
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Hallo? When?

So there is potentially a love triangle!?" Mina with excitement shouted

"Not only a love triangle, a love rectangle!" Yukari busted with excitement

"What? How does a love rectangle work?" Sanae questioned with doubt

"Well you see..." Yukari grabbed a marker and started to write on the whiteboard

"You see Takagi -san and Nishikita-kun like each other, but Nishikita is secretly cheating on her with Houjou-san!" She drew a large line across from Nishikita to Houjou, labeling "affair" over the line

"Then Takagi-San wants to get back at him so she starts meeting up with... Nakai-kun!" She drew another line from Takagi to Nakai

"But you see! Secretly Nakai likes Nishikat-"

Sanea killed Yukari before she could say anymore

"No you idiot, you just wanted a fully functional rectangle" Sanea spat with disappointment to Yukari who was on the floor, moaning in pain at Sanea's sudden movement, Mina who was giggling, dragged her out. The bell rang and the sounds of footsteps could be heard

The day continued, Nishikita was getting increasingly bored out of his mind.

During lunch, he contemplated what to do after school ended

"(Well I could go home and read more of 100% unrequited love, but I would feel even more unproductive today)" Nishikita cringed at his mind speaking

He felt a light tap on his shoulder, turning around, he saw a pretty blonde girl, with a slight smiling

"Oh hey Sanea? How are you doing?" Nishikita mannerly asked

"I'am doing good, so....I....Um...huh...I wa..." Sanea looked away in distraught

Nishikita looked at her in mild confusion

"(Why is she stuttering so much? Don't tell me that she's...embarrassed!?)" Nishikita's eye widened in shock at the sudden realization

"Do you want to...go hang out after school today?" Sanea twirled her fingers around in shyness

Nishikita stood in surprise at the sudden offer. There was a short pause before Nishikita replied

"Sure... What do you want to do?" Nishikita wondered

"Wanna, like go get something to eat?" Sanea nervously offered

"Sure!" Nishikita agreed hastily, he always liked getting snacks or food after school

Soon, the day ended, much quicker than Nishikita thought it would. He quickly packed up and was about to meet up with Sanea before a light touch heated up his shoulder

"Hey wanna walk home?" Takagi smiled at the shocked boy

"w-Walk home? Now? Uh...I gotta go, can't sorry!" Nishikita looked away in shame in what he did. He felt terrible for blowing off Takagi but he was late and he needed to meet up with her before she left! But...Takagi felt more important to him. But he refused to believe that "(Takagi-san would be fine not walking with me home for today right?)" He turned a corner before walking into Sanea

"Hey Nishikita-kun! Shall we go?" Sanea gently nudged him along

"Yes let's go, how bout that ramen shop by the fountain?" He offered a place to eat, pointing at a small store with the name "Ramen Mountain"

"Ah how bout that fried rice stand next to it instead? I don't feel like ramen" Sanea counter offered

"Sure I can go for some fried rice" Nishikita agreed and the two left for the fried rice stand

Along the road were summer leaves, a small breeze blew in from behind them. The leaves followed them down the road like a stream

"What kind of music do you like Nishikita-kun?" Sanea fondly questioned, skipping ahead in front of him

"I been liking Western music more lately" Nishikita replied, Sanea smiled at his answer, seemly pleased with it

"Ooh that's really cool Nishikita-kun"

"What kind of music do you like?"

"I really like classic Japanese pop" She replied

"That's pretty cool as well" Nishikita complimented him

Sanea smiled before making a request

"Hey can I call you without any honorifics?" Sanea made a move

Nishiktia looked at her in mind blowing fashion. "Without any honorifics!?" He repeated

"Well I want to because Takagi-san always does so! If you two aren't dating, what's wrong with me calling you without honorifics?" She argued

"Well there is not anything wrong with you calling me without any honorifics but..." Nishikita paused mid sentence "(But it somehow feels like I am cheating on Takagi-san! Why does it feel so weird?)" Nishikita was stopped mid thought by the sight of the fried rice vendor

The two ordered fried rice and sat down

"So that decides it, I am calling you by your first name" Houjou decided

Nishikita tried to protest, but was shot down by how assertive she was, well compared to Takagi-san anyways.

The two walked to a nearby bus stop, Nishikita offered to pay for their tickets, Sanea agreed and the two rode together to Sanea's part of the neighborhood. Along the way, Sanea had the bright idea to try some jokes on Nishikita

"So Nishikita, where do you find a dog with no legs?" Sanea questioned mysteriously

"What kind of a joke is that!?" Nishikita freaked out from the sudden question

Sanea nudged him lightly on the shoulder

"Cmon, just play along!" Sanea begged, a small shine in her eye

"Ok fine, what then Sanea-san?" Nishikita forced himself

"Right where you left it!" Sanea excitedly revealed, expecting a large reaction from Nishikita, only for their silence to continue

"Wha? That does't even make sense? How is that a joke!?" Nishikita confusedly tried to explain to himself about it, yet the more he tried, the less sense it made

Sanea laughed at his effort to try to make sense of everything. That was a thing she liked about him. The two exited from their bus, waving the bus driver goodbye, with a dusk dawn to their backs. They walked together to Sanea's house

"You really sure that you have to walk me back to my house?" Sanea questioned the black haired boy. Nishikita only blushed before smiling to her.

"It's the least I can do" Nishikita played it off like it was nothing, like he usually does

Sanea's POV

I wonder what's more potent, 1000 drops of poison, or 1 drop dense as all those 1000 drops. You would think the one drop would be the most potent but I would like to document a point where this might not be the case

Enter a black haired boy named Nishikita, he might not seem like much. But he's surprisingly a kind and thoughtful person. He does't show off and do major acts of generosity at a time to show how nice he is. Instead, he does these little acts of kindness, and play them off as little things. And this happens, A LOT. I can't fully count all the little instances where this had happened. That many times, it's really impressive. How someone as clueless as him, can be that kind and not really care.

Now I am not really a scientific person but, there really should be name for this kind of the phenomena. Maybe something like "The Nishikita Effect" or something similar to that. But you could probably remember sometime in your life when this "Nishikita effect" was in play. Speaking of which, the two of us were walking home when Nishikita all the sudden stopped me and watched. Suddently, in the tall grass, a small dog jumped out! It landed right next to Nishikita and excitedly licked his ankles

"Do you know him?" I asked him, he seemed to know this dog, seeing how friendly they were being to each other.

"No it's my first time seeing this dog" Nishikita answered, before letting the little dog run off

"Mmm it ran away" I mumbled before continuing my pace down the road

"Do you like dogs?" Nishikita swept his pants as he continued his escort of me

"I don't mind them, though I prefer cats, how about you?" I looked at my phone, it was getting late, we should probably speed walk a little

"I like them both equally" Nishikita truthfully stated

We soon made it to my house, I turned around

"Thank you again for walking me back home" I thanked him for the third time, Nishikita nodded in agreement and started to turn around to leave when I asked him another question

"Hey have you done something like this Takagi-san before?" I was getting bold, but this knowledge could greatly benefit me if he answered

"n-No I haven't yet with her!....Ok bye!" Nishikita quickly ushered off, I blinked at his sudden departure I closed my house door and sat down on the couch, thinking about what he said

"(I haven't yet)" I mumbled, this was really good! It made me feel little bad to feel good at such a statement but it did. I liked Nishikita, I think so anyways, But it's clear Takagi-san also likes him, or at least harbors some feelings for him. So how do I gain a lead? I thought to all the intel I had gathered over the last month. About how Takagi-san and him went swimsuit shopping, but Nishikita haven't walked her home properly yet? What is up with this weird progression? It wasn't normal for sure. The two walked home together quite often, with Takagi-san asking him 8 of the times I have seen, Nishikita only asked her once.

I quickly had a short realisation, Takagi-san had been leading most of these progressions, but only for things she's ready for! I would't let someone go swimsuit shopping with me until I was comfortable with the idea of that! So Takagi-san was comfortable with them swimsuit shopping but have't asked him to walk her home yet! I outpaced her in that regard! Yes that's how I beat her, by outpacing her at certain milestones. Then Nishikita will be mine. I smiled at the thought of Nishikita being my boyfriend, it was a heart warming feeling, I hope this feeling would soon be real

"I need to make some tea" I reminded myself, and I should probably get the rice cooker started