

a gay guy died then he chose to be in the world of ahs, what's he gonna do well let's find out

imre_amon · TV
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5 Chs

ch 1: ahs

In a so-called "normal house," he lives a young boy named Emrys Altair, but his adventure will be far from norma-

"Oh shut it bitch, stop narrating my life" I said to the stupid ugly narrator

I then turned my head to look at you,viewers and said

"As you heard I'm Emrys altair a gay guy who have a lot of adventures" I said

"But are you ready for it" I said in a chilling spooky voice

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" I laughed maniacally

Narrator: And so we began the story of that boy.



"Hi, host!" A weird looking thing said to me. It looked like a shit but have wings?

"Ugh, you look disgusting," I said with disgust written all over my face

"Oh, sorry about that!" The floating said happily

Then it changed it appearance alike to my favourite pokemon eevee

"Much better host?" The thing asked me, "Yes, much better" I replied to it

I looked around and saw that there was nothing like, literally everything was white. It was like I was in kim kardashian house it was all white.

"Where am I?" I asked the biggest question there is

"I hate to break it to you host, but you died" the thing said to me

"Wait, I died, how?" I asked "I mean I say all the time that I want to die but I don't really want to it's just like all gen z said...don't tell me God heard me and grant me that?" I rambled on and on and on

"No no no no, nothing like that, you died well because you died" the weird thing said to me

"Does that mean I'm in hell? Cause surely I won't go to heaven" I said

"No host you're in your domain" the thing said

"Domain?" I asked " this is like your own personal space" the thing said to me

"Cool" I just replied "oh by the way what should I call you?" I ask the thing again

"Whatever you want host" the thing replied

"Since you look like eevee I should probably name you.....ASH!!" I said proudly

"Then I shall be ash" the thi- I mean Ash said

"So anyways aren't I supposed to go to hell now?" I said to Ash

"No, host since you grew up to be a devil neither hell nor heaven wants you to be part of them" Ash dropped a bomb to me

"What? You're saying even hell won't accept me?" I ask in disbelief

"Yes" Ash said like it was nothing

"Cool" I said like hell and heaven declining me is not such a big deal

"Anyway if they're not going to accept me where should I go?" I ask

"That is why I'm here host!" Ash said

"I'm here to send you to any world you want!" Ash said and I was shocked to that cause like I'm not Chinese why would I get a system? Like that doesn't make sense

'But hey who am I complaining?' I said to my mind

"Okay then I want to go to the series AHS!" I said

"Okay host I'll send you to ahs season 1 murder house!" Ash said to me

"But first any request host?" Ash asked me I think first before answering..."I want to still have my name emrys to any world I'll go" I said and with that I was good to go

[Transferring host to ahs season 1 murder house complete]

That's the last thing I heard before blacking out