
Ah really?

Starts off in danmachi, basic transmigration and wishes scenarion. I'm currently writing on it now. Suggestive criticism is welcome.

Ryan_Colman · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

39. Weakness.

Out in the field the proctor for the fights was standing there chewing on a senbon like a toothpick. "I would like for Ryan Grim and Gaara of the sand to enter the arena at this time." he called out.

I hopped over the bannister and made my way to the center of the arena. Gaara also appeared in a swirl of sand. He had a bloodthirsty look and was directing loads of killing intent at me.

I just ignore it.

Genma starts a count down.

"3....2.....1...Fight!" Before hopping away.

I dodge a blast of sand from the ground and hop away calmly.

"Do you know what the weakness of all Jinchuriki is?" I ask calmly before making seals.

"Wood Style: Spiked Prison." I call out before stomping the ground.

Several wooden posts shoot up around Gaara forming a thick square cage. Out of the wood shoot several sharp spikes shooting into his skin locking him in place like a make shift iron maiden torture device. His sand falling down to the ground useless.

The old man and orochimaru shoot to thier feet instantly in shock. Apparently neither were prepared for this and a sign was given.

Feathers started to rain from the sky as people start passing out in thier sleep and orochimaru and the old man vanished from thier place places. Meanwhile I shot forward and grabbed the caged Jinchuriki and stuffed him in my gate.

Worst that can happen is he gets loose, following that I simply fire a giant sand raccoon into space, I would love to see akatsuki try and get the 1 tails in orbit ahahaha!

I dodge a wind sickle flying at me and slam my hands into the ground. A burst of smoke shows 24 black thread like creatures wearing metal ball like masks. Along with 7 people in full anbu gear along with Valerie.

I had optimized the Jiongu masks, there was only 2 ways to kill it, hit it in the mouth when it fires off a jutsu, or somehow hit it through the metal grates on the bottom where the threads came out. However if you want to kill it by destroying the mask where the heart us housed? Good luck. Those masks are covered in seals and made up of some of the hardest metals on the planet.

"Kill all the sound ninja and any sand ninja that fights back." I command the Jiongu who rush towards the stadium and start ripping people apart.

As for the two who attacked me Temari and Kankuro they are kneeling on the ground with chakra suppression seals on thier necks.

Silencing seals and special hand cuffs are also slapped on and I toss them into the gate.

No need to kill children.

Up in the stands various sound ninja bodies are dropping to the ground missing hearts and other internals. They have no idea how to fight the thread like creatures.

My paths also speed off to pick up some nice looking goods.

However me and Valerie hop up to the glowing red barrier.

"Yo, Orochimaru, what would you pay me to not step in?" I ask with a smile.

The snake sannin glares at me. "After I finish killing the old monkey I'm coming after you next."

"Wow, you sound like this guy I know, names Frieza always talking about killing monkeys." I chuckle.

A golden portal opens and a chakra rod pokes out before firing at the barrier...and slipping through it like butter. Orochimaru barely manages to side step it in shock.

"So no deal?" I ask once more.

"What do you want brat?!?!" He hisses out.

I love how the Anbu and the old man are just sitting by the side watching this all happen. How come the Anbu arent off helping the village?

"The lives of those three and I want the red head." I point towards the sound four and smile.

"Deal!" He hisses before summoning a couple of coffins.

"Thanks man!" I fire 3 more spikes at the trio who are instant killed and the redhead is wrapped in Enkidu's golden chains and dragged into the gate screaming obscenities.

"Noooooo!" Orochimaru shouts as the barrier instantly falls.

"Pleasure working with you snake boy. Gotta go." I laugh before hopping off the roof as the Anbu rush to aid thier kage.

Once down in the village i summon out Anko. "Your teacher and Hiruzen are fighting up top, also the first and second kage have been summoned I advise not going there. However the village is currently under attack by sand and sound ninja. I also happen to have a stack of level 3 explosive tags mostly used for high powred blast mining." I pass the stack of tags over to the purple haired teen who looks like Christmas had come early. Do ninja celebrate Christmas? Probably not.

She quickly speeds off with a mad cackle followed by one of the paths.

Minutes later various businesses who had wronged the snake mistress in the past are blown sky high.

"You going to kill the old man?" Valerie asks as we fight off some cannon fodder ninja.

"Nope, too many people watching. I also want to see what happens now. Will he live or die?" I am curious about the results. Technically I'm both assisting and destroying the leaf village so I wonder if this counts.

"Wanna go rob some of those Anbu hideouts and ninja stores?" I ask Valerie


Many people could see a small and larger blonde duo breaking into various places and coming out with large smiles through the city. Later on it would be known that the leaf lost millions in ninja gear, ryo, and supplies. They won't be able to financially recover from this. Atleast for a long time.

About 2 hours later the fighting ends, what's left of the sand and sound surrender or retreat. The old man known as the 3rd hokage has died, man went out like a champ taking on 2 kage and his student before using his life and soul to seal orochimaru's arms.