
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

The Battlefield of Love

"Hey wanna hang out Takagi?" Houjou asked with pleasant air surrounding the two

"Sure, but I have to walk home with Nishikita first" Takagi replied, Houjou blushed from Takagi's kind gesture

"Wow you rather hang out with your boyfriend than hang out with me?" Houjou teased, Takagi smiled in response

"Who knows" Takagi mysteriously replied

Mano jumped in behind Takagi, "count me as well!" She announced with pride

Houjou and Takagi looked at each other before warmly agreeing to her request

As the three started to disperse, a pair of students walked in front of the three

"Nishikita and Sanea!?" Houjou blurted out in confusion

Mano and Takagi looked at her with a certain look

"So when did the two started hanging out?" Houjou questioned, her two friends shook their heads in a loss of answers

"Well we should get going, Be ready to meet up at the boulevard near my house, though there is a chance that Nishikita might decline my request for a walk, so wait in front of the school until you see me and Nishikita walk out" Takagi concluded

"Ok, see you there at the battlefield!" Houjou joked as she and Mano left Takagi to herself

Takagi smiled as the two gained more distance. She look at the clock on the wall, crossing her fingers, she walked into her classroom.

Time passed, slowly, Takagi got more anxious the more the day seemed to drag on. Finally, final period ended and she quickly got up from her seat.

She scanned the room for Nishikita, spotting him getting up from his seat. She happily skipped over to him, nearly reaching him before a blonde girl got in front of her. Sanea. She and Nishikita exchanged some words, before getting up together and leaving the class. Takagi looked at the exit door in mild shock.

"(He....just left me)" Takagi mumbled, before slowly walking out of the classroom

He and Sanea left the school and made a turn

"So, what did you make me leave school for? I was supposed to walk home with Takagi-san today" Nishikita perplexedly questioned the young girl

"Well today I wanted to go a cafe? Would that be fine?" Sanea explained

"Oh that fine, we can go for a hour" Nishikita agreed and the two began their journey to the cafe

"What kind of drink do you like more Nishikita? Tea or Coffee?" Sanea openly asked

"I like tea more I guess... Coffee is too difficult to drink" Nishikita truthfully answered

"I guess I'll get us tea then" Sanea smiled before opening the door to the cafe

The two entered the cafe, adjusting to the cool air conditining

"So what kind of tea are you feeling Nishikita?" Sanea asked the dense boy

"Eh something sweet, like an raspberry tea" Nishikita replied to the blonde girl

She punched in the two orders and found a seat for the two

"Eh I wonder wha-" Sanea started before getting interupted by three girls entering the Cafe

"I am so excited for this Takagi-san!" Mano cheered her hands up in exitcement

"Really?" Takagi replied, Nishikita widened his eyes at the three. Takagi noticed the pair first before Mano and Houjou caught on

"Oh hey Nishikita" Takagi greeted

"h-Hey Takagi-san" Nishikita mumbled back

"Wow Nishikita and Sanea? What are you two doing here in this cafe?" Houjou played dumb

Sanea looked at the three before looking at Nishikita

"Let's go Nishikita" Sanea started, grabbing Nishikita's hand and leading him out of the cafe

"Wait wait Sanea! My raspberry tea is not done yet!" Nishikita panicked before suddently Takagi grabbed his hand

"Hey wait you two, we should play a game" Takagi proposed, Nishikita looked at her and blushes, her hands felt to soft to him

"A game? Sure!" Sanea turned around, facing the three girls

"Ok so I have order over 12 cups of black coffee, whoever drinks the most wins!" Mano declared

"It was Takagi-san's idea" Houjou added, Takagi only smiled at her friends praise

"Sure I'll play but what are the stakes?"

"How about who ever wins gets to take Nishikita out of this cafe?" Takagi dared

"Wha...!?" Nishikita's face was priceless

"Ok sure, let's do this!" Sanea agreed

"Wha...whya-...what!?" Nishikita stuttered, in complete and utter shock fron what was happening

"(Takagi is fighting for me? She and Sanea are locked in a total battle, just for me!?)" Nishikita's mind was blown

"Ok girls, I have all of the cups now" Mano distributed the two young girls a cup of BLACK coffee

"Most cups gone wins!" Mano started before the conpetition started

Very quickly Sanea started to chug down the black coffee, making soft cries of displeasure

She finished one and grabbed another cup, Takagi meanwhile just watched as her opponent struggled to down her second cup. She closed her eyes, sighed, and then got to work. By opening a packet of creamers into her cup!

"What!?" Nishikita exclaimed in shock

Takagi then took her cup, and downed it in a single swig, she then took another cup, and poured more creamer into it

"That's against the rules!" Sanea spat out, heavily breathing from finishing her second cup

"No it's not I don't think, I only said to drink the black coffee, not anything else" Takagi smiled at Sanea in complete victory as she downed her second cup, then to rub salt on the would, she grabbed the third cup. And downed it without any creamers

"I would have won anyways, I like black coffee" Takagi admitted before Sanea looked at her in complete defeat

"Wow I lost to you Takagi-san, but this is only the start! You might have won this battle, but I will win the war!" Sanea proudly declared, Takagi simply nodded before turning to Nishikita

"So Nishikita, since I won, I get to decide what happens to you. So I will leave you two option. Do you want to walk home with me? Or stay with Sanea-san?" Takagi questioned

"What!? I have to pick between you two!? That's not fair!" Nishikita stuttered before switching his eyes between the two girls

"(If I choose Sanea, she would be happy but I would rather hang out with Takagi-san! But if I pick Takagi-san, I would make Sanea unhappy!)" Nishikita reviewed his options again

"So who do you choose?" Takagi teased as she got closer to him, Nishikita blushed deeper in response

"Please pick me Nishikita..." Sanea blushed lightly, begging for Nishikita to pick her

Nishikita looked at the two girls, before deciding

"I'll go with No one" Nishikita embarrassedly admitted

"What?" Mano and Houjou exclaimed

Nishikita then quickly dashed his way out of the cafe, leaving the 4 girls confused in his wake

"Nishikita didn't even take his raspberry tea" Sanea mumbled to herself before sitting up, dusting off her thighs

Takagi looked at herself and then Sanea, softly smiling to herself, she collected her friends and happily left the cafe

Sanea looked at the cups of coffee left in pan,

"Ah that coffee really stings" She stuck her tongue out in bitterness

"You win this time Takagi-san" Sanea admited to herself, looking at the setting sun in the distance