
Affection system: A vampire’s adventure in ancient china

Robert , a regular guy that has been suffering from a disease that is affecting his blood, somehow gets transported into a fantasy eastern world and unlocks the "Affection system". There, he gradually adjusts to becoming a vampire and learns to exploit the system he somehow ended up with. He will be rewarded him with Affection points and Lust points based on his interactions with the women around him. If you like the following, then this novel is for you: +Video-game like systems +Lewds +Cultivation novels! +Weak to strong MC +Mix of serious and comedy scenes with a diverse cast of cute waifus and funny side kicks + Smug young masters getting their asses kicked + A bird's eye view on a somewhat realistic version of Ancient china where cultivation and magic exist.

Robert_Tene_5577 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Humble Beginings


[Congratulations! You have been selected by the Affection system~]

'Huh? Am I tripping or something? What the hell is this…'

It was not only the screen in front of my eyes, but also a sweet melodious voice of a woman that seemed to repeat what I just saw.

"Hm? You okay there Rob?" I heard Alex say on my right.

"Huh? Oh uh.. yeah sure. I think I've been smoking too much weed these days man.. I think I'm gonna head home, see ya!"

I quickly gathered my laptop and my bag and hurriedly took the elevator to exit the office building.

My heart was racing and it felt like it would rip out of my chest any time now.

The walls of the elevator felt so suffocating, I was starting to get nauseous.

'Fuck.. I swear I'm not smoking that stuff again. I think I'm going to have a panic attack…'

It had to be the weed I smoked last night. There was no other explanation.

But…why now? This never happened before.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself by using a deep breathing technique.

*Puff* I exhaled and opened my eyes again.

[Congratulations! You have been selected by the Love system~]

[Would you like to accept?]

[Yes please!] [No thanks, I like my life as it is.]

There it was…

There it was again…

'Fuck..' I muttered

It was like those systems in some trashy isekai novels. Except… it was actually happening. In real life.

I stared at the screen for a while and pressed the Yes button.

[Are you sure? Please note that this decision is irreversible!]

[Yes, just do it already!] [No, this is too weird for me]

'What could go wrong?' I thought as I tapped the yes button again.

Right at that instance, the elevator doors opened.

The bright light coming from the opening of the elevator momentarily dazed me, causing me to unconsciously close my eyes and put a hand over them.

As soon as I opened them, what I saw left me speechless…


The sun was now setting and it's pale orange rays would soon dissapear from the horizon.

Except, this time, the sun wasn't setting over an urban modern city, but what looked like an ancient eastern city.

There were big pagodas going up towards the sky, and buildings of all sizes.

This specific section of the city seemed to have red lampions lit up all over the streets, indicating that it was the red-lights district of the town.

Then, on a narrow alley beside the bustling main street, a flashing light appeared….


The elevator doors opened and a young looking man with a babyface came out.

'Huh? Where am I?' I thought to myself as I exited the elevator.

I looked around and realized I was currently on a narrow alleyway in what looked to be some sort of ancient chinese looking town.

'Ugh.. what's up with this headache?' I thought as I was looking at the sun setting in the distance of the city.

My eyes seemed to have start hurting and I could feel a slight migraine developing.

Before I could collect my thoughts, a mechanical sound woke me up from my daze.


[The affection system is now active.]


[Congratulations! You have been transmigrated to Ancient Qin.]

[As the host of the Affection system, you are able to absorb a girl's affection and love in the form of energy. You will be able to use the affection points collected in order to strengthen your attributes or in the special shop]

[Your existence is unique in this world, and no other beings with your bloodline have been detected.]

[Congratulations! Due to your affinity with the night, the hidden side of the Affection system has been unlocked!]

{You may now absorb lust energy from women during night ~ }

After a series of confusing notifications, a big status screen appeared.



Name: Robert Nox

Level: 1

Race: Halfling

[As a potential vampire, you possess part of the race's affinity towards the night and blood.

Absorb enough blood and develop your body so that your mortal body may sustain your fated bloodline]

Trait: Nocturnal


Strength: 3

Agility: 4

Stamina: 4

Intelligence: 19

Charm: 3

Affection points: 0

Lust points: 0

Energy : 10/10



Bloodthirsty (Passive):

[Your need and hunger for human blood is even more important than that of water. The hunger for blood increases gradually in time. Whenever you feed yourself, gain 10%-100% bonus attributes for 30 minutes depending on the quality of your meal]


[Your attribute points are halved in the presence of sunlight and your perception will be slightly reduced.]

Moon Lover (Passive):

[During night, your attribute points are doubled and your perception is increased.

You will be able to see even in total darkness ]

Rob looked at the mountain of notifications in front of him.

'Holy shit! I've really been reading too many web novels lately!' I stared at the screen in front of me, not able to believe what was happening.

'This must be some kind of fucked up fantasy or mine or something…. There's no way… no way this is real…r-right?' I chuckled wryly.

As the notifications dissapeared, I looked around me once more.

Indeed, this looked like some kind of city from ancient China or Japan.

I looked back, expecting to find the elevator doors behind, but instead found a normal looking eastern sliding door leading inside a building.

'Great… and now I'm stuck here….' I said to myself while looking incredulously at the door.


[Quest received: Humble beginings]

[As the host of the affection system, you should familiarize yourself with the essentials.]

[ Grope a girl's breasts: 0/1]

[ Reward: Mesmerizing touch + 100 Lust points]

[Mesmerizing touch (Active): By touching your target, capture her full attention of for 30 second and double your Charm stat for that duration

Cost: 10 Energy Units]

'This world really wants me to turn into a pervert, huh?' I sighed as I looked at the screen.

No use thinking about all the details. I'll just wing it, I guess.

I looked towards the normal looking door that had replaced the elevator, and proceeded to open it.

Once inside, it seemed to be some sort of shop. It had several vials of what seemed like potions and..

' Are those….dildoes? '

"Fufu~ Welcome to the forbidden paradise, young one!"

An amused woman with a sizeable bust spoke in an amused tone as she eyes me from top to bottom.

My eyes widened at the realization.

"This is a sex shop isn't it?" I unconsciously blurted out.