
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Hallo? When?

"Hallo? when geht der?" Nishikita talked to Takagi

"Hallo? What are you trying to say? Takagi wondered and asked

"eh Hallo wen geht der?" Nishikita repeated, trying to pronounce the words correctly

"Are you saying that it is about to be Halloween soon?" Takagi teased

"No! Stupid Takagi!" Nishikita mumbled to himself before explaining

"No I was trying to say "Hello, how are you?" in german! I thought I had the pronunciation down!"

Takagi broke down in laughter at Nishikita's reasoning

"Oh wow I thought you would find an easy language like French or English?" Takagi made fun of Nishikita

"Well I was on TV when there was this german TV show! They sounded so funny that I thought I should learn some! Plus I thought it would be cool because everybody here tries to learn French or English!" Nishikita flusteredly tried to defend himself

"Hahaha well good for you~ I bet that would be useful once we go to Germany" She wondered quietly

"Germany!?...We!?...."Nishikita cheek turned the color of an apple

"Well are you excited for Halloween? I heard that this year, we are going to dress up during Halloween!" Takagi excitedly twirled around in celebration

"Well you do seem excited" Nishikita admitted to himself before Takagi tapped his shoulder

"I used to love Halloween when I was little. Now I will have Halloween and you!" She happily whispered into Nishikita's ear

Nishikita blushed from Takagi's sudden words.

"Well we should have contest then! Whoever has the coolest costume wins!" Nishikita threw out a short piece of paper

"What's this?" Takagi looked at the piece of paper, wondering what Nishikita could had come up with.

"I made a short list of attributes to rank our outfits" Nishikita started

Takagi questionably read the paper

Costume attributes

Coolness 1-10:

Scary-ness 1-10:

Original-ness 1-10:

"There is not a lot of attributes" Takagi noticed, Nishikita just smiled at her

"Is that a problem?" He asked, crossing his hand

"(She can't know that I picked those three categories because those are my best attributes in my costume! Right?)" Nishikita shook himself out of worry

"Well there should be more attributes, so that we can better grade the costumes don't you think?" Takagi kgrabbed Nishikita's paper and scribbled on it


Costume attributes

Coolness 1-10:

Scary-ness 1-10:

Original-ness 1-10

What your opponent rates 1-20~:

"What your opponent thinks? Why?" Nishikita questioned

"Well because it would't be fair if only you ranked your own costume" Takagi countered

"Fine" Nishikia reluctantly agreed

"(she has a point)"

"Kay I will see you tomorrow! I wonder what kind of costume that you have in mind?" Takagi teasingly smiled before leaving the classroom

Nishikita stared at the classroom door in thought

"Just you wait Takagi-san! I will show you greatness!" Nishikita smugly yelled, having full confidence to himself

Nishikita walked back home as, the walk back home felt significantly shorter than usual

Nishikita arrived at his closet, quickly pulling out a cape

"Wait until Takagi-san sees this!" He announced to himself

Day of Halloween

"Hey Hamaguichi! Look at my costume!" Takao was in a dark wizard outfit, like he wore in the culture festival play.

"Wow you are still wearing that? Isn't that the costume from the play?" Hamaguichi questioned

"Yeah well I wanted to keep it so I asked Mina and Yukari and they agreed to let me have it" Takao proudly explained

"Wow what a kid" Houjou interjected. She was dressed in a small nurse uniform which made Hamaguichi's eyes pop out of their sockets

"Wow Houjou that costume... I didn't expect you to wear something like that..." He directed his gaze away from her

"Hey it's mature remember? Is there something wrong with it?" Houjou fondly concerned to Hamaguichi

"No... I didn't think it would have this much sex appeal... FORGET I said th-!"

"Shut up! Go die Hamaguichi!" Houjou stormed away in embarrassment

"No wait Houjou! I didn't mean it! I swear!" Hamaguichi watched in defeat as Houjou ran off

"Wow I can't believe you would say something like that" Kimura tapped Hamaguichi's cladded shoulder pads

Kimura was dressed up as a ham, for fairly obvious reasons. Hamaguichi was dressed up a medieval european knight, it was a miracle he could see from that thick helmet that he wore with pride.

"I thought that Houjou would be a princess so I thought I would dress up as a knight, I guess I was mistaken. I wished I could be like Nishikita and Takagi at the climax of the culture festival play" Hamaguichi frowned in despair

Kimura laughed a little before grabbing his friend's shoulder, the school was decorated with a halloween style. Cobwebs laid around the school, pumpkins were decorated around the school. The hall had a beautiful purple carpet draped on the floor

Nishikita confidently walked over the carpet before entering the classroom. His magnificent cape made everybody turn their attention to him


Nishikita was dressed up as a vampire, and a cool one at that! He had a slick haircut, a massive cape, fake fangs, and a massively inflated ego.

He took two steps forward before tripping on his cape and instantly falling over. Tumbling over himself, landing head first into the ground...

"(Ouch...that hurt)"

"Hahaha.... Nishikita are you ok?" Takagi offered her hand

"y-Yeah I am fine Takagi-san!" Nishikita shot up and straightened himself out

"So what do you think of my costume?" She had a cute and adorable witch outfit on. Her hat had influences of orange and black though out it. It was suprinsinly comfortable and light Nishikita observed.

"g-Good I guess" He wiped his nose in grimace

"You look cool as well" Takagi smiled as she handed him the grade sheet

Nishikita took it and then took a look at Takagi, and proceedly to stop looking at all in her general direction

"Gah She looks Sooooo cute! I want to hug her and to keep on hugging on her! She looks so adorable! She's like a stuffed animal! She's kinda like Kyunko in that scene from the movie! Ah I can't lose control! Stay calm and I will defeat her..." Nishikita steadied himself before looking again Takagi

"Ahhhh I can't do it! She is too cute! I want to kis- her! No I don't! I refuse to let her win this! First it was with your SWIMSUIT, now it's your adorable WITCH outfit! I WILL beat you Takagi-san!" He grabbed his grading sheet and proceeded to start grading his costume

"Remeber, be honest~" Takagi grinned at him, full knowing what he was about to do

"Ah yeah sure Takagi-san!" Nishikita stuttered before scribbling a ten from his paper and putting an 8 next to "scary-ness"

"Are you finished Nishikita?" Takagi questioned

"Almost... I just have to finish orignal-nes-"

"Hey Nishikita! You look so cool in that outfit" Sanea in a maid outfit interrupted the two

"Oh you really think so?" Nishikita responded with hope and joy, eating up what Sanea was throwing down

"You look cool as well, I didn't think you would wear a maid outfit to school wait you are wearing a maid outfiT!?" Nishikita freaked out due to his very recent realization.

"Oh I guess... I was feeling a little bold today" Sanea happily admitted

"Woah it's not even the culture festival yet! Wow Sanea-san!" Nakai added

Soon a small crowd surrounded Sanea, allowing Nakai to talk to Nishikita

"How's going?" Nakai started

"Good, what about you?"

"Well me and Mano got into fight so I am kinda avoiding her" Nakai sheepishly comfirmed

"Well I like your outfit Nakai" Nishikita complemented the boy, who was dressed in green. Nakai costume was a leprechaun outfit. Nakai thanked him for the complement

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you and Mano fight over?" Nishikita carefully asked. He wanted some relationship advice unconsciously but he distracted him with the thought "I just wish Nakai was fine" Nakai put his hand on the back of his neck

"Eh I don't want to talk about it with Takagi here" Nakai looked at the brown haired girl who was dressed like a witch

"You look nice Takagi-san" Nakai smiled at Takagi

"Thank you" She looked at Nakai who sat up and left the two by themselves

"So, are ready to switch papers to grade?" Takagi offered her grading sheet

"Yes I am ready!" Nishikita grabbed the piece of paper and scanned at it

"She gave herself pretty good scores, not that I can dispute them" He looked down to grade Takagi's outfit when he stopped himself


"What's the hold up~?" Takagi teased, potentially knowing what was going up in his mind

"Nothing!" Nishikita looked back again at Takagi's grading worksheet. He was about to mark it when Takagi spoke up

"Remember, be honest~" She reminded him again

Nishikita looked at the grade sheet, for one last time before scribbling the number "20" on the piece of the paper

"Are you done with your grading?" Nishikita asked a blushing Takagi

"y....Yeah!" Takagi replied before handing him his grading sheet

"Why do you look sick? Is your costume overheating? It looks pretty light to me" Nishikita densely questioned, not realizing how dense he was being

"No it's nothing!" Takagi smiled before looking at her paper, she suddenly dropped it though upon reading Nishikita's score that he had given her

There was a short silence before Nishikita spoke up

"You wanted us to be honest so..." He embarrassingly hid hands behind his back, lightly blushing

Takagi smiled before saying

"Well thanks so much for being honest" Nishikita's blush deepened in response before he looked at his grading sheet

"Hm, 15? That's a pretty good score" Nishikita happily accepted his score before Takagi explained

"You would have gotten a 20 if you didn't trip on the cape~ That is poor design on the cape's designer" Takagi laughed

"y-You saw that!? Darn you Takagi-san!"

"What's your score Nishikita?"

"I have a total score of 40, what about you?"

"I have 41 points! So I win~" Takagi put her hands out in celebration

"What!? I lost by one point!?" Nishikita sunk down to his knees in total defeat

"If you weren't so honest, you would had won~" Takagi happily skipped away from the defeated vampire

Nishikita looked at the victorious witch in shame

"Stupid Takagi-san!" He mumbled

A bit of time later

"So you want to really know why me and Mano got into a fight?" Nakai looked at the vampire dressed boy who nodded, before starting his story

"Well you know how I said that I liked girls like Takagi-san? Well back in the beginning of our first year, I actually liked her." Nakai revealed, gauging Nishikita's reaction

Nishikita's heart stopped, before he opened his mouth. "Wait you liked her!? Was that why you asked me if I was dating Takagi-san in the bathroom? Before I made the funny face!?"

Nakai slowly nodded before explaining defensively

"Calm down! I don't like Takagi-san romantically anymore! I just think she's attractive. But Mano does't seem to see it that way!" Nakai explained to Nishikita

"Well you two should probably explain yourselves and fix the confusion" Nishikita pointed out

Nakai looked at Nishikita as if he slapped him