fact that ghost always trying to get my attention other than that nothing really

Then all of a sudden vivien came in saying she's pregnant

And ofcourse as someone who is her adopted son I'm happy for her

"Congratulations mom" I said to her and we celebrated for a bit and so yeah that's that

Well let's not break it and say that she's having an anti christ as a child let's not say that to her

Few days passed and just like that alot happened to my family not me

For example the daddy killing a woman then waking up outside and also the dead maid being young to the eyes of daddy and old to our eyes

Oh yeah that was always on my mind why in the ahs series they didn't question what other saw with their maid like did they just accept that daddy have a thing for old soggy hag?

Anyways now it's Halloween!! And I'm going out as a slutty priest and I looked Iconic!!

I was on my outfit when I went down and saw the two gay ghost couple it was chad and Patrick I'm guessing this where they go on an outburst about shit

And I was right stuff was ruined here and there it was the same as the series nothing new

"Daddy I'm going out" I said to daddy

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Daddy said to me a bit angry

"Dressed like what?" I ask daddy "like a whore" chad said to me

"Oh thanks" I said with a smile taking that as a compliment and daddy just looked at me like I'm the dumbest person on earth

"Anyways toodles" I said as I kissed daddy on the cheeks and get a 100$ on his pocket and left to party

I arrived to a party and everyone was either drinking or making out and ofcourse I was dancing and everyone was watching me cause I'm that beautiful

Then a guy approach me and he out his hand on my waist and danced with me

"Why don't we go have fun~" the guy whisper I to my ears

"Oh and what do you suggest~" I said to him "you'll know" he said and I giggled and we went upstairs to a bedroom

"You sure no one will come in here?" I asked

"I'm sure no one will come here In my room" the guy said

"Oh so you're tho one who owns this place?" I asked him

"Yeah it's my parents" he replied to me "now how about we do that fun stuff~" he said to me before he started kissing my lips intensely

He inserted his tounge inside my mouth and we make out, we kissed until we were out of breath and then he took of my clothes revealing my perfect body "beauitful" he said

"I know~" I said as I removed his clothes and he started licking my body and biting me

"Ughh~ ahh~" I moaned to his bite and lick then he removed his pants and ge inserted his dick in my ass

He thrust deep inside me hitting my g spot it was so good~

"Ughh~ harder~" I said with lust in my voice. When I said that he thrust harder and harder until he cums inside of me

"That was fun" I said catching my breath "yeah it was" he said to me